Public Works eNewsletter: January 2025
- [登録者]City of Manhattan Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/31
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
- 変更日 : 2025/01/31
- 総閲覧数 : 66 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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- リトル東京に位置する、日本語対応の医院です。多様な保険を受け付けております。急性...
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- 人・仕事・地域社会 仕事をお探しの方はインテレッセへご登録を。
+1 (310) 414-9111Interesse International, Inc.
- ロサンゼルスの都ホテル2階にある本格的な和食レストラン。 厳選素材を使った寿司や...
+1 (213) 617-7839Tamon Restaurant
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日本はもちろん世界へ荷物の受け取りからお届けまで、日本人スタッフが真心こめてお手伝い致します。輸出輸入に関わらず、煩雑な手続きは全て私たちにお任せ下さい。長年にわたり、インターラインはアジアの主要な地域で独自のオフィスやパートナーを構築し、50カ国以上に事業を広げてまいりました。 刻々と変化し続ける運送業界において必要とされる競争力のある料金や柔軟な対応といったハイクオリティなサービスをお客様にご...
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+1 (310) 530-5830しらゆり幼稚園
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【バレエスクール🩰 サッカークラブ⚽️in サウスベイ】私たちMK ACADEMYは、サッカークラブとバレエスクールを運営するNPO法人です。《バレエスクール🩰プティ・エトワール》1.5歳〜大人まで、本格的なバレエレッスンを日本語で受けられるバレエスクールです!少人数制の丁寧・安全なレッスンで、美しい心と身体を育てます。今月3月に新しい自社バレエスタジオをオープンしました!身体への負担を軽減するバ...
+1 (310) 483-9318MK ACADEMY F.C.KATANA / Ballet des Petites Étoiles
- お家で本格的ラーメン!こだわり抜いた麺が特徴の明星USAです。生麺ラーメン・焼き...
お家で本格的ラーメン!こだわり抜いた麺が特徴の明星USAです。生麺ラーメン・焼きそば・うどん・冷やし中華・沖縄そば・長崎ちゃんぽんなど 多彩な商品ラインナップが魅力です♪ アイディア次第で美味しさが無限に広がる「アレンジレシピ」も公開中!
+1 (909) 464-1411Myojo USA, INC.
- Pre-School/Kindergarten/1st Grade 2歳~7歳対...
サウスベイで30年の歴史と実績を持つPlayhouseはご家族との繋がりを大切にし、お子様の基礎教育をしっかりと行います。少人数制で、英語で学べるスクールです。開園時間は1年を通して、月曜から金曜 午前6時30分~午後6時です。夏の期間には、プリスクールの楽しく学べる特別プログラムや、幼稚園児を対象としたキャンププログラムも行っています。園内には広いプレイフィールドが備えられ、お子様も安心してのび...
+1 (310) 371-1231Playhouse
- 👘七五三、成人式、卒業式、結婚式、お宮参り👘などの大切な節目のお祝いのお手伝いを...
ロサンゼルスにある着物レンタル、着付けはTOKYO KIMONOにお任せください。豊富な種類の着物からお好きな着物をお選び頂けます。日本人のプロの着付け師が丁寧にコーディネート、プロのカメラマンもお客様が納得いくまで対応いたします。 スタジオだけでなく、ロケーション撮影も行なっておりますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。Instagram @tokyokimono_
+1 (310) 634-9897TOKYO KIMONO
- 遊びと体験を通して学ぶ場を提供する立夏幼稚園です。対象年齢は18ヶ月から6歳まで...
+1 (714) 557-1669立夏幼稚園
- 車の修理・点検ならお任せ下さい。タイヤ・ワイパー交換まで、日本語で安心のサービス...
+1 (949) 951-5398Shinzo Auto Service
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パソコンスキルを身につけませんか?Microsoft Officeコース・Adobeコース・プログラミングコース
+1 (201) 407-0055Villagewell, LLC
- トーランスにある小児科医院です。日本とアメリカで経験のある小児科医が日本語でわか...
