Summer Buzz: News & Events in Glendale!
- [注册人]City of Glendale
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Glendale, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/07/02
- 发布日 : 2024/07/02
- 更改日期 : 2024/07/02
- 总浏览次数 : 166 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 用日语联系。
我们可以帮助你建立你家庭的未来财富。 知识渊博、彬彬有礼、值得信赖的代表将帮助你选择合适的产品,以满足你的生活方式和个人需求。当然,你的保单可以在你返回日本后继续使用。
- 在精致的氛围中品尝新鲜食材制作的菜肴,享受美好时光。顾名思义,我们拥有寿司柜台和...
OC ・ 我们在圣安娜提供最好的日本料理和寿司。我们还提供用我们独创的 Shishito 油烹制的菜肴和御膳菜单。您还可以品尝我们从日本精选的季节性新鲜清酒。 Sushi Murasaki(村崎寿司)最受欢迎的菜品 本金枪鱼(红肉) ・ Tororo(山药) ) 我们最推荐也是最受欢迎的菜品,因为我们对它很有信心 ! 鲈鱼--用 Shishito 油烹制,很受欢迎。 Kanpachi 熊...
+1 (714) 241-1000Sushi Murasaki
- 试听课程 ( 面对面 & 在线课程 ) 正在进行中 ~ ★ 📒 作业辅导 ( 本...
洛杉矶ESL学院经验丰富的教师将负责 "你的课程"。 清晨课程 ★ 短期强化课程 ★ 周六强化课程 ★ 英语会话课程 ( 初级 ・ 中级 ・ 高级水平 ) ★ 西班牙语 ★ 韩语 ★ 高中跟YUKO老师上课考试英语语法 ★ 和妈妈一起上BABY课 ★ 儿童英语会话 ★ 商业电子邮件和文件的纠正 ★ 发音纠正 ★ 托业 ・ 托福 ・ SAT ・ 英语测试准备 ★ 本地学校作业纠正 ( 数学 ・ ...
+1 (310) 613-9414ESL Institute LA
- 拥有 14 年经验的南湾美容护肤专家。提供全手面部按摩,解决您的皮肤问题。即使您...
我在南湾为顾客解决皮肤问题已有 14 年。我处理过各种各样的皮肤和问题。他们中的许多人来到我们这里,是因为他们觉得自我保健已经达到了极限。如果您有皮肤问题,不妨试试我们多年经验总结出的独特的全手面部按摩 ? 更美丽,更年轻。
+1 (310) 406-4497Cup of Spa
- 来向专家学习吧!你可以成为一名专业美容师 ! 请随时用日语与我们联系。将颁发加利...
各种专业美容产品。 ●我们由专业人士传授最佳技巧。 ●我们为实际工作提供实用指导。 ●我们详细传授基本技能和专业技能。 ●美容师 ・ 您将学到作为一名修剪师所需的知识。 ●将颁发加利福尼亚州结业证书。 ●欢迎从初学者到专业人士提高技能 ! 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (310) 320-94444Dogs Grooming Academy
- 家庭摄影和影楼摄影(七五三、成人仪式、大宫斋、和服婚礼) & 外景摄影交给我们 ...
我们提供各种特殊的摄影套餐,将和服出租、发型和化妆以及摄影集于一身。 如需在美国全境进行现场拍照和现场化妆,请联系我们。
+1 (818) 646-8088ワンストップ着物スタジオ KIMONO SK
- Bistro Boze 这是一家别致的餐厅,您可以在这里放松身心,品尝意大利美食...
点菜酒单和各种鸡尾酒,当然还有配菜和饮料。 营业至凌晨 1 点(,周五营业至凌晨 2 点),让您可以放松地享受美食。 提供单点菜肴,如菲力牛排、墨鱼汁意大利面和番茄酱意大利面。
+1 (310) 320-5820Bistro Beaux
- 托伦斯的儿童牙医 ★ ☆ 儿童专科牙医 ☆ ★ 龋齿预防、一般儿童牙科、咬合指导...
