- [注册人]City of Hermosa Beach
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/05/31
- 发布日 : 2024/05/31
- 更改日期 : 2024/05/31
- 总浏览次数 : 139 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 牙医也会参加,牙龈・种植专家也会参加。技艺高超的牙科医生为您提供精心治疗。我们的...
治疗 : 种植体、种植体并发症、牙冠和牙桥、上颌窦提升/骨移植、美容治疗、假牙、牙周治疗、根管治疗。接受各种保险。请随时用日语与我们联系。
+1 (310) 320-5661Implant and Peridontal Institute of Torrance
- 位于南湾的日本幼儿园。安全的环境 充足的场地。幼儿在这里能得到充分的关爱和同情。...
请随时与我们联系。 我们是一家温馨的托儿所,位于南湾加迪纳和托伦斯交界处。我们拥有一支高素质的教师队伍,提供从新生儿到放学后的托儿服务,并对每个孩子给予个别关注。 在社会各界的支持下,筑师幼儿园得到了长足的发展 !。
+1 (424) 254-9664つくし園
- 考虑购买雷克萨斯?立即联系 Sachi ! Sachi 在南湾雷克萨斯担任日语销...
如果您想购买雷克萨斯,请先联系 Sachi ! Sachi 是您的一站式商店,满足您对雷克萨斯的所有需求,从新车、二手车到租赁和贷款。 Sachi 在南湾雷克萨斯担任日语销售代表近 15 年,是雷克萨斯车迷的最爱。Sachi 在新车、二手车、租赁和贷款方面经验丰富,可以用日语为您处理一切事务。最重要的是,我们还负责售后服务,让所有客户都像家人或朋友一样。
+1 (310) 940-4694South Bay Lexus
- 纪伊国屋是日本最大的连锁书店之一,在全球拥有 80 多家分店和 35 个销售办事...
1969 年,公司在旧金山开设了第一家海外商店。如今,该公司在纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、芝加哥、西雅图、波特兰和达拉斯等主要城市共开设了 11 家商店。每家店不仅提供日语书籍和杂志,还主要经营文具和日用百货。本着 "介绍优秀日本文化 "和 "为当地社区做出文化贡献 "的宗旨,该公司还参加了在北美各地举办的会议,组织店内活动,并开设了销售办事处,为学术机构提供服务。
+1 (213) 687-4480紀伊國屋書店 ロサンゼルス店
- ?我们采用最新的非手术温和疗法治疗各种疼痛。拥有日本和美国医疗执照的日本医生将用...
疼痛治疗从准确诊断开始。 持有日本和美国医疗执照的日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查・并进行治疗。 如果您正在遭受身体疼痛的折磨,请随时咨询我们。 * 腰痛 * 下肢痛 * 臀痛 * 尾骨痛 * 颈痛 * 鞭痛 * 脸痛 * 胸壁痛 * 肋骨痛 * 关节痛 ( 膝关节髋、肩、肘、手 ) * 肌肉疼痛 * 神经疼痛 * 带状疱疹疼痛 * 头痛 * 偏头痛 * 脊椎断裂 ...
(310) 954-9583有田治生 / Haruo Arita MD (整形・ペインクリニック)
- 自己思考、自己决定、自己行动 "是我们的教育目标。学生可以选择人数有限的面授班(...
一位拥有 18 年海外儿童教育机构校长经验的魅力数学教师,开设了一间让孩子们放心的教室。 我们采用独特的 "螺旋式学习法",并与日本专门的海外儿童教育机构合作,迄今为止,我们在早稻田庆应高中入学考试中取得了 100% 的通过率。 我们掌握着大量有关接收归国留学生的学校的信息,对高等教育方面的建议绝对有信心。 补充学校制定了每月 "德育目标",不仅加强学习指导,还加强生活指导,使学生成长为受...
+1 (949) 932-0858ひのき補習校・学習塾Hinoki
- 我们在这里帮助您节食💦 🤗FIT BODY 不是一次性的节食,而是真正的节食和身...
Diet Pro FIT BODY 私人健身教练提供个性化支持,帮助您在最短时间内实现理想身材 ! < 减肥 ・ 燃烧脂肪 > 减去大腿和腰部等下半身脂肪 中年肥胖 < 缺乏运动 ・ 健康管理 > 内脏脂肪、甘油三酯、血糖等健康指标恶化 肩部僵硬、肩痛、背痛等症状减轻 << 塑造理想身材 > 适合产后体重增加且难以恢复体重的人 塑造美腿和美臀 < 提高运动成绩 > 提高...
+1 (310) 803-0155FIT BODY
- ★ 营销 ・ 促销 ・ 创业 ( 国际扩张/创业 ) ・ 销售支持 ★
< 亲爱的企业主和高管们 > 共享(而非拥有)的时代。 我们生活在一个东西卖得不如以前好的时代。 这不是 "贱卖",也不是 "好卖"。 随着购买方式的急剧变化,消费者的口味和需求也在不断多样化,这凸显了销售方面跟不上速度的动荡。 在这个跨界发展的世界里,你要保护什么 ? "如果销售额上升......" 与其拥有一个 "卖不出去的销售部门",不如降低成本,根据需要? 使用你的...
