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San GabrielにあるYama Seafoodは、Yama Sushi Marketplaceに改名し今年41周年記念を迎えた大人気鮮魚店です。毎日新鮮なお刺身やお寿司を提供しています。パーティトレイの注文も承っています!お寿司以外にも、ワカメサラダ、イカサラダなどのお惣菜、お漬物、そして、アイスクリーム、ロールケーキなどのスイーツ、スナック、せんべい、ジュース、お茶、コーヒーなどの飲料水(...
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ガリバーは、日本での中古車販売台数実績No1。日本のガリバー同様に安心、便利なサービスをアメリカでもご提供しております。また渡米間もないお客様の早期納車に向けた生活のセットアップのアドバイスも行っております。お車の売りたい、買いたいは、すべてガリバーで完結!【ご連絡先】ガリバートーランス店 電話:888-783-0284「びびなびを見たとお伝えください」)メール:info@gulliverusa....
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+1 (213) 200-6363Oxford Driving/Traffic School
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ピットラインでは、修理、板金・塗装施設、すべて自社保有!お客様に納得していただける価格と品質を保証いたします。お気軽にご相談ください。☆ 一般修理☆ オイルチェンジ☆ スモッグチェック☆ 無料点検・見積もり☆ ガラス修理・交換、TINT☆ タイヤ交換☆ 修理中の代車手配☆ エアコンの修理☆ 無料点検・見積もり☆ 事故修理☆ トーイング手配☆ ペイント、フレーム修正
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- 【保険の見直し・リタイヤメントプランのご相談・ソーシャルセキュリティに関するご質...
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December Newsletter
Happy Holidays Ontario
City Council Meetings
Newsletter_CityCouncilMeetings [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/events/ontario-city-council-meeting?time=1692149400 ]
Regularly scheduled City Council Meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 303 E. B Street. Meetings are broadcasted LIVE on OntarioTV and our local cable Channel 3.
For instructions on providing Public Comment and to view the Agenda, visit OntarioCA.gov/Agendas/CityCouncil [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/Agendas/CityCouncil ].
For more information, please contact the City Clerk / Records Management Department at (909) 395-2009 or at City Hall, located at 303 E. B Street.
*Upcoming City Council Meeting Dates:***
**Tuesday, December 17 at 6:30 PM**
*Watch on OntarioTV* [ https://ontarioca.granicus.com/player/camera/2?publish_id=8&redirect=true? ]
Holiday Light Parade and Tree Lighting
Holiday Light Parade
Enjoy the festive spirit as the parade lights up Euclid Avenue, ending with a dazzling tree lighting ceremony. This family-friendly event is free to attend, so bring your loved ones and secure your seats along the parade route.
*Holiday Light Parade & Tree Lighting
*??Euclid Ave. (Fourth St. to B St.) & Town Square, Ontario, CA
?? Saturday, December 7
?? 6:30 PM
We can’t wait to celebrate with you—see you there!
Light Parade route
"Parade will start at 4th St. and Euclid (southbound side of the median), route will cross median on "G" St., then continue southbound towards the Town Square on the northbound side of the median."
For more information, please call the Armstrong Community Center at (909) 395 - 2020 or visit: OntarioCA.gov/SpecialEvents [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/SpecialEvents ]
5K Reindeer Run
Ontario 5K
Race on down to Euclid Avenue for a haunting delight! All ghosts, ghouls, and elves are invited to the annual 5K Reindeer Run and Rudolph’s Dash. Join the festive fun with this year’s theme, The Holiday Haunt! It’s the perfect opportunity to wear your favorite Halloween and winter Holiday outfits together.
The annual 5K Reindeer Run and Rudolph's Dash is a community-wide event with over 3,500 participants. All race proceeds benefit the Ontario-Montclair Promise Scholars Program and the City's Empowerment Scholarship.
*5K Reindeer Run and Rudolph Dash
?? *Saturday, December 14, 2024
?? 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
??Euclid Ave., Ontario, CA
*Register* [ https://secure.rec1.com/CA/City-of-Ontario/catalog/index/7badee2278f196c24aff8ee573021b68?filter=c2VhcmNoPTVL ]
2024 Packet Pickup
*Packet Pick-Up Palooza Extravaganza*
Join us for our 5K kick-off event filled with activities for all ages! Attendees will have the opportunity to pick-up their 5K packet early and avoid lines on race day. Not planning on entering the 5K? No problem! All are welcome to enjoy the festivities at the Packet Pick-Up Palooza Extravanganza! Enjoy holiday crafts, festive vendors, performances, free photos with Santa & Rudolph, and on-site 5K Registration.