儿童牙科专家( 儿童牙科专家)是经过培训的牙科医生,在治疗儿童牙齿方面,能够满足超出一般牙科知识和技能的期望和要求。 牙科 牙科预防、普通儿童牙科、咬合指导等。
+1 (310) 784-2777太田小児歯科医院
- 信用卡支付专家 ! 我们提供最低的费率、最快捷、最周到的服务。我们是美国唯一一家...
您的企业也可以很聪明 Smart International 今年已经 25 岁了。作为全美国唯一一家提供日语商户服务的公司,我们自 1995 年以来一直通过信用卡支付支持帮助全美国的日本公司提高业务运营效率。我们是专业的支付・解决方案提供商,不仅提供信用卡支付,还提供 ACH 等汇款服务。在商业支付方面,我们知识渊博・,经验丰富! 我们为任何商业模式提供与支付相关的服务,包括餐厅、美容院...
+1 (800) 500-2899Smart International Service
- 您的牙齿健康吗?让我们托兰斯牙科诊所 Luis Yang Dental Clin...
牙齿健康与身体健康息息相关。美丽的牙齿也会给您带来美丽的笑容和自信。为什么不一起为牙齿健康而努力呢? ・ 普通牙科 ・ 儿童牙科 ・ 假牙 ( 部分和全口假牙 ) ・ 神经治疗 ・ 口腔外科 ( 拔牙等 ) ・ 正畸 ・ 种植体 ・ 牙齿美容 ・ 美白 ・ TMJ ( TMJ ) ・ 牙周病 ・ 牙槽治疗 ( LANAP ) 等。
+1 (310) 539-9307ルイス ヤン歯科医院 / Louis F. Yang, D.D.S.
- 足部专家(足部医生),治疗扭伤、骨折、拇趾外翻、拇指外翻、足部皮肤病(香港脚、尖...
向足部专家(足部医生)咨询足部问题。 扭伤、骨折、运动损伤、拇趾外翻、拇指外翻、足跟外翻 ・ 足弓痛、跟腱痛、足部皮肤病 ( 香港脚、疣、拇趾外翻 ・ 八爪鱼等 ) 卷曲、痛风、扁平足、糖尿病足 日本工作人员值班。 我们帮助许多芭蕾舞演员、舞蹈演员和马拉松运动员解决了足部问题。 我们在治疗儿童足部疾病方面也享有盛誉,我们的目标是为儿童提供无焦虑、无痛苦的治疗。
+1 (310) 375-1417Anavian, Robert, D.P.M. Foot & Ankle Specialist
- 南加州最大的日语足球队 ! 目前有 160 多名学生,在洛杉矶、托兰斯和尔湾设有...
关于CrecerNexes ? 🌟 南加州最大的日语足球队之一 ! 有160多名学生,在洛杉矶、托伦斯和尔湾设有3个分校。 除了通过足球学习日语外, 代表教练还拥有 10 多年的执教经验, 不仅培养基本技能,还培养做人的技巧。 每月一次,各分校的孩子们聚集在一起,与同年龄、同水平的孩子们进行比赛。 我们为他们提供了一个场所,让他们从比赛的输赢中学到很多东西,在实际游戏中积累经验,感受自...
+1 (657) 596-2303クレセルネクセス 日本語サッカーチーム
- 🍛 考虑到安全问题,我们开始营业 ! 🍣 🍚 我们还是想吃日本料理 🍚 ! ! ...
如果您想品尝 Iccho 的招牌美食 ! 我们期待您的光临 ! ☎ ((310) 325-7273} 在 Iccho,我们提供从寿司到烤鸡肉串 300 种不同的菜肴,其数量和价格都是首屈一指的。我们提供的数量和低廉的价格是其他任何地方都无法比拟的。 友好温馨的 Itcho 欢迎儿童和老人光临。 我们还接受团体聚会的预订。 请来拜访我们,我们将以灿烂的笑容恭候您的光临。
+1 (310) 325-7273一丁
- 洛杉矶高尔夫学校。通过简单易懂的日语私人课程,你将看到你的游戏立即得到改善。 我...
易于理解的日语私人课程。你将能够立即感受到你的进步。 我们还为来自日本的其他高尔夫课程、语言课程、洛杉矶观光旅行和参加各种锦标赛,如美国高尔夫迷你巡回赛和青少年锦标赛提供全面支持。 I-20可以从伙伴学校签发。
+1 (626) 696-7403Yobiko Los Angeles Golf Academy
- [日语律师事务所] Cohen Law Group 是洛杉矶 ・ 比佛利山庄 ・...
需要帮助寻找值得信赖的律师吗?Cohen Lawyer Group 连续三年被评为 SUPER LAWYER,每周 7 天、每天 24 小时提供日语免费咨询。收费合理。我们用日语解释您的案件,不使用专业术语,即使是复杂的案件,任何人都能理解。
+1 (310) 756-2571コーエン弁護士グループ
This publication is brought to you by Mayor Elen Asatryan and City Councilmembers Ara Najarian, Ardy Kassakhian, Dan Brotman, and Vartan Gharpetian.
Roubik New Crop Photoshop [ ]
*A Message from the City Manager, Roubik Golanian*
Summer is officially here, Glendale! We've already started making Cooling Centers available to you and your pets, and this will continue throughout the hot summer months. As we kick off July, we have an amazing line-up of events happening throughout Glendale.
Firstly, congratulations are in order to our Glendale Fire and Police Departments. The recent graduation of Fire Recruit Academy Class 24-1 marks a significant milestone as they join the GFD family, ready to serve and protect our community. Additionally, the grand opening of Glendale Police Department's Montrose Substation highlights our commitment to enhancing safety. Thank you to our safety partners for their continued dedication to our Jewel City!
Secondly, get ready for the return of Glendale Cruise Night on July 20th in the heart of Glendale, on Brand Blvd.! Join us to see hundreds of classic and modified cars, enjoy live performances, and explore community and food booths
And moving on to live entertainment, our Summer Concerts are back! Starting July 10th, various talented bands will take the stage every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening at 7:00 PM around Glendale. Grab your blankets, folding chairs, and let's celebrate this summer together!
Remember to stay hydrated and keep cool during the hot days ahead!
Summer Concerts are Back! ????
Summer Concerts
Join us for live performances from a variety of talented bands in a family-friendly setting. Bring a picnic dinner and folding chairs or blankets for seating....and don't forget your dancing shoes! Click below for more details.
*Event Details:*
*Wednesdays, July 10 - August 14, 2024 *
7:00 PM
Verdugo Park
1621 Cañada Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91208
*Fridays, July 12 - August 30, 2024 *
7:00 PM
Brand Park
1601 W. Mountain St.
Glendale, CA 91201
*Thursdays, August 1 - August 15, 2024 *
7:00 PM
Perkins Plaza
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206
*Summer Concert Details!* [ ]
Rockhaven Community Meeting ??
Rockhaven Community Meeting
Join us for the Rockhaven Community Meeting to learn more about the proposal to rehabilitate the Pines Cottage into a museum and make the entire site ADA accessible. Share your thoughts on the site's future and engage in a Q&A session about the proposal. Your input is valuable in shaping the future of Rockhaven!
*Event Details: *
July 10, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Montrose Public Library
2465 Honolulu Ave.
Glendale, CA 91020
For More Details, Call (818) 937-8155
New Tech Opportunities!
Tech Hub Glendale
The City of Glendale received a $1 million grant from the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development to support tech-focused initiatives. In response, the city has issued a Request for Proposal inviting qualified respondents to submit proposals for the operation and program management of a tech startup accelerator, incubator, startup studio, or similar growth program. Funding will be awarded to the top one or two applicants.
Apply now and be part of shaping the future of Glendale’s Tech Landscape! *Application Deadline: *July 12, 2024
*Application Details!* [ ]
Classic Films Under the Stars ??️
Alex Film Poster
"Classic Films Under the Stars" is back for a second season, presented on the lawn of the Doctor's House in Glendale’s Brand Park.
Mark your calendars for these remaining Saturday evenings:
* July 13, 2024: the Film Noir classic Crime Wave
* August 3, 2024: Bye Bye Birdie
Gates will open at 5:30 PM, with the show starting at 7:00 PM.
