Keeping up with Kathryn
- [登録者]LA County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Los Angeles
- 登録日 : 2024/09/27
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/27
- 変更日 : 2024/09/27
- 総閲覧数 : 200 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 過去現在のトラウマ、PTSD/複雑性PTSD、うつ、パニック、社会不安、OCD、...
こんにちは。牧野有可里(まきの ゆかり)と申します。1996年から2018年まで、日本の心理臨床において、さまざまなトラウマを抱えたクライエントの方々と向き合ってまいりました。また、渡米前の7年間は、保育士・看護師養成の大学で准教授として心理学を教えておりました。現在は、日本では臨床心理士、米国ではAPCCの資格を持ち、サイコセラピーを提供しております。【専門分野】トラウマ、PTSD/複雑性PTS...
+1 (323) 334-0180Yukari Makino, Ph.D., AMFT, APCC, SEP
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Web・デジタルマーケティングの総合コンサルティング会社です。企画から事業戦略、ホームページ作成、SEO対策、広告運用改善、UI/UXデザイン改善、デジタルマーケティング全般事業プロデュースまでWebサイト戦略に関する全てを成果にこだわる DIGINEX. へお任せください。デジタル系の業務は全て業務代行も可能です!経験と実績豊富なプロが本物のノウハウで成果にこだわったご提案で確実な売上げアップに...
+1 (310) 584-7300DIGINEX.
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+1 (808) 583-5318Atzi / AIコーチング・AI波動調整
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SHIMA Los Angeles
- ロサンゼルス・トーランス 日系PC・MACパソコン総合修理ショップ。動作が不安定...
+1 (310) 782-1700TONY'S TECHNOLOGY
- 足の専門医(フットドクター)ねんざ、骨折、外反母趾、足の皮膚病(水虫、イボ など...
足のトラブルは足の専門医(フットドクター)にご相談下さい。ねんざ、骨折はもちろん、スポーツ障害、外反母趾、かかと・アーチの痛み、アキレス腱、足の皮膚病(水虫、イボ、うおのめ・たこ など)、巻爪、通風、偏平足、糖尿病足 日本人スタッフ常勤しています。多くのバレリーナ、ダンサー、マラソンランナーなどの足のトラブルを解消してきた実績を持ちます。また子供の足部疾患の治療にも定評があり、お子様に不安感を与え...
+1 (310) 375-1417Anavian, Robert, D.P.M. Foot & Ankle Specialist
- LINE公式アカウント『STYLIST WORLD』ID:@800ozhrs ...
アメリカでの美容サロン起業支援、人材支援を行なっております。またアメリカ個人No取得、美容師ライセンスのトランスファー(コスメトロジーライセンス取得サポート)をしています。コスメトロジーライセンス取得、合格者多数!!(コスメトロジー、ネイル、エステ、理容 x カリフォルニア、ハワイ、ニューヨーク)日本ではライセンスのないネイリスト、エステティシャンもトランスファー可能です。コスメトロジーライセンス...
+1 (424) 216-2444Yuka Enterprises
- 月〜土は、夜8時まで営業!日は夜7時まで。日本で経験豊富なスタイリストが丁寧に施...
+1 (310) 391-1568Hair Epoch
- OCミツワから車で5分
・アジア人の赤みを抑え、綺麗なアッシュ系カラー♪・イタリア製オーガニックヘッドスパ♪・酸性ストレート,白髪ぼかし,髪質改善トリートメントなどなど♪☆ フルフラットのYumeシャンプー台でのヘツドスパ、頭浸浴も始めました☆お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
+1 (949) 942-5420Sleek Hair Salon & Spa
- ロサンゼルスの海上輸送の老舗です。小口の貨物から車・バイクまで、ぜひご相談くださ...
日本はもちろん世界へ荷物の受け取りからお届けまで、日本人スタッフが真心こめてお手伝い致します。輸出輸入に関わらず、煩雑な手続きは全て私たちにお任せ下さい。長年にわたり、インターラインはアジアの主要な地域で独自のオフィスやパートナーを構築し、50カ国以上に事業を広げてまいりました。 刻々と変化し続ける運送業界において必要とされる競争力のある料金や柔軟な対応といったハイクオリティなサービスをお客様にご...
+1 (310) 834-5500Interline
- 30年以上の信頼と実績。Yun Companyで業務用冷凍・冷蔵設備の販売から設...
30年以上の信頼と実績。Yun Companyで業務用冷凍・冷蔵設備の販売から設置、メンテナンスまで一手に対応します。迅速な緊急対応と無料見積もり、電話相談で、あらゆるニーズに応える専門家がサポートします。ビジネスの効率を最大化する信頼のパートナーです。500ドル以上のお見積り無料: プロジェクトの計画をご検討中ですか?500ドル以上のお見積りは無料で提供しています。緊急対応も可能: お困りの際は...
