Mediation ・ Settlement of all kinds of problems ! If you are suffering from financial problems, divorce or gender issues, please do not worry alone, contact us first. You will find a way out. We also prepare documents for marriage and legal separation. We handle all kinds of money problems, such as financial problems with hospitals, doctors, lawyers, etc., repayment of apartment deposits, house and car repairs, loan and borrowing problems between friends, division of property and child support in divorce, etc. We also handle all kinds of money problems. If you are facing any financial problems, please call us first. Rocky Mori, our Japanese-speaking attorney, is an expert mediator with over 15 years of courtroom experience in the Small Claims Court and is a California State Certified Mediator ( and Mediator ).

If you are facing money problems or divorce ・ or gender issues, please call us first. Rocky Mori, a California certified Japanese mediator ( Mediator ), is an expert who has been mediating civil matters in Small Claims Court for more than 15 years. ( Free Phone Consultations )

If you are having financial problems such as debt or debt repayment, don't give up.
We offer mediation solutions for all kinds of financial problems such as credit card debt reduction, withdrawal of repayment lawsuits, divorce, and gender problems without having to go to court.

We handle all kinds of money problems, such as financial problems with hospitals, doctors, lawyers, etc., repayment of deposits for apartments, repairs to houses and cars, payment problems for loans and debts between friends, and division of property and child support in divorce cases.

If you are facing any financial problems, please call us first. Rocky Mori, our Japanese-speaking attorney, is an expert in civil mediation in the Small Claims Court for more than 15 years, and is a California State Certified Mediator ( Mediator ).

Kyowa Community Mediation Services

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