*Event Details:*
July 13 and August 3, 2024
7:00 PM
Brand Park
1601 W. Mountain St.
Glendale, CA 91201
*Learn More!* [ ]
Glendale Cruise Night is Here! ??
Cruise Night 2024
Join us at the 29th Annual Cruise Night Event in the heart of Glendale on Brand Blvd. See hundreds of classic and import/modified cars, while listening to the live performances. The evening will include vendor booths, giveaways, activities for kids, and FUN! Stick around until the end for a Fireworks Spectacular Show at the main stage. This event is FREE!
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click HERE [ ].
*Event Details:*
July 20, 2024
5:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Brand Boulevard, Between Milford and Broadway
*Cruise Night Information!* [ ]
Tech On Tap ??️
Tech on Tap
Join us for Tech on Tap on July 23, 2024, featuring an engaging fireside chat on ‘AI for Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategies.’ Karapet Manukyan will discuss cutting-edge advancements in AI technology that are reshaping marketing personalization. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing!
*Event Details: *
July 23, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Glen Arden Club
357 Arden Ave.
Glendale, CA 91203
*Register Today!* [ ]
Campfire Program ??️
CampFire Program July
Join us to learn all about black bears that inhabit our mountains. Hosted by Deveron Shudic, a student of wildlife biology, this evening includes songs, skits, smiles, and s’mores!
*Event Details:*
July 27, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Deukmejian Wilderness Park
3429 Markridge Road
La Crescenta, CA 91214
*RSVP Today!* [ ]
*GFD Welcomes Six New Probationary Firefighters ??*
Glendale Fire Class of 2024
Fire Chief Greg Fish is proud to congratulate Recruit Academy Class 24-1 for successfully completing their training to become the newest members of the Glendale Fire Department. For 16 weeks, Class 24-1 trained the Glendale way – hose pulls, ladder throws, hose line advancement, vertical ventilation, firefighter survival and rescue operations. Today, each one is working at their first fire station, Congratulations!
GPD Increases Visibility with New Montrose Substation ??
GPD Montrose Opening
The Glendale Police Department, in partnership with the Montrose Shopping Park Association and the Montrose Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce, opened the doors to the Department’s new Montrose Substation during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, June 7.
The Montrose Substation will help the Department maintain a great response time, have a consistent presence in the north part of the city, and engage with neighbors in and around the area, ultimately helping to deter crime. The new substation is located at 3600 Ocean View Blvd., #11, and replaces the former substation located just above Honolulu Ave. Stop by and say hi!
*More Info!* [ ]
Summer Reading is Back!
LAC Summer Reading
Join Glendale Library, Arts & Culture’s 77th Annual Summer Reading Challenge June 1st through August 10th, with the theme “Read, Renew, Repeat.” All ages can register in person at any of GLAC’s eight branch libraries, or online through the Glendale Beanstack Website. [ ]
Children, Teens, and Adults receive prizes for signing up for the challenge, meeting reading goals, and completing fun activities.
Last year, our community read over 400,000 minutes together through the Summer Reading Challenge! Let’s see if we can surpass that this summer!
*Learn More!* [ ]
All Aboard! ????
Wander the Wilderness Bus
Enjoy Deukmejian Wilderness Park without worrying about how to get there! Wander the Wilderness Bus is a FREE shuttle operating every weekend to help you and your family get to the park, and explore the wilderness!
"Funding for the bus is provided by Metro, a partner in our community."
*Learn More!* [ ]
Summer’s the time to stay cool, so visit Pacific Community Pool! ??
Pacific Community Parks
Pacific Community Pool is open year-round and group/private swim lessons registration is now open! Visit [ ] for current hours of operation, swim lesson times, summer swim and water polo team information, the Junior Lifeguard Academy, and general program/registration information.
Questions: Call (818) 937-7433 or click below!
*Learn More & Register!* [ ]
Free Summer Lunch Program ??
GUSD Free Lunch
This summer, Community Services and Parks Department in partnership with GUSD will provide free meals during summer vacation to children under the age of 18 and people with disabilities as part of the Seamless Summer Feeding Option Program.