+1 (213) 820-8095Yun Company / Commercial refrigeration
- 日本の老舗ラーメンブランドのUS1号店グランドオープンしました!OCエリアのラー...
東京ラーメンアワード大賞等の受賞歴のある『麺魚』がプロデュースしたMUNCHIE軒Japanese ramenがアメリカにOPEN!お店一番のウリであるサーモンラーメンはサーモンの身以外で出汁をとっており、あっさりとした味わいで虜になること間違いなし。スモークされたサーモンラーメンは、香ばしさただよう味わいを堪能していただけます。アメリカで大人気の豚骨ラーメンもご用意◎気になる方はぜひ一度お越しく...
(714) 465-9729Munchie-Ken Japanese Ramen
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+1 (213) 680-0355藤原メディカルグループ
- アメリカでの印刷をお気軽に安心の日本語対応
どなたでも、お好きな印刷物をご注文いただけます。 名刺や封筒をすぐなくなるんだけど、簡単に印刷できないかな … 。パンフレットやフライヤーを業者に注文したいけど難しそう … 。など、お悩みを抱えているお客様ももう安心です。簡単なインターネット注文で、高品質な商品がお手元に届きます。
Dear Friends,
Los Angeles County must continue to move its ethics reform work forward (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/barger-issues-statement-on-keeping-ethics-reform-in-l-a-county-moving-forward-transparency-and-accountability-dont-need-to-wait/) . There's no question that public distrust in government runs deep. I'm committed to creating an independent Ethics Commission, Ethics Compliance Office, and Ethics Officer as a first step. I introduced a motion (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lIIMeVgi_tfSTjuA8tqJI4XtUxUDh6qD/view?utm_name=) , unanimously approved by our Board at this week's meeting, with those goals in mind. Transparency and accountability don't need to wait. As I said in my motion, strong ethics policy is an important component of a responsive and representative government. Moving forward with ethics reform, with a structure that can oversee ethics and conflict of interest issues in Los Angeles County, will support our existing efforts to maintain a culture of integrity and
responsibility while ensuring oversight that the public expects and deserves. I'm determined to get this work underway to make sure we're doing right by our communities.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Supervisor, Fifth District
Meet Mocha, a snuggly and playful four-month-old Siberian Husky mix, and Liam, a sweet and friendly four-month-old Catahoula mix. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Clear the Shelters
Good news! The Department of Animal Care and Control has extended its Clear the Shelters campaign through Sept. 30. Find your perfect pet and bring them home with a reduced adoption fee of just $10.
Pick your perfect pet. (https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
Our Los Angeles County Fire Department is second to none. To celebrate the Department's centennial, Chief Marrone and his team stopped by my office this week with a commemorative badge. I'll be proud to display it in solidarity with our incredible fire personnel who have served our communities with dignity and bravery every day for 100 years.
Connect with the department. (https://fire.lacounty.gov/)
The unique public-private partnership between the County of Los Angeles, the City of Santa Clarita, and local businesses has put the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (https://www.scvedc.org/) 's efforts and vision into action. We’ve seen our economy grow as a result of this shared commitment to help businesses start and flourish. I was proud to join the SCVEDC for their annual Economic Outlook (https://www.scvedc.org/outlook) Conference today to share about my commitment to bolster the local and regional economy.
Access business resources. (http://opportunity.lacounty.gov)
To this day, I still hold dearly to the lessons I learned and the friends I made at San Marino High School. I was deeply humbled to be in the company of so many change makers and community leaders I admire who were also inducted into the inaugural Alumni Hall of Fame last weekend.
Meet the honorees. (https://sanmarinoalumnihalloffame.org/)
Together, we are working to ensure women across Los Angeles County and beyond have every opportunity and resource needed to thrive. Women's Equality Day, hosted by the City of Glendale this week at the Alex Theatre, urged us all to renew our commitment to gender equality in every sector and corner of our communities.
Explore programs. (https://ceo.lacounty.gov/wgi/)
Alma Fuerte Public School (https://www.almafuerteps.org/) has been serving students in Pasadena since 2017 with an innovative, well-rounded approach to education. On Monday, I got to see their programming in action and meet students who are benefitting from hands-on learning opportunities including financial literacy, entrepreneurship, journalism, gardening, culinary arts, cheerleading, and more.
