- [登録者]City of Hermosa Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- 登録日 : 2025/01/13
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/13
- 変更日 : 2025/01/13
- 総閲覧数 : 100 人
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Following is a statement from Hermosa Beach Mayor Dean Francois about the fires currently impacting Southern California that began on January 7, 2025.
Post Date: 01/13/2025 2:30 PM
Following is a statement from Hermosa Beach Mayor Dean Francois about the fires currently impacting Southern California that began on January 7, 2025.
As we witness the devastating impact of the ongoing fires in the Los Angeles area, our thoughts are with those affected by this tragedy. The City of Hermosa Beach stands in solidarity with our neighbors and is committed to supporting efforts to combat the fires and provide relief.
As a disaster volunteer with the American Red Cross, I've seen the impact that dedicated volunteers can have on families and communities affected by disasters. During this tragedy, it is heartening to see our community and local organizations come together to support those affected by the fires. Local resident Liz Tyndorf is currently coordinating with Guidestone Church in collecting donations to aid in relief efforts, and we encourage residents to support these and similar community efforts along with reputable emergency aid organizations, such as the American Red Cross [ https://www.redcross.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank [ https://gkkwpoeab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?c=oDAU3ekjcy8_koKBfKw2IEo_w9LdsICVP8C3by8onSGx2kIKGx8XRQ%3D%3D&ch=4jZ91_EkXNyErQhYhtwRpGq4xKeN0Bm9zsgJDt_0y-1Z6KwdotcyBA%3D%3D&f=001cBZSV_LkqdzSr-3awGFLDrD4tSNfBRfkVW53TSyqdU0zChbEgedqwlf70YY2_dNQvF3uTiS0SM0TKBu4pWy7evGJeppWo3Brwai6Ar7XmHaOo_2jMASu4yTxo0v63jhwCGJ3AhR4dlcrXpDtG4n-wjkcEsKcIgPyVmWZmTyIUMM%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Foundation Wildfire Emergency Funding [ https://gkkwpoeab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?c=oDAU3ekjcy8_koKBfKw2IEo_w9LdsICVP8C3by8onSGx2kIKGx8XRQ%3D%3D&ch=4jZ91_EkXNyErQhYhtwRpGq4xKeN0Bm9zsgJDt_0y-1Z6KwdotcyBA%3D%3D&f=001cBZSV_LkqdzSr-3awGFLDrD4tSNfBRfkVW53TSyqdU0zChbEgedqwlf70YY2_dNQJTBTNsAHhvPQWk83XI9nuVLX-g1pqgpQ6MBYRf81opls6-Y0Jxa9iwZZrSojjb1ZuYQW5wQyFhWldVXnW-QtFM9R1Eslz2bQNZsGeYQmgTbi07xJJFK1KMY4-5x1DlHzF9hd6wvDJE1nWboUYGuyVnkRhOTtx2z9Dzmz7nu7XI0CpG0rjEdBCJYY-_jBy59usb-TyavlnBxniVMXXhgM8o2GDr1p30rLFDcgt2QUMJUpsIyV7DPCpUtkUDFIPTRkLX9fjLoaydsQonLLwOaWoQ%3D%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and LAWorks.com [ https://www.laworks.com/2025fires?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] through financial contributions and by volunteering their time. I’d also like to invite all residents to join me for my latest Town Hall Forum on Thursday, January 16 to discuss local topics including the City’s emergency preparedness.
Many of our City's firefighters and police officers have been deployed to support ongoing firefighting, public safety and relief efforts, but we retain sufficient community resources to meet local safety needs. We are immensely proud of our first responders’ bravery and selflessness, and deeply grateful for their dedication and sacrifice.
The City of Hermosa Beach remains prepared to respond to emergencies and natural disasters, including coordinating closely with our water utility, California Water Service (CalWater), to help mitigate potential impacts to our water system in case of fire. Our Fire Department and CalWater routinely test and maintain city hydrants, which draw water directly from main lines, to ensure they are fully functional. CalWater also designs and maintains our water system and infrastructure to effectively respond to fires.
Our hiring of an Emergency Management Coordinator last year laid the foundation for stronger disaster preparedness, and we continue to refine emergency plans, conduct drills and engage with residents to improve community-wide resilience. Our City's emergency plans and protocols are firmly in place, and we are confident in our ability to respond to any situation. We encourage all residents to take steps to prepare for emergencies, including having a family emergency plan, storing essential supplies and staying informed. For more information on emergency preparedness, please visit our City's emergency preparedness page [ https://www.hermosabeach.gov/our-government/city-manager/emergency-preparedness?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and review the L.A. County Emergency Survival Guide [ https://lacounty.gov/emergency/preparedness/emergency-survival-guide/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
In light of unsafe water alerts in neighboring areas, we want to assure our residents that Hermosa Beach’s water supply is safe and secure. Despite some misinformation, the tap water in our area remains safe for all uses including drinking and bathing. We will provide further guidance on any necessary precautions or measures to ensure public health and safety during and after the disaster.
As we move forward, I want to remind everyone to remain vigilant about air quality. Although the skies may appear clear, potential health risks persist. I urge our residents, especially the elderly, young children and those with pre-existing health conditions, to limit their outdoor activities and keep windows closed to maintain cleaner indoor air.
For the latest air quality updates, please visit the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) website [ https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/6a6a058a177440fdac6be881d41d4c2c/?id=3d51b5d2fc8d42d9af8c04f3c00f88d3&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. Your health and safety are our top priority, and staying informed is crucial in taking necessary precautions. Let's continue to support each other in our recovery efforts.
We also encourage our residents to stay informed through the City’s and County’s official channels and other reliable sources. Let us come together as a community to stay safe and support those affected by this disaster.
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