*Event Details:** *
June 10 - August 9, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Monday - Friday)
Pacific Park
501 S. Pacific Ave.
Glendale, CA 91204
Application for Trail Safety Patrol Now Open! ??
Trail Safety Patrol
As a Trail Safety Patrol (TSP) volunteer, you have a unique opportunity to assist the City of Glendale by providing public assistance and resource protection. Your influence on park visitors will enhance their experience and safety while in our parks!
* Must be 18 Years of Age
* Undergo a Background Check and City-mandated Trail Safety Training
* Be in Good Health
* Devote a Minimum of Two Hours per Month
For questions, please send an email to <>.
*Become A TSP Volunteer!* [ ]
Summer Readiness: Save Energy on Hot Days ??
Summer Readiness
When temperatures rise in the summer, the electricity needed to cool our homes puts a strain on the grid, which can lead to power outages. GWP sends out Peak Day Alerts asking customers to take simple steps to lower their electricity use. You can purchase a Smart Thermostat to control temperature using your phone or tablet and enroll in Peak Savings Demand Response Program by visiting
Click below for more tips on conserving energy!
*Additional Tips!* [ ]
National Night Out is Back!
National Night Out
National Night Out is your chance to connect with your neighbors and discuss concerns, strategies, and ideas for safer communities. The Glendale Police Department, Glendale Fire Department, Community Services & Parks Department, members of the Glendale City Council and City Officials will hear your concerns, ideas, and explore how they might work together to improve the safety of neighborhoods in Glendale.
For more information about National Night Out, call (818) 937-7247 or email
*Event Details: *
August 6, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Pacific Community Center
501 S. Pacific Ave.
Glendale, CA 91204
*Learn More!* [ ]
Electric Landscaping Workshop Coming Up!
Gas Leaf Blower
Join us for an Electric Landscaping Workshop and Demo Event, where landscaping experts and equipment companies will showcase alternatives to gas-powered tools and explain the new ordinance. This event is open to residents, businesses, and landscapers.
*Event Details:
*August 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Verdugo Park
1621 Canada Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91208
*Learn More!* [ ]
*GWP Home Energy & Water Upgrade Program ??*
Home Energy & Water Upgrade
The Home Energy and Water Upgrade program helps residential customers save energy and water through a home survey and the installation of conservation devices, at no cost! To schedule your free home survey, click below!
*Schedule Your Survey!* [ ]
*Cerritos Park Splash Pad Now Open!*
Splash Pads Summer 2024
Join us to beat the heat with some water play on our splash pads at Cerritos Park!
*Splash Pad Hours:*
*May 25 - September 15, 2024*
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Sunday
Cerritos Park
3690 San Fernando Rd.
Glendale, CA 91204
*September 21 - October 13, 2024
*11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturdays & Sundays only
Cerritos Park
3690 San Fernando Rd.
Glendale, CA 91204
*Learn More* [ ]
Park Playground Survey Now Available!
CSP Survey Summer 2024
We'll be replacing the playgrounds at Adams Square Mini Park and Mayors Bicentennial Park in Fall 2024, and need your input!
You're invited to get involved through the online community survey, available in multiple languages.
Visit [ ] for more information and to take the survey.
*Take the Survey Today! * [ ]
Wading Pools ??
Wading Pool 2024
Wading pools are small 1-2 ft. deep pools designed for children 8 years and under. There are 4 wading pools throughout the city that will open for drop-by use beginning June 10 on a rotating basis. You can reserve a wading pool for your private party, too! We are now taking reservations for wading pool rentals from June through September.
*Wading Pools Reservation!* [ ]
Summer 2024 Leisure Guide Available Online!
Leisure Guide Summer 2024
The Leisure Guide is the city's quarterly e-publication where you can find information about programs, classes, services, and events that the city is offering that season. You'll find classes and activities that suit each person in your family, from tots to seniors. Want to see a list of all our parks or learn about our rental facilities? Looking for our department's phone directory? That's inside too!
*Leisure Guide* [ ]
Want to Make a Difference in our Community?