Access educational resources. (https://www.lacoe.edu/)
The County will be implementing new homeless shelters that are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week as a result of my motion with Supervisor Lindsey Horvath at this week's Board meeting. This is crucial to keep those who are most vulnerable safe from extreme weather. Each emergency shelter will provide three meals a day, showers, bathrooms, clothes, and other basic needs, plus supportive services like access to medical care, connections to mental health and substance abuse treatment, housing navigation, legal document retrieval, and record clearing.
Read about it. (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/l-a-county-to-open-year-round-24-hour-emergency-homeless-shelters/)
Foster family agencies across our County are at risk of losing their insurance coverage because the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California, the entity that covers 90 percent of all Foster Family Agencies in the state, issued non-renewal notices to 30 agencies in L.A. County last month. This crisis means these organizations, who serve a collective 500 foster children, could have to close their doors. On Tuesday, I introduced a motion with Supervisor Horvath to find immediate and long-term solutions.
Learn more. (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/l-a-county-seeks-solutions-for-foster-family-agency-insurance-crisis/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFkCglleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHXwFPpD7kryjoG-BcvlrxHle6l49diaaBd_cLKjlXKKVrg3SrqJL6tnhWw_aem_84hbr9x3xkTJzudJx-l7Gg)
Lost Angels Career Center (https://www.lostangelscp.org/) in Lancaster kicked off a new aerospace vocational training cohort for 70 youth this week, made possible through a $1 million grant provided by the County's Department of Economic Opportunity (https://opportunity.lacounty.gov/) . The 12-week program features a collaboration with industry partners like Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to connect graduates with good-paying jobs. Another cohort will begin in January for youth interested in applying.
Get the details. (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/l-a-countys-1m-investment-launches-groundbreaking-vocational-training-program-for-antelope-valley-youth-in-aerospace-industry/)
Something special has been added to Lincoln Avenue in Altadena! For the first time, the street is lined with American flags, proudly waving as a sign of patriotism and unity. My office was proud to fund the beautiful display and worked alongside L.A. County Public Works to install it in partnership with community leaders.
See the story. (https://www.coloradoboulevard.net/american-flags-on-lincoln-avenue/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFhAnFleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHTUDA098qXkB4TXxa6BfHFSCG_wK2FuEPRCxnw2QMhnzSPkvuuDUlRZCaQ_aem_9TbaW2L866S9GYzDfWQ6xQ)
Nominations are open for cities in L.A. County to apply for the L.A. County Economic Development Corporation's Most Business Friendly City Award. Every year, the LAEDC recognizes cities that are doing their part to support businesses, increase regional collaboration, and cut through red tape. If you believe your city is the most business friendly, send in a nomination by Oct. 18.
Apply here. (https://laedc.org/2024-most-business-friendly-city-nomination/)
Election Day is just around the corner and it's never too soon to get prepared. Whether you're a first time voter or have been engaged in the electoral process for years, L.A. County has resources for you. Register or update your registration, find a vote center or drop box, track your mail-in ballot, and review your sample ballot all in one easy place.
Get election ready. (https://plan.lavote.gov/)
Summer may be over, but outdoor fun doesn't have to be! The Ford has several performances through the end of October for residents to enjoy. Check out amazing bands, dance groups, movies, and more at this beautiful, intimate venue under the stars.
Get tickets. (https://www.theford.com/events/performances?Venue=The+Ford&Season=upcoming)
October is nearly here and there are lots of sweet and spooky fall festivities in store! Descanso Gardens' Carved returns next week on Oct. 4 with dazzling lights and plenty of pumpkins through Oct. 30. Plus, the L.A. County Arboretum has Halloween in the Garden events all month long, including movie nights, workshops, crafts, trick-or-treating, special tours, and more.
Visit Descanso. (https://www.descansogardens.org/events-and-activities/carved/)
Visit the Arboretum. (https://arboretum.org/learn/)
Enjoy a night of inspiring performances for a great cause! Fostering Dreams Project (https://www.fosteringdreamsproject.org/) , which provides dance workshops for foster youth and justice-involved youth, is hosting their Center Stage fundraiser on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. at the Colony Theatre in Burbank. It's sure to be an engaging and moving evening!
Attend the event. (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/center-stage-fostering-dreams-and-inspiring-futures-tickets-1004733714587?aff=oddtdtcreator)
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500 W. Temple St., Suite 869
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-5555
Antelope Valley:
42455 10th Street West, Suite 104
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-3600
East San Gabriel Valley:
380 S. San Dimas Ave., Suite 202
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 394-2264
Santa Clarita Valley:
27441 Tourney Rd., Suite 120
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 287-3657
San Gabriel Valley:
215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
San Fernando Valley:
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Suite 108
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
(818) 993-5170
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA