- [登録者]City of Hermosa Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/05/31
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/31
- 変更日 : 2024/05/31
- 総閲覧数 : 138 人
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- Oda Dental 位于托兰斯,提供普通牙科和美容牙科服务。所有员工都会讲日语...
托兰斯的 Oda Dental 提供普通牙科、儿童牙科和美容治疗。我们还接受儿童的乳牙和在日本接受治疗后的再治疗。请随时用日语与我们联系。 织田牙科诊所提供以下治疗。 ◆普通牙科 ◆美容牙科 ◆美白牙科 ◆儿童牙科 ◆义齿/焊接件 ◆神经治疗 ◆隐形正畸 隐形牙齿矫正 ◆口腔外科 ◆种植体 患者是我们的第一要务,我们努力提供无痛、周到的治疗。
+1 (310) 326-8661織田歯科医院
- 人员 ・ 工作 ・ 社区 如果您正在找工作,请在 INTELESSE 注册。
INTELESSE International 是一家综合性人力资源服务提供商,提供招聘 ・ 和临时人员派遣服务。 正在考虑找工作或转行的人。不仅在美国,还想在日本、欧洲和世界其他地方拓展自己的可能性。 通过我们独特的在线面试,您可以随时随地找到属于自己的机会。 INTELESSE 拥有美国最大的 11 个分支网络,为您的潜力提供支持。 欲了解更多信息,请联系您当地的办事处。 我们总是列出 ...
+1 (310) 414-9111Interesse International, Inc.
- 洛杉矶 ・ 我们用日语为橙县居民提供精神・心身医学治疗、药物处方、心理治疗(、心...
尽管每年都有许多日本人来到加州,但在一个陌生的外国生活绝非易事。许多居住在加州的日本人面临着各种压力,包括文化和语言障碍、生活方式的差异、与日本家人和朋友的分离,以及对当地学校和工作场所的不适应。高度的压力会在不知不觉中引发各种身心疾病。据说压力是所有疾病的根源。 你是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、疲倦、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 汽车保险、医疗保险 ・ 海外旅行保险、人寿保险、工伤保险、店铺保险等。
我们为个人和企业办理各种类型的保险。保险非常重要,可以为任何可能发生的情况做好准备。在大和保险,我们了解您的需求,可以帮助您从多家保险公司中找到最适合您的计划。另请参阅我们的网站 ! 汽车保险 医疗保险 ・ 海外旅行保险 人寿保险 工伤保险 商店保险
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
- 您有任何问题都可以与我们讨论 ?。
True Resource Coaching&Consulting True Resource's Coaching and Consulting 为了在美国每天都能过上光明幸福的生活,您有烦恼吗?? 您在生活中有什么烦恼吗 ? 许多生活在美国的日本人说,他们被人际关系问题和与日本的文化差异所困扰。 True Resource Coaching&Consulting 由经验丰富...
+1 (424) 625-8720True Resource Coaching & Consulting
- 日松幼儿园为幼儿提供了一个在游戏和体验中学习的场所。学校面向 18 个月至 6 ...
+1 (714) 557-1669立夏幼稚園
- 国际婚姻介绍所于 2000 年在洛杉矶成立。我们为那些想在今年!结婚的人提供支持...
根据我自己在美国的跨国婚姻、跨国离婚和跨国再婚的经验,我将继续为美和子的亚洲纽带的所有会员提供周到的支持,使他们能够拥有幸福的婚姻,和幸福的生活。 我们是一个小型的手工婚介所,目前约有500名会员。
+1 (310) 927-8304Miwako's Asian Connection
- 帕萨迪纳咨询办公室。 针对国际婚姻问题以及个人和家庭的情感问题。也适用于希望在短...
婚姻问题、国际婚姻问题、教育、亲子问题、育儿问题咨询;还设有巴伦西亚办事处。 ♥ 您可以在短时间内感受到变化的咨询 ♥ 国际婚姻问题专家 ♥ 男女咨询师可提供两到两次治疗(针对国际婚姻问题) ♥ 所有关注领域\家庭 ・ 教育等)也可以讨论 ♥ 有多年经验的咨询师负责整个过程
+1 (818) 720-9158Akiko Aoki,L.M.F.T.
- 我们是一所日裔美国人的幼儿园,以 "儿童的保育,由儿童负责,为儿童服务 "为教育...