Boards and Commissions
Volunteering for a Board or Commission is one of the best ways to give back to your community! If you have an eye for design plans, or know the in's and out's of building safety codes, apply to join either of the following Boards and help shape the future of our community!
Summary of each Commission's purview:
Arts & Culture Commission [ ] - facilitate interaction among artists, promote art activities and education and recognize achievement in the arts.
Audit Committee [ ] - review financial information and internal controls. Provide recommendation to the City Council regarding the scope, areas of audit and priority.
Building & Fire Board of Appeals [ ] - consider appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official and/or the Fire Marshal relative to the Glendale Building & Safety Code.
Civil Service Commission [ ] - establishes the rules and policies under which Glendale's merit system operates, ensuring continuation of Glendale's reputation as a city whose employees attain and keep their positions on the basis of ability, training and experience, rather than political patronage.
Commission on the Status of Women [ ] - assess and evaluate the needs and issues of women in the City and to advise the City Council, City departments and other community agencies and organizations of those needs and issues. Recommend programs or legislation to the City Council.
Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee [ ] - The duties of the Committee are to oversee an annual community needs assessment and determine funding priorities; evaluate funding proposals and make funding recommendations to City Council; and review performance and program revisions by funded agencies.
Design Review Board [ ] – review and approve design plans and applications in accordance with the Glendale Zoning Code, with a focus on appearance, site planning, design, and general layout.
Glendale Water and Power Commission [ ] - Acting in an advisory manner, the GWP Commission is charged with the responsibility of recommending to the City Council changes or improvements in the City's water and electric system, together with recommendation as to means of financing such improvements. The Commission also recommends any changes in operational policies which deems advisable and hears water conservation appeals.
Historic Preservation Commission [ ] - advise the City Council on historic preservation issues, including the designation of properties to the Glendale Historic Property Register, and assist in building community support for preservation issues.
Parks, Recreation & Community Services Commission [ ] - advise the City Council on programming of parks, playgrounds and recreational activities.
Planning Commission [ ] - review and make recommendations to City Council on general and master plans and approval of major land subdivision plans. They also consider and determine issues of condominium approvals, minor land divisions, and approvals for Special Recreation Zone issues.
*Apply Here!* [!/ ]
*Book Your Picnic Area Online!*
Book Reservation
Did you know the Community Services and Parks department allows customers to book picnic permits online? Once your deposit is paid, a customer service representative will reach out to process your full payment and confirm the reservation. The deposit will be applied towards your picnic fees at the time of confirmation.
Click below to book your picnic reservation online and hold your preferred facility/date for a non-refundable deposit of $50.
*Reserve Online!* [ ]
Visit Glendale App! ??
Visit Glendale
Whether you're visiting Glendale or just want to stay in the know about new hotspots and hidden gems, the Visit Glendale app is here to make your excursion planning hassle-free. Explore Glendale at your fingertips!
*Learn More* [ ]
Employment Opportunities Available For Students With Special Needs ??
GYA Step
[ ]*Student Training & Employment Program (STEP)*
We have paid jobs for students with disabilities!
*Eligibility Requirements:*
* Must be an L.A. County Resident
* 16-21 years of age
* Have a documented disability or health condition (see flyer for details)
* Have the right to work in the U.S.
* Have a work permit, if under 18
For more information, please contact Glendale Youth Alliance at (818) 937-8073 or via email below:
*Email Here!* <>
[ ]*Glendale Youth Alliance
LA County Summer Youth Employment Program*
Glendale Youth Alliance is accepting applications for LA County Summer Youth Employment program, which offers paid work experience to eligible 14 to 24 year old youth.
*Eligibility Requirements:*
* Must be an L.A. County Resident
* 14-24 years of age
* Have the right to work in the U.S.
* Able to obtain a work permit, if under 18
For more information, please contact Glendale Youth Alliance at (818) 937-8073, or via email below:
*Email Here!* <>
Looking for work? ??
vjc [ ] ________________________________________________________________________
*The Verdugo Jobs Center [ ]* is a career center providing our region’s workforce with career counseling, job search assistance, professional development & training, job fairs, workshops, & more all free of charge. *Interested in public service? Visit Government Jobs [ ].*
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