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Reminder to Vote! Culver City's Voting Center is Open Monday and Tuesday

You can vote in person or drop off your ballot. Make your voice heard this election season.

Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ] Photos of City Hall and Voting Machines [ https://plan.lavote.gov/ ]
Culver City's Voting Center is Open



Vote for 3 City Council Members, President of the United States and other election officials


City Hall Vote Center: 9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City
Free parking for one hour, below City Hall with entrance off Duquesne Ave.


* November 4: 10 AM to 7 PM
* November 5: 7 AM to 8 PM. Pursuant to California Elections Code, any voter in line at the time of closing shall be provided the opportunity to receive and cast a ballot.


Bring your vote-by-mail ballot to your vote center and hand it in or vote in person. A complete list and map of Vote Center locations is available online at LOCATOR.LAVOTE.GOV [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Flocator.lavote.gov%2F%3Futm_content=%26utm_medium=email%26utm_name=%26utm_source=govdelivery%26utm_term=/1/01000192e878495d-8031de53-9eec-4343-aaca-7f9e712ad6a5-000000/JyTY7GmvxYqFYwcX0F4TTMhkDFrrB4aSb7XEzvts6bA=377 ].

Eligible voters who missed the registration deadline can visit any Vote Center, complete a Conditional Voter Registration [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.lavote.gov%2Fhome%2Fvoting-elections%2Fvoter-registration%2Fconditional-voter-registration%3Futm_content=%26utm_medium=email%26utm_name=%26utm_source=govdelivery%26utm_term=/1/01000192e878495d-8031de53-9eec-4343-aaca-7f9e712ad6a5-000000/yUwzp4veqp2Qt7WCEwbABVZutbaK9RZc2CAGqTaCIbs=377 ], and cast a ballot in this election.


Make your voice heard this election!


Make your plan to vote this year by visiting the LA Vote Gov website [ https://plan.lavote.gov/ ]. You can also track your ballot online with the California Ballot Tracker [ https://california.ballottrax.net/voter/ ]. Track your vote-by-mail status by also visiting the LA Vote Gov tracker webpage [ https://www.lavote.gov/av_inquiry ].


Culver City [ https://www.culvercity.org ]  Questions? 
Contact Us [ https://www.culvercity.org/Contact-Us

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This email was sent to mshinji3056@gmail.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: City of Culver City · 9770 Culver Blvd. · Culver City, CA 90232 · 310-253-6000 GovDelivery logo [ https://subscriberhelp.granicus.com/ ]
  • [登録者]City of Culver City
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Culver City, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/11/04
  • 掲載日 : 2024/11/04
  • 変更日 : 2024/11/04
  • 総閲覧数 : 189 人
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