For more information, please call the Armstrong Community Center at (909) 395 - 2020.
*Packet Pick-Up Palooza Extravaganza
?? *Thursday, December 12, 2024
?? 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
??Ontario Town Square | 224 N. Euclid Ave.
Veterans Holiday Tree
USA Christmas Tree [ https://www.instagram.com/p/DCxCojoCCVX/ ]
This holiday season, let’s honor our Inland Empire veterans. The Ontario City Library Veterans Resource Center is hosting a holiday tree dedicated to our local veterans. Throughout December at the Ovitt Family Community Library, community members are invited to hang paper messages of love and support, as well as copies of photographs of friends and family who have served in our nation’s military. This tree will honor veterans, reservists, and active-duty service members alike. Let's come together to recognize the sacrifices of those who have served and continue to serve!
*Ovitt Family Community Library
?? *December 1 - 30, 2024
??215 E C St, Ontario, CA 91764
Document Shred Event
Document Shredding
Ontario residents, bring any documents you want shredded to our free document shred event this December! Prevent identity theft by having your personal documents shredded on site. This free event will take place from 8 a.m. to Noon or until the shred truck reaches full capacity. Proof of Ontario residency will be required.
Questions? Contact Community Improvement at (909) 395-2007
*Paper, documents, credit card statements, etc.
Binder clips, staples, paper clips, rubber bands
Cardboard and plastic media
*Ontario Municipal Service Center*
??1425 S. Bon View Ave, Ontario, CA 91761
?? Saturday, December 7, 2024
?? 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
*or until the shred truck reaches full capacity
Winter Holiday Closures
City Hall Snowing
*City Hall, City Hall Annex, Community Life & Culture Admin Offices, and Housing* will be closed in observance of the winter holidays from Monday, December 23, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
The *Ontario Municipal Utilities Company Customer Service lobby* (located at 1333 S. Bon View Avenue, Ontario, CA 91761) will be:
* Open Monday, December 23, 2024
* Closed December 24 and 25, 2024
* Open December 26 and 27, 2024
* Open Monday, December 30, 2024
* Closed December 31 and January 1, 2025
* Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
The *Ovitt Family Community Library and Lewis Family Branch* will be:
* Open on Monday, December 23
* Closed on December 24 and 25
* Open December 26 through December 30
* Closed December 31 and January 1, 2025
* Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
The *Recreation & Community Centers/Senior Center* will only close on December 24 & Wednesday, December 25, and on December 31 & Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
The *Museum of History & Art* will close Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, December 25; open Thursday, December 26 through Sunday, December 29; close Monday, December 30 through Wednesday, January 1 and resume normal business hours on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
*Refuse and recycling* service will not occur on Wednesday, December 25, or Wednesday, January 1, 2025. For the remainder of the week, collection will be provided one day later than your normal pickup day.
*Police and Fire services will remain available 24/7.*
For emergencies, please call 911
To report drunk drivers, please call 911
For non-emergencies, please call Ontario Dispatch at (909) 986-6711
Visit OntarioCA.gov/AboutOntario [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/AboutOntario ] for more information.
Blue Line
Local Music • Entertainment • Ontario Upcoming Events
Spark of Love
Spark of Love 2024
ABC7, Ontario Firefighters, and SoCal Firefighters are celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the Spark of Love toy drive from now until December 13, 2024.
Wish to donate? Drop off new, unwrapped toys and sports equipment at your local Ontario fire station.
*Join us for the Stuff the Bus Event on Friday, December 13, 2024*
ABC7 and Ontario Firefighters will stuff a bus with toys to give to children in need in the local Ontario community. We hope to see you there!
Mathis Brothers
??4105 Inland Empire Blvd., Ontario, CA 91764
?? Friday, December 13, 2024
?? 4:00 AM - 6:00 PM
For more information or to donate online, please visit abc7.com/sparkoflove [ https://abc7.com/abc7-spark-love-toy-drive-2024-can-help-firefighters-deliver-hope-thousands-local-kids/5684558/ ]. Share your #sparkoflove photos on social media.