カリフォルニア州トーランス市にて日本語で小児科診療を行っています。トーランスメモリアル病院のすぐ隣にあります。院長は日本で小児科医の経験があり、日米の医療、慣習の違いをよく知ったうえで患者様に日本語でわかりやすく説明させていただいています。日本人の方が、アメリカで安心して出産、子育てをしていけるよう、スタッフともどもお手伝いさせていただきたいと思っています。<NEW> PCR検査を当院...
+1 (310) 483-7880松本尚子 小児科
- Lexusをお考えですか?早速サチまでご連絡下さい!South Bay Lexu...
Lexusにしようかなと思えばまずはサチまでご連絡を!新車、中古車、リースそしてローンのことまで、何でもLexusの事ならサチにお任せ下さい。South Bay Lexusにて日本語のセールスとして15年近くLexusファンのお客様に喜ばれております。Lexusのことなら何でもサチにお任せ下さい。新車、中古車、リースそしてローンの事まで経験たっぷりのサチが日本語で全てお世話いたします。そしてなんと...
+1 (310) 940-4694South Bay Lexus
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Welcome to the latest edition of our Public Works Online Newsletter! This is your go-to resource for staying informed about the projects, initiatives, and developments that keep our community thriving. Whether it's road maintenance, water management, or sustainable infrastructure, we're here to keep you updated on the essential services that support our daily lives. In this edition, you'll find the latest news on upcoming projects, highlights from completed works, and insights into how we're planning for a resilient future. Thank you for being part of our community, and for your continued support as we work together to build a better tomorrow.
*Starting February 2025, the Public Works Newsletter will only be sent to Public Works Update subscribers. To continue receiving this newsletter, please subscribe to Public Works Updates [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https:*2Flnks.gd*2Fl*2FeyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDEsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcHVibGljLmdvdmRlbGl2ZXJ5LmNvbS9hY2NvdW50cy9DQU1BTkhBVFRBTkJFQUNIL3N1YnNjcmliZXIvbmV3P3RvcGljX2lkPUNBTUFOSEFUVEFOQkVBQ0hfNDIiLCJidWxsZXRpbl9pZCI6IjIwMjQwOTI0Ljg3MTM1MSJ9.499OstXhf2fhZQQbdkHYpMu6SjpvlG8-nu7CpRhoE74*2Fs*2F3078343369*2Fbr*2F249688647004-l__;!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!JNiA8kBrAHeiAC3MZgUzmmm6l3f-kUTinr7W6TypxyknLEWYu_wdgO_MAktAQsY9nfNjarjKKHHOvkeF_flLxiPPCZGlBNdC-EkPFyNR6Ds*2524*3Futm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/1/0101019397fe3a8f-3477c1b2-e4c0-4762-813b-0b1f1543c3d5-000000/AURJeQoZEJRtW0iFPL4jLO8pwgHyeE42EpNR0hZEtmc=382__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!INSe1hPZ9Vy_yDFJxM0M4FVbAs78cgYW4DUdkr9jvJewU2kf7kkEBx7yE7QT8gMdrpTkCnLlHlB35V0CPG8dF2JN7EAyfBTzO1j0dZvggfY%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. *
Water Quality
drinking water
Manhattan Beach Water is Safe
Recent wildfires have raised concerns about the safety of potable water systems, particularly regarding potential contamination from ash, debris, runoffs and chemicals. However, the City of Manhattan Beach has not been affected, as its main water source, the Metropolitan Water District (MWD), is located outside the areas impacted by the fires. This means that the integrity of Manhattan Beach’s water supply remains intact, and the water is still safe to drink. The MWD continuously monitors water quality, ensuring that it meets all safety standards. While fires can cause damage to infrastructure in other areas, the City of Manhattan Beach is fortunate to rely on an unaffected water source, so residents can rest assured that their tap water remains clean and safe.
28th St Community Meeting
28th Street Stormwater Infiltration Project
Community Meeting
The 28th Street Stormwater Infiltration Project in Manhattan Beach is a vital initiative aimed at improving water quality and sustainability. This project captures and treats stormwater runoff, helping to reduce pollution and replenish groundwater supplies. Learn more at our community meeting and visit http://www.manhattanbeach.gov/oceanprotection [ http://www.manhattanbeach.gov/oceanprotection?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] for more information on how Manhattan Beach is improving ocean quality through this project and other initiatives.
