How to buy a good car Unlike in Japan, the American car industry has no fixed prices.
Therefore, if you do not know the situation, you may be forced to pay a ridiculous price. Many Japanese people have little knowledge about buying a car in the US.
Here , based on my experience as a dealer,
Car dealer tricks are exposed,
Common misconceptions among Japanese people and
Things to keep in mind when visiting a dealer .
and examples of past failures.
After you buy a car … In this recession, it is understandable to want to save money on car maintenance 、 but don't forget to change oil and check brakes and tires !. Dirty oil can cause engine failure 。 We recommend that you change your oil as soon as possible, especially if you have an older, high mileage car, to avoid paying thousands of dollars for engine repairs after you've squeezed out a not-so-expensive oil change 。 Dirty tires are easy to slip on wet roads and cause accidents. It is a source of accidents 。.