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1. social worker ( social worker) 489 view 2 res Daily life 2024/10/24 18:03
I am looking for a social worker - who can speak Japanese. I would like to hear and learn from others who have recently stepped into retirement.
2. Raising Children in LA ・ Education 1k view 7 res Daily life 2024/02/26 22:32
I am planning to expatriate to LA this year.
My wife ・ will be accompanying my children (3rd grade elementary school students), but I am concerned about their education and whether my wife will b...
3. How about about 10 million a year in LA ?. 40k view 80 res Daily life 2024/01/25 16:24
My parents are pilots and say they make 10 million yen a year, but they are always saying they have no money, no money.
I live in an apartment for about 300,000 yen a month, and honestly I think ...
4. Aren't you tired of relationships in the workplace... 52k view 95 res Daily life 2024/01/18 09:31

On days when he is in a bad mood, his tone of voice differs from the moment he enters the store
He talks harshly to both employees and customers
When he wants his shift changed on a day...
5. Car registration paper 21k view 44 res Daily life 2024/01/08 22:11
Regarding the registration of the license plate, I renewed it and put a sticker on it, but I lost the paper after I put it on.
Can I sell it to a dealer or private individual in this condition ? ...
6. Banks that can be used after returning to Japan 24k view 19 res Daily life 2023/11/14 16:40
I am looking for a bank that I can use online even after I return to Japan.
・ You can Wire Transfer to Japan online.
・ You can register your Japanese mobile number as the mobile number to re...
7. Japanese supermarket 78k view 56 res Daily life 2023/10/31 13:18
How do you use
Mitsuwa, Nijya, Tokyo Central and other Japanese supermarkets

Please let me know.
8. Hurricane Approaching Southern California (Hurrica... 61k view 42 res Daily life 2023/08/22 02:02
Please share information.
9. 3 year old child care place 1k view 2 res Daily life 2023/07/08 11:22
My child's preschool will be closed for two weeks or longer due to construction work that will suddenly start next Monday the 10th. We are in a bind because we are both working. Is there any preschool...
10. Tax Exemption Rules during Temporary Return to Jap... 1k view 9 res Daily life 2023/03/06 21:38
The rules for tax exemption during temporary return to Japan will change from April 1, 2023.
In order to make tax-free purchases, a proof of residence or a copy of the family register is required...
11. Mail Forwarding to Japan 14k view 41 res Daily life 2023/02/26 14:35
A couple of our neighbors who have been very kind to us have returned to Japan permanently.
They asked me to forward their mail to my address and I have done so.
But I also have tax, Medicar...
12. Featured Black Friday Sale 24k view 57 res Daily life 2022/12/11 09:00
The Black Friday sale is here again this year !
I'm after a Dyson vacuum cleaner and an iRobot.
What are you guys planning to buy?
13. Kaze kanai ? 3k view 11 res Daily life 2022/12/08 10:03
No nasal discharge, sneezing, dandruff
I drank whiskey and slept for 10 hours
I feel much better
I'm a Seirogan believer.
14. 40 ~ Unemployed in his 50s ・ Never married, lives ... 5k view 22 res Daily life 2022/11/06 08:58
I am a parent in my 70s.

Fortunately, all three of us are in good health, and we try to be as close to our children as possible so that the atmosphere in our home does not become

15. Moving to another state after divorce (with joint ... 1k view 7 res Daily life 2022/10/07 08:07
I have a question about moving to another state after divorce.
If a divorce is finalized in California and both ex-husbands and ex-wives share joint custody, and if both exes move to different st...
16. Nikkei Markets 6k view 28 res Daily life 2022/03/31 19:10
I recently moved here from Japan to attend school in Northridge.
Are there any markets around Northridge where I can buy Japanese goods ? If you know of any, please let me know!
17. I want to move to a hole in the ground outside of ... 1k view 5 res Daily life 2022/03/28 11:01
Is there a place
that is walkable, has jobs, lots of stores, and cheap apartments ??
18. accounting firm 14k view 119 res Daily life 2022/02/10 09:45
I received an email from an ex-employee saying that the accounting firm I had been using for tax returns for several years until last year is closed due to a crisis and that I should contact a new fir...
19. About transformers for home bakeries 5k view 15 res Daily life 2022/02/01 02:37
I purchased a Panasonic Nogami home bakery. I saw information on the internet that transformers are good to buy in the U.S., so I am going to buy one. ? I hear that 3 times the voltage is good, but wh...
20. toilet seat with bidet functions 3k view 16 res Daily life 2022/01/22 22:33
I would like to buy a washlet, do you have any recommendations ?
I know there are various cheap and expensive ones, but I don't need the function to heat the seat, but I would like to be able to ...
21. About transformers for home bakeries 698 view 0 res Daily life 2022/01/04 22:38
I purchased a Panasonic Nogami home bakery. According to the internet, many people say that if you buy a transformer in the US, you can use it without problems, but I would appreciate it if you could ...
22. first shrine visit of New Year 1k view 3 res Daily life 2021/12/14 08:15
Will there be a Koyasan Hatsumode in 2022 ?
Please let us know.
23. iSakura 1k view 4 res Daily life 2021/07/09 10:31
I thought NHK disappeared from iSakura a few days ago and now the Login site has disappeared.
I contacted customer service but there is no response, how about you guys ??
24. Vaccine Positive and Negative Questionnaire 19k view 52 res Daily life 2021/05/12 15:21
1. are you a "positive" or "negative" vaccine ?
2. and why ?