+1 (424) 392-3397ゼロハチロック
- 租赁、销售 ( 新车和二手车 ) 任何地方都有的无与伦比的价格 ! 您在授权经销...
我们是购买豪华和奢侈汽车 ! ! 的最佳场所,可提供贷款和分期付款。我们希望从不同的规格情况、年份、车型和价格中找到您想要的汽车,为您提供买得满意、开得放心的二手车。这是西部汽车公司的政策。 最近,在日本租赁汽车的人越来越多。那么,什么是租赁呢? ? 租赁是一种预先设定合同期后的购车价格,并在合同期内支付差价的制度。设定的金额通常高于换车时的价格,而每月的付款额则要低得多。客户可以选择最适合自...
+1 (213) 923-6558Western Motors
- 工作机会 ・ 求职者是 Tricom Quest - 专业招聘机构
我们的双语顾问致力于了解您的职业目标,为您提供正确的建议和支持,帮助您实现目标 。 从协助撰写简历,到与公司进行个别咨询 ・ 了解双方 、 职位介绍和面试准备会议,以及就业后的跟踪服务 。。
+1 (310) 715-3400TriCom Quest
- 用日语联系。
我们可以帮助你建立你家庭的未来财富。 知识渊博、彬彬有礼、值得信赖的代表将帮助你选择合适的产品,以满足你的生活方式和个人需求。当然,你的保单可以在你返回日本后继续使用。
- 拥有 14 年经验的南湾美容护肤专家。提供全手面部按摩,解决您的皮肤问题。即使您...
我在南湾为顾客解决皮肤问题已有 14 年。我处理过各种各样的皮肤和问题。他们中的许多人来到我们这里,是因为他们觉得自我保健已经达到了极限。如果您有皮肤问题,不妨试试我们多年经验总结出的独特的全手面部按摩 ? 更美丽,更年轻。
+1 (310) 406-4497Cup of Spa
- 欢迎捐献卵子。酬金 6000 美元以上 + 支付差旅费。帮助不孕不育夫妇。支付交...
★20-30岁的健康女性 ★ 交通费自理 *如果您没有车,请不要担心。 ★如果您从很远的地方(如其他州)报名,我们将支付您的机票、酒店和所有费用。 如果您住在洛杉矶附近,但更喜欢夏威夷,您可以参加在夏威夷举办的活动。我们将承担机票和酒店费用。无论是在洛杉矶还是在夏威夷,我们都与综合医院建立了联系,因此在紧急情况下,我们拥有完整的护理和后备系统。洛杉矶宝宝的优势在于我们可以随机应变。
+1 (310) 444-3087LA Baby Fertility Agency
- 任何想了解日语和日本的人都可以报名参加 ! 入门班、小学班、初中班和高中班。普通...
任何想学习日语和日本的人,不分种族和国籍,都可以在京东系统学校入学 ! 让我们一起快乐学习日语 ! 京东系统日本语学校成立于 1948 年,是美国最大的日语学校之一。美国最大的日语学校之一。 合作系统在洛杉矶及其周边地区有两所学校,在校学生总数超过 200 人。与日本语学校和辅助学校不同,该校以 "将日语作为第二语言进行教学 "为基本方针,面向希望了解日本和日语的任何种族或国籍的学生开放...
+1 (626) 469-0092Japanese Language School Unified System / 日本語学園 協同システム
- 在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦...
在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦面 ・ 乌龙面 ・ 冰镇chuka面 ・ 冲绳荞麦面 ・ 长崎chanpon面和许多其他产品 ♪ "排列组合食谱 "也有,无尽的美味取决于你的想法!。
+1 (909) 464-1411Myojo USA, INC.
May 31, 2024 | News from the City of Hermosa Beach
"At its May 28th meeting, City Council recognized month of June 2024 as LGBTQI+ Pride Month and invited everyone to recognize the achievements of the LGBTQI+ Community, to celebrate our great diversity, and to reflect on ways we all can live and work together with a commitment to mutual respect and understanding. "
Here's The Latest
*Chief Paul LeBaron Receives Joseph T. Molloy Award *
On May 22nd, our very own Police Chief, Paul LeBaron, received the California Police Chiefs Association’s 2024 Joseph T. Molloy Award. The award, which represents the highest honor given by the Association, embodies the values of the late Chief Joe Molloy by officially recognizing one police chief each year for “exemplary professionalism, leadership, vigor, and unwavering dedication to the CPCA’s mission.”
Chief LeBaron has been instrumental in establishing the Hermosa Beach Police Department as a model for community, inclusivity, and innovative policing. This well-deserved award is yet another example of the Chief’s continued commitment to excellence and is a fitting tribute to his exceptional leadership. Congratulations Chief LeBaron and thank you for all you do for our community!