我们将重要的日本礼仪 ・ 和纪律融入到保育工作中,悉心照料您的孩子。欢迎您前来参观。 儿童保育 我们注重幼儿的纪律,并根据日本文化 ・ 传统设置课程,包括音乐、节奏和游戏、绘画、运动、自然观察、语言、故事、图画故事表演、木偶戏、灯笼和基于教育方针的集体游戏。此外,还为年龄较大的儿童提供平假名学习。
+1 (949) 444-9403ふたば幼稚園
- 用日语联系。
我们可以帮助你建立你家庭的未来财富。 知识渊博、彬彬有礼、值得信赖的代表将帮助你选择合适的产品,以满足你的生活方式和个人需求。当然,你的保单可以在你返回日本后继续使用。
- 🏠 协助寻找租房 | 学生 ・ 对外籍人士的全面支持 ✨ 我们可以帮助您处理房地...
APOGEE 与美国最大的房产搜索网站合作,为您介绍最佳租赁交易。 在买卖方面,我们的专业房地产经纪人将帮助您以最优惠的价格购买房产,并以最低的价格出售房产。 我们还为学生提供学校搜索服务,为外籍人士提供日语口译服务。 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (310) 801-6412APOGEE不動産
- Asia Pacific Healthcare Venture 是一家非营利组织...
亚太医疗创投是一家非营利组织,为儿童和老人提供全面的医疗服务。 我们为无保险者、留学生和低收入者提供负担得起的计划,并根据家庭结构和收入情况提供保险和医疗费用减免计划。如有必要,我们还可以帮助您办理保险和课程手续。 我们根据要求提供门诊、远程医疗(在线护理)和电话护理,包括健康检查、妇科检查、婴儿检查和慢性病患者的定期就诊。请随时与我们联系。 常规体检 生病就诊 学校体检 ( 学校/运...
+1 (323) 644-3881Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc
- 多年的信任和经验。在这里,您可以以安全、实惠的价格购买到带保修的新车和二手车。为...
我们有全系列的新车和大量精心维护的2.3年车龄的二手车等着你。 ***新信息 : 无信用记录和无社会安全号码的学生可以通过小额存款获得贷款。欲了解更多信息,请与我们联系。
+1 (213) 422-6085I Auto Sales Inc.
- [日语律师事务所] Cohen Law Group 是洛杉矶 ・ 比佛利山庄 ・...
需要帮助寻找值得信赖的律师吗?Cohen Lawyer Group 连续三年被评为 SUPER LAWYER,每周 7 天、每天 24 小时提供日语免费咨询。收费合理。我们用日语解释您的案件,不使用专业术语,即使是复杂的案件,任何人都能理解。
+1 (310) 756-2571コーエン弁護士グループ
- Honyaku 美国翻译公司 ◆ 在日本经营 50 年。Honyaku USA ...
! 英语 ・ 日语以及几乎所有其他商业语言的翻译。 东京总公司成立至今已有 50 年。我们凭借丰富的经验和专业知识,提供注重质量、交货期和价格的服务。 我们迄今为止的主要工作实例 ● 律师事务所向法院提交的文件 ● 专利申请 ● 租赁协议 ● 员工手册 ● 财务报告和年度报告 ● IT 行业/汽车行业趋势和产品报告 ● 制药公司的 FDA 申请材料 ● 网站和小册子等营销和演示...
+1 (310) 316-6900HONYAKU USA
May 31, 2024 | News from the City of Hermosa Beach
"At its May 28th meeting, City Council recognized month of June 2024 as LGBTQI+ Pride Month and invited everyone to recognize the achievements of the LGBTQI+ Community, to celebrate our great diversity, and to reflect on ways we all can live and work together with a commitment to mutual respect and understanding. "
Here's The Latest
*Chief Paul LeBaron Receives Joseph T. Molloy Award *
On May 22nd, our very own Police Chief, Paul LeBaron, received the California Police Chiefs Association’s 2024 Joseph T. Molloy Award. The award, which represents the highest honor given by the Association, embodies the values of the late Chief Joe Molloy by officially recognizing one police chief each year for “exemplary professionalism, leadership, vigor, and unwavering dedication to the CPCA’s mission.”
Chief LeBaron has been instrumental in establishing the Hermosa Beach Police Department as a model for community, inclusivity, and innovative policing. This well-deserved award is yet another example of the Chief’s continued commitment to excellence and is a fitting tribute to his exceptional leadership. Congratulations Chief LeBaron and thank you for all you do for our community!
"Chief LeBaron with Pam Molloy and California Police Chiefs President Alexander K Gammelgard"
*Mobile Mental Health and Crisis Response Pilot Program*
This month the City announced a "soft launch” of the City’s Mobile Mental Health and Crisis Response Pilot Program. As residents may recall, the City worked with Representative Ted Lieu to secure $1 million in federal funding for the development of a Mobile Crisis Response Pilot Program. Since obtaining funding and contracting with the Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, City Manager’s Office and Police Department staff have been working on development and staffing of the pilot program.