Sample answers
1. negative
2. because of possible side effects.

Please fill in your answers.
25. San Francisco Average Annual Income 3k view 7 res Daily life 2021/05/10 04:38
I'm moving to San Francisco and the Bay Area this summer … I wonder if the average income is still over 10 million yen ?
I was able to live a normal life in LA, but I'm not sure how it will be in...
26. Recommended Accounting Firms 1k view 1 res Daily life 2021/02/25 09:06
Please let me know your recommendation.
27. Lockdown again ? ? 79k view 242 res Daily life 2021/01/26 09:00
I just got word from a friend that there's going to be another it true ? ? !?
28. Here we come !. 3k view 9 res Daily life 2021/01/07 11:07
I received $ 600 transfers at the bank today !
Thank you very much.
29. 日本からの小包 12k view 32 res Daily life 2020/11/30 17:03
30. 冷蔵庫の買い替え 2k view 9 res Daily life 2020/10/31 11:22
31. インターネット申し込み 1k view 6 res Daily life 2020/08/13 14:26
すみません。すごく初歩的な質問で恐縮ですが、アパートを借りてインターネットをAT & Tに申し込む場合、AT & Tに電話をして申し込んだら、来てくれるのですか?その場合、ルーターも持って来てくれますか。それとも自分で買うのでしょうか?手順を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。
32. ライセンスプレート発行の手続き 3k view 3 res Daily life 2020/07/22 02:14

33. 日系スーパーマーケット 51k view 214 res Daily life 2020/05/11 07:05
34. レストランはいつから? 2k view 5 res Daily life 2020/04/23 19:28
35. Union Bank Down 5k view 13 res Daily life 2020/04/20 10:54
ユニオン バンク のオンライン バンキング一日中 ダウンしてる。大丈夫か?
36. 財布を落とした。 6k view 20 res Daily life 2020/04/12 07:42

37. Hawthorneドライバーテストについて(実技) 3k view 13 res Daily life 2020/04/11 12:16
38. マスク 1k view 5 res Daily life 2020/04/11 07:33




39. 買い物 9k view 36 res Daily life 2020/04/08 08:33
40. 室内でそだてる野菜 7k view 19 res Daily life 2020/04/06 10:36






41. grocery stores in SoCal opening early for seniors(... 7k view 34 res Daily life 2020/03/27 06:50
Here’s a list of grocery stores in SoCal opening early for seniors, other vulnerable groups during the coronavirus outbreak

Albertsons, Vons, Safeway and Pavilions: Every Tuesday and Thursd...
42. 買い物 2k view 5 res Daily life 2020/03/21 23:27
LAダウンタウンの ホールフードフードに 昨日と今日行ったのですが、長い列で諦めて帰ってきました。今はどこも並ばないと買い物は出来ませんか?
43. 教えて下さい 7k view 26 res Daily life 2020/03/13 08:45
今度 車の免許証の書き換になります。
そこで 67歳の書き換えの時 ペーパーテストがあるのでは無いかと 話しを聞いたのですが本当でしょうか?
44. 新型コロナは「パンデミック」 WHOが表明 1k view 1 res Daily life 2020/03/11 15:44






すでに、toilet Paper 等も現在品切れの所が多いと<...
45. 円相場 1k view 4 res Daily life 2020/02/24 17:29
46. 車の保険 884 view 0 res Daily life 2020/01/29 00:20
47. 子供のピアノレッスンの相場 13k view 61 res Daily life 2020/01/25 23:15


48. 老人ホームの情報 2k view 3 res Daily life 2020/01/20 15:52
アルツハイマーの80才の義母の介護を86才の義父がみていル老老介護の状態です。 義両親はトーランスに住んでおり先日久々に訪ねたら家中汚物臭くて酷い状態でした。 日系老人ホームについて色々しらべても敬老ホームの情報ぐらいしかなく ここは5、6年待ちで順番が来る頃には死にそうです。義母は日本語だけだし 高い料金の所は無理です。老人ホームのよい情報がありましたら宜しくお願いします。
49. バイク免許について 3k view 11 res Daily life 2020/01/09 12:18


50. 電気ストーブ 4k view 7 res Daily life 2019/12/01 18:48







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