KAR convention dec
*Ontario Convention Center [ https://gocvb.org/calendar-of-events/category/ontario-convention-center/ ]*
* Sunday, December 8: KAR Dance Convention [ https://dancekar.com/convention/schedule/2024/409 ]
* Learn more about Ontario's Convention Center (here [ https://gocvb.org/ontario-convention-center/ ]).
* For the latest news, click here [ https://gocvb.org/news/ ].
*Convention Center Upcoming Events* [ https://gocvb.org/calendar-of-events/ ]
Disney On Ice
*Toyota Arena [ https://www.toyota-arena.com/events ]*
* Various dates: Ontario Reign
* Various dates: Ontario Strykers
* Saturday, December 14: Golden Boy Promotions Presents: Rocha vs. Curiel
* Thursday, December 26 - Monday, December 30: Disney on Ice
* Saturday, January 11: Katt Williams: Heaven on Earth
*Toyota Arena Upcoming Events* [ https://www.toyota-arena.com/events ]
To sign up for the Empire Newsletter and learn more about upcoming Toyota Arena events, click the button below.
*Toyota Arena Newsletter Sign up* [ https://www.toyota-arena.com/empire-newsletter-spotlight ]
3rd Annual 5k At The Runway at ONT
5K at the Runway [ https://www.flyontario.com/ ]
*Registration now open for the 3rd Annual 5k At The Runway at Ontario International Airport*
Attention runners, walkers and anyone looking for a new fun-filled way to spend a Saturday morning with family, friends and friends-to-be. Early bird registration is now open for Ontario International Airport’s (ONT) 3rd Annual 5K At The Runway, which will be held February 8, 2025, starting at the National Guard hangar along the south end of the airport property. The event will feature a 5k race, beginning at 8 a.m.; a 1-mile family walk/run at 9 a.m.; and an open community event from 9-11 a.m. Participants will have the opportunity to run or walk a course that runs parallel to ONT’s runway and offers a unique view of an airport that will serve more than 7 million passengers this year and ranks among the Top 10 cargo airports in North America.
Early bird registration is $50 for the 5k and $20 for the family walk/run. The fees go up to $55 and $25, respectively, beginning December 15, and $60 and $30 the day of the event. The community event is free to participants and the community at large, and will feature booths, food trucks, face painters and more.
For information and registration, please visit:
*More Info + Register* [ https://raceroster.com/events/2025/95183/onts-5k-at-the-runway ]
Ontario Museum of History & Art
Ontario Museum Fountain
Visit the Ontario Museum of History & Art this December and enjoy their various programs from “First Thursday's” to “Studio Saturday's” and more to come in the new year!
*Ontario Museum of History & Art*
??225 Euclid Ave, Ontario, CA 91762
*Upcoming Events* [ https://www.ontariomuseum.org/programs/ ]
Annual Kris Kringle Craft Fair
Kris Kringle Fair 2024
The Ontario Senior Center is looking for artisans and craftspeople who want to sell handmade items at the Annual Kris Kringle Craft Fair! This much-anticipated event is held one day, on Wednesday, December 11, from 1 PM – 4 PM.
Vendor registration opens Monday, August 5, 2024, and is limited to 30 spots. Spaces fill quickly, and participants must be ages 50+. All vendors are limited to ONE spot and MUST sell handmade goods. The vendor fee is $15.
The fair is open to all ages to shop for holiday gifts! For more information, please call the Ontario Senior Center at (909) 395 - 2021.
*Annual Kris Kringle Craft Fair
?? *Wednesday, December 11, 2024
?? 1 PM - 4 PM
??Ontario Town Square | 224 N. Euclid Avenue
Christmas Tree Collection
Christmas Tree
The City's Integrated Waste Department will collect Christmas trees Thursday, January 2 through Friday, January 17. Natural trees are chipped, mixed with leaves, and recycled into rich compost for beneficial reuse.
*Natural Trees*
* Please remove all lights, ornaments, tinsel, stands, and plastic coverings from your tree before placing on the curb.
* Do not place your tree in a plastic bag.
* Place the tree next to the containers on your regular collection day.
* Please schedule a bulky item pick-up by contacting (909) 395-2050 for Christmas trees set out after January 10.
*Artificial Trees*
* Donate artificial trees in good condition to your local nonprofit organizations.
* If possible, recycle the base and trunk (pole) of the tree in the blue recycling bin.
* Remove all lights, ornaments, and tinsel before placing the tree on curb.