*February 6, 2025
**6:00 PM
**Manhattan Heights Community Center
*1600 Manhattan Beach Boulevard
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
To view the event on the City Calendar, please visit https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/78864/35 [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/78864/35?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Aviation Survey
Aviation Boulevard Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings Enhancements
The Beach Cities of Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach are evaluating pedestrian and bicycle crossing enhancements on Aviation Boulevard between Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Artesia Boulevard. This Project is currently fully funded by regional Measure M dollars.
Aviation Boulevard is a major regional arterial street carrying over 36,000 vehicles per day. Along Aviation Boulevard there are few crossing locations for pedestrians and bicyclists. Other than the signalized intersections on the two ends of the corridor, the traffic signal at 2nd Street/Robinson Street is the only signalized crossing location, located approximately 0.5 mile from each end of the corridor. This proposed project will evaluate two additional crossing locations, including potential impacts to vehicular traffic flow, with the following goals:
* Provide safer/low-stress crossing locations along Aviation Boulevard for residents and visitors of both cities who patronize local businesses and return to their residence or vehicle.
* Improve access to transit and bus stops on opposite sides of Aviation Boulevard.
* Encourage walking and bicycling trips between destinations in Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach such as Mira Costa High School and Anderson Park, contributing to reduced vehicular traffic and emissions, and increasing opportunities for physical activity.
* Introduce more gaps for vehicles to enter at other unsignalized intersections along Aviation Boulevard.
Share your thoughts online by completing the Aviation Boulevard Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing Enhancements Survey [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:*2F*2Fwww.manhattanbeach.gov*2Fdepartments*2Fcommunity-development*2Ftraffic-engineering-and-parking*2Faviation-boulevard-pedestrian-and-bicycle-crossing-enhancements*3Futm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/1/0101019470b4620c-995775fa-abe1-4b3a-9f5c-4a4f57c645c0-000000/StpdxepVrMZnEDAfEsfDzCUXKEIzOdtHz9XOPPH7fas=388__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!II2CSdoVVEimmCvE58Qqr_5o7ByOKVx6GN9cUMBuKRGdToEompxMOZCDaxj--yJZJ3n9_heaHIUp0lKPrtyOHbypWCP60ClTvPkZCnLuTAM%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
Rosecrans Work
Parking Restrictions and Road Closure Notice
Starting next Monday, February 3, 2025 for approximately 4 weeks (until February 28, 2025), VCI Verizon/MCI will be working along Rosecrans Ave between Crest Dr. to Blanche Rd Eastbound for the installation of conduit and associated fiber optic cable.
The work will include parking restrictions along Eastbound Rosecrans Avenue and intermittent closures of the adjacent Eastbound #2 travel lane. Working hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.
Did you know?
Engineer's Week 2025
Engineer's Week
February 16-22, 2025
Engineer’s Week, or E-Week, is an annual celebration dedicated to recognizing the contributions of engineers and promoting the importance of engineering in shaping the world. It aims to inspire students to explore engineering careers, honor the achievements of engineers, and highlight their role in solving global challenges.
Thank you to all the engineers working at the City of Manhattan Beach for your hard work and dedication. Your expertise and commitment play a vital role in maintaining and improving our community’s infrastructure and quality of life. We deeply appreciate everything you do to make Manhattan Beach a better place for everyone!
Public Works is one of the City’s largest departments, responsible for the operation and maintenance of all public infrastructure located in the public right-of-way and City properties.
The Department is essential to the quality of life experienced by the Manhattan Beach community. Standard elements of urban living such as access to high-quality running water, a reliable sewer system, well-maintained roads and cleanliness through convenient refuse, and street sweeping programs are crucial. A superior level of service is provided by the Public Works Department, which sets Manhattan Beach apart from other communities.
Please take a moment to explore review these articles and our webpages to learn more about what we do.
* Public Works Webpages* [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/publicworks?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Reach Manhattan Beach
Download the GoReach Manhattan Beach app to report issues and access information. Users can submit service requests, view and pay utility bills, and find refuse schedules and guidelines.
*GoReach* [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/faqs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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