"Chief LeBaron with Pam Molloy and California Police Chiefs President Alexander K Gammelgard"
*Mobile Mental Health and Crisis Response Pilot Program*
This month the City announced a "soft launch” of the City’s Mobile Mental Health and Crisis Response Pilot Program. As residents may recall, the City worked with Representative Ted Lieu to secure $1 million in federal funding for the development of a Mobile Crisis Response Pilot Program. Since obtaining funding and contracting with the Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, City Manager’s Office and Police Department staff have been working on development and staffing of the pilot program.
We are now pleased to announce the soft launch of our Mobile Mental Health and Crisis Response Pilot Program team, which we have named “Hb Cares”. The Program, which is now in the midst of its clinician recruitment stage in today’s challenging hiring environment, will provide an alternate response model for mental health and behavior-related calls involving our unhoused neighbors. This soft launch is intended to begin testing our dispatch, engagement with other partner agencies, and proactive outreach to our unhoused residents who may need mental health services while we work to secure additional staffing.
Once fully staffed, the Program will engage and support a civilian team that will respond instead of police when calls involve non-emergency and non-medical situations tied to individuals experiencing homelessness. Although we are still in the very early stages of this Program, we are proud to get team members out in the field to begin providing services to those in need, and to provide critical relief to our first responders, who are often the ones responding to calls involving unhoused residents who have mental health issues.
*Teen Mental Health First Aid Training *
The Beach Cities Health District is providing an opportunity for local youth ages 15 to18 to train and become certified in teen Mental Health First Aid. This amazing program teaches teens how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges in their friends and peers. Participants must attend all three sessions to be certified. Sessions are held on Wednesdays, May 29th, June 5th and June 12th from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Training is currently free to attend and interested teens should visit the Beach Cities Health District website [ ], to register.
*Recycle Tennis Balls Update*
The City will officially partner for a second year with the nonprofit organization, RecycleBalls. RecycleBalls works with municipalities and tennis facilities across the country to recycle and reuse tennis balls that are past their prime. Since the beginning of this program in Hermosa Beach in April 2023, the City and RecycyleBalls have partnered to recycle over 5,200 old tennis balls, further supporting Hermosa’s ongoing Green initiatives and contributing to local sustainability.
*Read More News* [!/ ]
Get Involved
*Veterans Memorial Committee - Call for Veterans *
The Hermosa Beach Veterans Memorial Committee is searching for Veterans in the community to carry on the stewardship of the Veterans Memorial site. If you are a Post 9/11 Veteran, they would love for you to join them. A good opportunity to check them out is by attending one of their First-Saturday Clean-ups. A group of Veterans meet at 8:30 a.m. the first Saturday of the month to clean the Memorial and perform various tasks, such as flag exchange, minor landscaping, etc. If interested, visit the memorial site at a hosted cleaning day and/or contact the City of Hermosa Beach for more information at (310) 318-0280.
Enjoy Your City
City of Hermosa Beach Pier
*View All City and Community Events* [ ]
*2024 Hermosa Beach Fine Arts Festival*
Saturday, June 8th - 9th, 2024
Location: Hermosa Beach, California on the lawn of the Community Center
_About the Event:_ Fine Arts Festival there are over 100 juried artist booths with all mediums represented. There is also an outstanding student art exhibition, face painting and art activities for kids. Our grounds are located next to a great selection of Hermosa Beach shops and restaurants. This 2-day festival is a fun event for all. For more information and event times, visit their website [ ].
*Skate on the 8th: Hermosa Skatepark 25th Anniversary *
Saturday, June 8th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Location: Hermosa Skatepark at 710 Pier Ave.
_About the Event:_ Open skate, interactive activities, giveaways, DJ, refreshments, and more! For more information, please contact the Community Resources Department at (310) 318-0280.
*Hermosa Beach Pride *
Friday, June 14 to Sunday June 16, 2024
Location: Hermosa Beach
_About the Event:_ Girls, gays, theys, allies, ALL are welcome to join us for our 4th Annual Hermosa Beach PRIDE, June 14-16! For more information, please visit Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau’s website [ ].
*City Council Meeting Recordings*
For those who couldn't make it to this week’s City Council meetings, we've got you covered! Click the link below to access recorded videos:
May 28 [ ] - Regular Council Meeting
Live City Council meeting links, agendas, meeting minutes and archived videos are always available on the City's website [ ]. Stay informed about community events, local issues, and policy decisions being made in our community.
Upcoming City Meetings
*City Council Special Meeting (City Council Retreat) *
Saturday, June 1, 2024, 8:30 a.m. in the Local Collaborative
*City Council Special Meeting (FY 2024-25 Budget Study Session) *
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*City Council Meeting*
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*Hermosa Beach City School District Regular School Board Meeting *
Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*View All Meetings* [ ]
In Case You Missed It
"At its May 28th meeting, City Council recognized the Mambas for winning the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) ""Western States All Star Championship and the Legends for winning the AYSO Western States League Championship. We are all proud of our young girl athletes for displaying the dedication and teamwork necessary to become Champions. Congratulations!"
kids 2
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City of Hermosa Beach
1315 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
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