* If the lights are still intact, please remove them.
* If ornaments and tinsel are still intact, please place in the black refuse bin.
Community Improvement: Tip of the Month
Trash and Debris
The City of Ontario's Community Improvement Department is dedicated to maintaining the beauty and livability of our neighborhoods. Residents play a crucial role in this mission by ensuring that properties remain free of trash and debris. Not only is accumulated trash and debris unsightly, but it can also attract rodents and pose a fire hazard. To help keep our city clean, Ontario offers convenient options for disposing of large household items. Residents can schedule a bulk item collection appointment through the *Integrated Waste Department* by calling *(909) 395-2050*. This service makes it easy to responsibly discard those bulky items that don't fit in your regular trash bin.
We also kindly remind residents that trash cans and recycling containers should be stored out of public view when not in use. Please bring them in promptly after collection day and refrain from leaving them on the street indefinitely.
By working together, we can maintain the cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of our neighborhoods, preserving both our quality of life and property values. Thank you for doing your part to keep Ontario beautiful!
If you have questions please visit Ontarioca.gov/CommunityImprovement [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/CommunityImprovement ] or call (909) 395-2007.
Stay Connected
Stay Connected
Want to receive all of the latest from your City? Stay connected to the City of Ontario:
* Social Media [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/SocialMedia ]
* myOntario App [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/MyOntarioApp ]
* Ontario Living Magazine [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/OntarioLivingMagazine ]
* Alert Ontario [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/AlertOntario ]
Helpful City of Ontario Website Links
* [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/Engineering ]Employment with the City of Ontario [ http://www.ontarioca.gov/employment ]: Interested in a meaningful career in public service? See what careers are available or fill out a Job Interest Card.
* Military Banner Program: [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/MilitaryBanners ] Honor and recognize military personnel who are currently serving on active duty in the United States Armed Forces that reside in or have immediate family living here in the City of Ontario.
* Engineering Road Closure Map: [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/Engineering ] The City of Ontario is constantly working to improve our City – and sometimes that means temporary road closures.
* Online Municipal Forms [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/OMUC ]: For non-urgent requests, use the online forms for:
* Bulky Item Pickup Request [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/form/bulky-item-pick-up ]
* Empty Roll Off or Compactor Request [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/form/empty-roll-off-or-compactor ]
* Missed Trash Pick Up [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/form/missed-pick-up ]
* Container Replacement for Green Waste, Recycle and Trash [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/form/container-replacement ]
* SB 1383 Commercial Waiver Application [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/sites/default/files/Ontario-Files/Ontario-WaterWise/City%20of%20Ontario%20Draft%20Waiver%20Application%20-%20Clean-c1.pdf ]
* Pay Water Bill: [ https://customer.ontarioca.gov ] Pay or view your water bill online.
* Report Maintenance Issues [ https://report.ontarioca.gov ]: Use our online form to report issues within the City, or download the myOntario App [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/MyOntarioApp ].
* Stay Connected [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/StayConnected ] for all the latest updates.
* *Contact Us! [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/contact-us ] Don't see what you are looking for? Contact us at anytime using our online form!*
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
*December 17*
Join us in person for the regularly scheduled City Council Meetings, held at 6:30 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 303 E. B St. Can't attend in person? Meetings are also broadcasted LIVE on OntarioTV [ https://www.ontarioca.gov/Agendas/CityCouncil ] and our local cable Channel 3.
City Hall Snowing
*Holiday Closures*
Happy Holidays Ontario! Various City Facilities will be closed for the winter holiday from Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1, 2025. For further detail, refer to article above.
Holiday Light Parade
*December 7*
Holiday Light Parade and Tree Lighting event along Euclid concluding at Town Square. This is a free, family-friendly event. See you there!
5K Race
*December 14*
Join us for a race down to Euclid Avenue for a haunting delight! All ghosts, ghouls, and elves are invited to the annual 5K Reindeer Run and Rudolph’s Dash. Join the festive fun with this year’s theme, The Holiday Haunt! Register soon, this event sold out last year.
*Brought to you by Ontario Mayor and City Council*
For questions or comments, please contact City of Ontario Communications Department at Communications@OntarioCA.gov or visit OntarioCA.gov/Communications [ http://www.ontarioca.gov/communications ].
SocialNew [ http://www.ontarioca.gov/stay-connected/social-media ]
Copyright © 2023 City of Ontario. All rights reserved.
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