- [登録者]City of Manhattan Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/02/14
- 掲載日 : 2025/02/14
- 変更日 : 2025/02/14
- 総閲覧数 : 53 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- オールドトーランスにある法律事務所です。日本語無料法律相談を24時間受け付けてお...
~FIGHT WITH YOU~複雑なケースの結果を左右するのは、弁護士の経験と知識の幅広さ、そして何より誠実さです。他の弁護士事務所で諦められてしまったケース、家族とクライアントを最も大事にするジョセフピテラが、あなたと共に粘り強く戦います。リーズブルな料金で、日本語対応しております。一度ご相談ください。
+1 (310) 756-2571Joseph Pittera Law Offices (ジョセフピテラ法律事務所)
- コスタメサとトーレンスで診療を行っています。ドクターとスタッフが全員日本人で、受...
+1 (714) 641-0681室谷歯科医院
- <予約制店内飲食可>テイクアウトも承ります!!48年以上続く老舗の本格的江戸前寿...
+1 (949) 642-2677Sushi Shibucho
- 日本語や日本について学びたい人は、どなたでも入学できます!入門、小学部、中学部、...
日本語や日本について学びたい人は、人種や国籍にかかわらず協同システムの学園に入学できます!一緒に楽しく日本語を学びましょう!日本の言葉と文化を学ぶ日本語学園協同システムは、1948年に創設された全米でも最大規模の日本語学校です。ロサンゼルスを中心に2つの学園を持つ協同システムの全生徒数は二百名を数え、日本人学校や補習校とは異なり、「日本語を第 二言語として教える」ことを基本方針に、人種や国籍に関わ...
+1 (626) 469-0092Japanese Language School Unified System / 日本語学園 協同システム
- 5〜9歳対象のそろばん教室。日本語&英語対応。iPad等のタブレット学習でオンラ...
+1 (310) 698-2150そろタッチ LAトーランス校(そろばん式暗算教室)
- Rosemead Collegeは、リーズナブルな授業料で英語を学べる語学学校で...
英会話をもっと上達させたい! 資格を取りながら語学留学したい! 進学したい!当校は午前クラス、午後クラス、イヴニングクラスのスケジュールを設けており、生徒個人のライフスタイルに合った時間帯で授業を受けられるようサポートしていく事をモットーとしております。ESLクラスでは、発音、リスニング、リーディング、ライティング、文法、会話を基礎からレベルに合わせて学習します。ESLクラス以外にもTOEICや ...
+1 (310) 316-3698Rosemead College - Torrance Campus-
- ピアノのことならお任せください!レンタル・中古販売・修理、調律・運搬・買取・レッ...
+1 (714) 962-2508Hiro Piano Service, Inc.
- 🎉お友達紹介キャンペーン🎉 LASCに新規編入される生徒様がご友人を紹介すると...
+1 (949) 756-0453LASC
- アーバインにある日本の工務店。リフォーム、リモデル、修理、修繕を日本のサービス基...
+1 (949) 561-8539オオタニ工務店 UJ Thinktank Inc
- おふくろの味が恋しくなったらガーデナの琴平へ。和食はもちろん、定食、うどん、ヘル...
+1 (310) 323-3966琴平
- 東京・加藤レディスクリニック提携クリニック!自然周期体外受精専門医 Life I...
独自の考えで治療に取り組む不妊専門クリニックです。『できるだけ体に負担が少なくて、回り道をすることなく子どもがほしい』不妊治療を考えるとき、きっとそう思うはず。Life IVF Centerは東京、加藤レディスクリニックと同じく極力、排卵誘発剤を使わない『自然周期体外受精』を中心に、体にやさしい不妊治療を行ってします。また不妊治療のほか、婦人科検診も承っております。女性特有の病気や検診に関してご興...
+1 (949) 788-1133Life IVF Center
- Dr.ハイブリッド 修理U.S.A. 米国BAR公認整備資格を取得している日本人...
ハイブリッドバッテリーの修理および点検メンテナンスをお安く整備提供しています。故障またはREADYにならないなどで動かなかった際の出張メンテナンス整備およびロードサービスもしていますのでお気軽にご相談ください。弊社ではハイブリッドバッテリーを新品、中古品、リビルト品を使用して修復、再生、調整バランステストなどすべての修理を行なっております。24時間受付 ロードサービス 出張修理 キャタライザーの盗...
+1 (310) 961-6655TAKAHITO MOTORS
- 月〜土は、夜8時まで営業!日は夜7時まで。日本で経験豊富なスタイリストが丁寧に施...
+1 (310) 391-1568Hair Epoch
- 「子どもの、子どもによる、子どものための保育」を教育方針 に、「自分で考えて、自...
+1 (949) 444-9403ふたば幼稚園
- 【永住権、ビザ、離婚、会社設立】全てお任せください!信頼の実績とリーズナブルな料...
【サービスの良さとリーズナブルな料金で高評価!】グリーカード(永住権)、各種ビザ、離婚、会社設立のサポートはお任せください。全米、日本、アジア、ヨーロッパなど、世界中のクライアントに対応しています。WITH Legal Solutionsは、カリフォルニア州登録のイミグレーションコンサルタント、ロサンゼルス郡登録のLegal Document Assistant(法律書類作成のプロフェッショナル)...
+1 (310) 400-2493WITH Legal Solutions
Having trouble viewing this email? [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMANHATTANBEACH/bulletins/0 ]View it as a Web page [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMANHATTANBEACH/bulletins/3d2400d ].
Tennis Court Survey [ https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=RzPDUEeWNUW6_lJF_gN2mfVtCstlCkBNmaRwZDEt66xUMFA1WVdMWEJIMkpPQU5GTlFSQlVJTEE4Vy4u&route=shorturl&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
SURVEY: Manhattan Heights Tennis Court Restriping
New development! The tennis courts at Manhattan Heights Park are scheduled for resurfacing this March, and we have a fantastic opportunity to enhance our facilities. The Parks and Recreation Department is contemplating the addition of new lines on Court #2 to accommodate four pickleball courts, much like those on Court #1.
This is your chance to shape the future of our park! We encourage you to take part in our survey and let your voice be heard. Your feedback is invaluable in making our community spaces even better.
Don’t wait—" the survey closes on February 21, 2025". Join us in making Manhattan Heights Park a more vibrant place for everyone!
*Fill Out Survey* [ https://forms.office.com/g/uhtYjQSeKt?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Kaizen Introduction [ https://www.courts.manhattanbeach.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
New Court & Memberships Website
Exciting Update: Our tennis court system is getting an upgrade! Create your account today. Existing memberships will be transferred once your account is set up.
"Need help? Call us at *(310) 802-5448* [ tel:3108025448 ] for personal assistance."
*Create Your Account* [ https://www.courts.manhattanbeach.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Apply Now [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/cultural-arts/art-in-public-places/utility-box-beautification-program?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Utility Box Beautification Project - Call For Artists
Help Transform Manhattan Beach! The Cultural Arts Commission invites local artists to participate in Phase III of our Utility Box Beautification Project. Selected artwork will be showcased on utility boxes throughout the city, creating vibrant public art that enhances our community. Open to South Bay Beach Cities residents, with a special youth category for artists 17 and under. Selected artists receive a stipend.
*Deadline: March 9th*
"Youth Category: Ages 17 and under (or 18 with proof of high school enrollment)"
*Begin Your Application* [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/cultural-arts/art-in-public-places/utility-box-beautification-program?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Slots and Shopping [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/citymb/activity/search/detail/40704?from_original_cui=true&onlineSiteId=0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Slots & Shopping
Ready for the perfect day out? Try your luck at Morongo Casino, then refresh your wardrobe with amazing deals at Desert Hills Premium Outlets! Top off your adventure with delicious treats from historic Hadley's. All while enjoying comfortable motorcoach transportation – no driving stress! Join us for a fantastic day of gaming, shopping, and fun.
*Friday, February 21*
8:00 AM - 6:30 PM
*Register Now* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/citymb/activity/search/detail/40704?from_original_cui=true&onlineSiteId=0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Ripple Effect Gallery Tours [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1225346196459?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Ripple Effect: Gallery Tours
Discover ocean conservation through art at "Ripple Effect"! Join our guided gallery tour, then create your own magnetic tide pool specimen in our education space. A perfect blend of environmental awareness and hands-on creativity. All materials provided.
*Wednesday, February 19 at 7 PM*
*Thursday, February 20 at 3 PM*
*RSVP * [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1225346196459?aff=oddtdtcreator&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Water Aerobics [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/citymb/activity/search?activity_keyword=water+aerobics&activity_select_param=2&onlineSiteId=0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&viewMode=list ]
Water Aerobics
Get fit with a splash! Our low-impact water aerobics classes are perfect for all fitness levels – no swimming experience needed. Build strength, improve flexibility, and boost endurance.
Choose the day of the week that works best for you. Classes are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only.
Classes begin the week of March 10th!
*Register Now* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/citymb/activity/search?activity_keyword=water+aerobics&activity_select_param=2&onlineSiteId=0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&viewMode=list ]
Luck O' the Irish [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/citymb/activity/search/detail/40721?from_original_cui=true&onlineSiteId=0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Luck O' the Irish Musical Revue
Transport yourself to the Emerald Isle with an enchanting afternoon of beloved Irish classics like "Danny Boy" and "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"! Savor a traditional Irish feast of corned beef and cabbage (or choose lemon chicken or vegetarian option), complete with all the fixings and a sweet finish. Between the music, delicious food, shopping, and exciting raffle prizes, you'll feel the luck of the Irish all afternoon long!
*March 17, 2025
*10AM - 5PM
*Register Now* [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/citymb/activity/search/detail/40721?from_original_cui=true&onlineSiteId=0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
This Month's Newsletters
February mbac cover [ https://issuu.com/mbparksandrec/docs/february_25_-_mbac_newsletter?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Ripple Effect Gallery Tours on *Feb 19 & 20*
* Utility Box Beautification Program - *Apply Now [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/cultural-arts/art-in-public-places/utility-box-beautification-program?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
* Silver Metal Clay: Earring with 5mm Stone - *Feb 22*
* Glaze Lab on Saturday and Sundays
Feb OAP Cover [ https://issuu.com/mbparksandrec/docs/february_newsletter_2025?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Free Movies Every Friday
* Valentine's Bingo - *Feb 18*
* Dine & Discover -* Feb 20*
* Walking Group - *NEW! Feb 3*
Interested in any events above?* Call 310-802-5449*
Jan MBAC [ https://issuu.com/mbparksandrec/docs/manhappenings_winter_2025_-_final?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Join the Parks & Rec Commission - *Get Details [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/boards-and-commissions?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
* City Hall Closed for President's Day - *Feb 17*
* Winter Registration is now open
* Spring/Summer Camp registration opens Monday, March 3!
Stay Connected with City of Manhattan Beach: Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/citymb?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/citymb?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] you tube [ https://www.youtube.com/user/cityofmb?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] Alert Southbay [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Home/Components/News/News/4923/43?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] MB TV [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/mbtv?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] SUBSCRIBER SERVICES:
Manage Subscriptions [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMANHATTANBEACH/subscriber/edit?preferences=true#tab1 ] | Unsubscribe All [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMANHATTANBEACH/subscriber/one_click_unsubscribe?verification=5.2ba35346fcebb459279cb057367abb19&destination=mshinji3056%40gmail.com ] | Help [ https://subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com/ ]
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