Select [Work / Career]

1. Please advise. 1k view 21 res Work / Career 2025/02/06 22:17
Nice to meet you
I am an auto mechanic specializing in American cars in Japan for 26 years.
I would like to work as an auto mechanic in the U.S. in the near future.
I cannot give up my ...
2. To be independent,, 11k view 47 res Work / Career 2024/08/21 12:21
I am recently divorced and need to be independent, but will it be difficult to start my own business from freelancing with my English still at a beginner level and no education or business skills? I h...
3. How to find an Opt 780 view 0 res Work / Career 2024/08/02 20:56
How do I find an Opt ? and how far in advance should I look for one ??
4. Labor Laws 1k view 16 res Work / Career 2024/07/17 08:49
I work in a restaurant.
I would appreciate it if you could give me some definitions about 10 minute breaks and 30 minute breaks !

because I have never been allowed to take a break at th...
5. Traveling on a J1 visa for people in their 30s 13k view 14 res Work / Career 2023/10/26 17:11
I am a man in my early 30s currently working in Japan.
I have always wanted to work in the U.S. and am considering taking a trainee job on a J1 visa to gain experience.

This program is ...
6. I don't get offer letters. 2k view 7 res Work / Career 2023/04/19 07:30
I am going to work in the US for the first time.
I'm part time, but
I asked the company if I could get an offer letter, and
they told me that we have never sent such a letter.
Is i...
7. byte 5k view 6 res Work / Career 2023/03/26 07:30
Is there a place near the South Bay in Los Angeles where a 16 year old can work part-time ??
8. Waitress Application 9k view 21 res Work / Career 2022/09/03 13:32
I have no experience as a waitress,

I am thinking of working about twice a week at first.

Since I have no experience, I assume there will be a training period

9. About Caregiver Work 1k view 1 res Work / Career 2022/06/05 23:04
I hear some people say that working in nursing care at a young age is a waste of time, what do you think?
The pay is low, there is no sense of working for a company, no sense of skill development...
10. Good temp agencies Bad temp agencies 2k view 6 res Work / Career 2022/04/25 18:52
There are places that send your resume
without telling you the name of the company or what kind of job it is.
I am afraid that my
personal information will be sent to a place I don't kn...
11. Refund request from EDD 11k view 26 res Work / Career 2022/03/15 16:19
I am Self Employed and received unemployment insurance from the PUA.
Like numerous others, I received a Notice and appeal form requesting a refund.

I am an individual fiduciary who rent...
12. Job Search Company Information 8k view 27 res Work / Career 2022/02/27 20:03
When I look at job searches, it seems like the same places are always hiring.
I would like to apply, but I always think that the same places are always hiring = and people are quitting ? because ...
13. Labor after returning home Reverse culture shock 2k view 16 res Work / Career 2022/02/15 13:47
Labor after returning
What is the reverse culture shock ?
and how do people overcome it ??
14. Return to office 7k view 11 res Work / Career 2022/01/09 21:17
I work for a Japanese company. I have been working remotely in Corona for over a year now, but the company is now slowly bringing employees back and will be 100 percent back in the office by the end o...
15. job searching 10k view 22 res Work / Career 2021/12/09 11:22
Corona Disaster I've been on layoff from the company I've been working for and I've started looking for a job. \I have been working for an American company until now. I'm wondering if I should switch ...
16. To eat in Actor 7k view 15 res Work / Career 2021/09/25 19:23
I came to the U.S. to become an actor, but it is not going as well as I would like.
How can other Japanese earn money ??
17. bigolive 919 view 0 res Work / Career 2021/08/02 22:16
You Tube https://www.bigo.tvみたいなもんらしいけど,
just by living abroad or in Los Angeles,
you can make a lot of money compared to the rest of the world.
Beans are worth money.
How much is ...
18. Is there anyone who is a loan signing agent? 1k view 2 res Work / Career 2021/04/05 10:05
Nice to meet you.
I recently became a certified loan signing agent and am currently studying on my own how to start a business.
If anyone has any experience, I would love to hear from you. <...
19. Calculation Method for Annual Salary to Hourly Wag... 2k view 6 res Work / Career 2021/03/29 15:46
As the title says, but how is it calculated?
It seems that different people divide by 20 or 22 days per month, but which is the standard? Which is the standard or close to the exact n...
20. アメリカでマグロ漁師 2k view 9 res Work / Career 2020/10/07 00:50
21. 音楽関係の仕事探してます! 6k view 10 res Work / Career 2020/05/11 09:23
音楽関係(特にレコーディングやオーディオエンジニアリング関係)の仕事をLos Angels付近で探しています。今年の5月にCal Poly Pomonaの音楽専攻(Music Industry option)を卒業する学生です。学校では歌や楽器のパフォーマンス、音楽理論、ミキシング、マスタリングなどのレコーディング技術、映画音楽、アメリカの音楽ビジネス(ライセンス、マネジメント、ディストリビューシ...
22. 失業手当 21k view 35 res Work / Career 2020/04/05 12:04
23. 就活セクハラ 7k view 6 res Work / Career 2020/04/02 11:14

24. 転職を考えてます。 4k view 8 res Work / Career 2020/01/16 07:11


25. minimum hourly wage 8k view 18 res Work / Career 2020/01/14 19:10
26. 日系企業 4年制大学卒業後 平均収入 10k view 45 res Work / Career 2019/07/28 14:32

27. Real estate agent 2k view 6 res Work / Career 2019/04/10 16:33
Real estate agent の方(もしくはその方面に詳しい方)に質問です。
独自で調べただけですが、大学 135 hoursのコースを受け、試験70%以上で合格 金額は$200-700程度。
資格を取られた方は、大体こんな感じでしたか? 実際に資格を取っても、successするagent になるのは難しいと聞いたのですが、どう思いますか??
28. 映画 2k view 15 res Work / Career 2019/01/31 22:52
役者さんやその友達など交流したいです LAなどではたらきたいともおもっています
29. マルカイの採用ステップ 5k view 8 res Work / Career 2019/01/29 23:44
30. カリフォルニアで代休は違法でしょうか? 6k view 10 res Work / Career 2018/09/07 12:17
31. UBERのドライバー 3k view 2 res Work / Career 2018/07/04 18:45


32. まつエク、Microblading サロン開業したいのです 13k view 36 res Work / Career 2017/09/24 09:14
ロサンゼルスカウンティで サロンの一室を借りて、自分でまつエクの仕事をして約2年になります。おかげさまで、新規のお客様をお断りするほどになり、コミッションで一人雇ったのですが、そのこともあり借りている部屋が手狭になってきました。、またMicrobladingもメニューに加えたいとも思うようになり、間借りではなく、自分のサロンを持ちたいという夢が膨らんできました。
33. 最低賃金が支払われない場合 6k view 11 res Work / Career 2017/08/14 15:44



34. 南カリフォルニアでの高給バイトって? 14k view 25 res Work / Career 2017/05/05 14:10



35. アメリカで資格を取った方 10k view 15 res Work / Career 2017/04/01 07:10
今dental assistantの資格を取ろうか迷っているのですが取った方、または他にいい資格があればお話聞きたいです。
36. ネイルサロン 6k view 8 res Work / Career 2017/03/21 01:22
37. 履歴書と面接 3k view 8 res Work / Career 2016/07/15 01:15
38. 労働省 12k view 8 res Work / Career 2016/05/16 00:45
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