We are now pleased to announce the soft launch of our Mobile Mental Health and Crisis Response Pilot Program team, which we have named “Hb Cares”. The Program, which is now in the midst of its clinician recruitment stage in today’s challenging hiring environment, will provide an alternate response model for mental health and behavior-related calls involving our unhoused neighbors. This soft launch is intended to begin testing our dispatch, engagement with other partner agencies, and proactive outreach to our unhoused residents who may need mental health services while we work to secure additional staffing.
Once fully staffed, the Program will engage and support a civilian team that will respond instead of police when calls involve non-emergency and non-medical situations tied to individuals experiencing homelessness. Although we are still in the very early stages of this Program, we are proud to get team members out in the field to begin providing services to those in need, and to provide critical relief to our first responders, who are often the ones responding to calls involving unhoused residents who have mental health issues.
*Teen Mental Health First Aid Training *
The Beach Cities Health District is providing an opportunity for local youth ages 15 to18 to train and become certified in teen Mental Health First Aid. This amazing program teaches teens how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges in their friends and peers. Participants must attend all three sessions to be certified. Sessions are held on Wednesdays, May 29th, June 5th and June 12th from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Training is currently free to attend and interested teens should visit the Beach Cities Health District website [ ], to register.
*Recycle Tennis Balls Update*
The City will officially partner for a second year with the nonprofit organization, RecycleBalls. RecycleBalls works with municipalities and tennis facilities across the country to recycle and reuse tennis balls that are past their prime. Since the beginning of this program in Hermosa Beach in April 2023, the City and RecycyleBalls have partnered to recycle over 5,200 old tennis balls, further supporting Hermosa’s ongoing Green initiatives and contributing to local sustainability.
*Read More News* [!/ ]
Get Involved
*Veterans Memorial Committee - Call for Veterans *
The Hermosa Beach Veterans Memorial Committee is searching for Veterans in the community to carry on the stewardship of the Veterans Memorial site. If you are a Post 9/11 Veteran, they would love for you to join them. A good opportunity to check them out is by attending one of their First-Saturday Clean-ups. A group of Veterans meet at 8:30 a.m. the first Saturday of the month to clean the Memorial and perform various tasks, such as flag exchange, minor landscaping, etc. If interested, visit the memorial site at a hosted cleaning day and/or contact the City of Hermosa Beach for more information at (310) 318-0280.
Enjoy Your City
City of Hermosa Beach Pier
*View All City and Community Events* [ ]
*2024 Hermosa Beach Fine Arts Festival*
Saturday, June 8th - 9th, 2024
Location: Hermosa Beach, California on the lawn of the Community Center
_About the Event:_ Fine Arts Festival there are over 100 juried artist booths with all mediums represented. There is also an outstanding student art exhibition, face painting and art activities for kids. Our grounds are located next to a great selection of Hermosa Beach shops and restaurants. This 2-day festival is a fun event for all. For more information and event times, visit their website [ ].
*Skate on the 8th: Hermosa Skatepark 25th Anniversary *
Saturday, June 8th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Location: Hermosa Skatepark at 710 Pier Ave.
_About the Event:_ Open skate, interactive activities, giveaways, DJ, refreshments, and more! For more information, please contact the Community Resources Department at (310) 318-0280.
*Hermosa Beach Pride *
Friday, June 14 to Sunday June 16, 2024
Location: Hermosa Beach
_About the Event:_ Girls, gays, theys, allies, ALL are welcome to join us for our 4th Annual Hermosa Beach PRIDE, June 14-16! For more information, please visit Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau’s website [ ].
*City Council Meeting Recordings*
For those who couldn't make it to this week’s City Council meetings, we've got you covered! Click the link below to access recorded videos:
May 28 [ ] - Regular Council Meeting
Live City Council meeting links, agendas, meeting minutes and archived videos are always available on the City's website [ ]. Stay informed about community events, local issues, and policy decisions being made in our community.
Upcoming City Meetings
*City Council Special Meeting (City Council Retreat) *
Saturday, June 1, 2024, 8:30 a.m. in the Local Collaborative
*City Council Special Meeting (FY 2024-25 Budget Study Session) *
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*City Council Meeting*
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*Hermosa Beach City School District Regular School Board Meeting *
Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*View All Meetings* [ ]
In Case You Missed It
"At its May 28th meeting, City Council recognized the Mambas for winning the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) ""Western States All Star Championship and the Legends for winning the AYSO Western States League Championship. We are all proud of our young girl athletes for displaying the dedication and teamwork necessary to become Champions. Congratulations!"
kids 2
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Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
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