Are your rights properly protected? If you have been in an accident, please contact us immediately. We help victims of traffic accidents and injury accidents to protect their rights and compensate for their losses without being intimidated by language or status barriers. Traffic Accidents & Injury Accident Experts provide free advice on handling accidents. If necessary, a team of specialized attorneys will handle the various procedures on your behalf, negotiate with the other party's insurance company, attorneys, etc., and appear in court.

If you have been the victim of an accident, call California Car Accident & Injury Accident Free Consultation Center immediately.
Our center helps victims of car accidents and injury accidents protect their rights and compensate for their losses without fear of language or status barriers.

Free 24-hour consultation
Toll Free TEL : 800-840-0029

Car Accidents
Hit or collision while driving or stopped ・ Rear-end collision

Bicycle Accident
hit by car while riding bicycle, collision ・ rear-ended

passenger accident
hit by car while passenger in car, collision ・ rear-ended
accident while walking
<2066> Accident while walking, hit by car, motorcycle or bicycle

Motorcycle accident
Hit by car while riding motorcycle, collision ・ Rear-end collision

Airplane accident
Airplane Accidents while piloting a plane, and problems related to plane accidents while on board

Falling down accidents
Falling down accidents due to inadequate commercial facilities such as shopping centers and restaurants

Wrongful death
Death due to wrongful reasons such as medical malpractice or violence Accidents


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