El Segundo City Council Selects New Mayor and Welcomes Newly Elected City Councilmembers and City Clerk
- [登録者]City of El Segundo
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]El Segundo, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/18
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/18
- 変更日 : 2024/12/18
- 総閲覧数 : 73 人
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City of El Segundo with Seal 510px
City Manager's Office
Press Release
El Segundo City Council Selects New Mayor and Welcomes Newly Elected City Councilmembers and City Clerk
EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. (December 18, 2024) – On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, El Segundo City Council unanimously certified the results of the general municipal election held on November 5, 2024, and swore in recently re-elected City Councilmembers Drew Boyles and Lance Giroux, new Councilmember Michelle Keldorf, and new City Clerk Susan Truax.
City Manager Darrell George presented plaques to outgoing elected officials Councilmember Carol Pirsztuk, City Clerk Tracy Weaver, and Treasurer Matthew Robinson in recognition of their years of dedicated service. Treasurer Robinson completed his term, and the city treasurer is no longer an elected position. Chief Financial Officer Paul Chung will assume treasurer duties.
While this is Keldorf's first time serving as a City Councilmember, she is no stranger to El Segundo, having served on El Segundo’s Planning Commission for six years, and as Planning Commission Chair for the past two years. "I am deeply grateful for the support I’ve received, and I am honored by the opportunity to serve El Segundo on City Council. This election cycle saw the highest voter turnout in our city’s history, a testament to the engagement and dedication of our residents," shared Councilmember Keldorf.
Susan Truax
Newly elected City Clerk Susan Truax was also sworn in. Truax, who has lived in El Segundo since 1991, is a public relations consultant. She worked for seven years as the school district’s public information officer and has served in various PTA leadership roles at several city schools.
In addition, Truax worked on campaigns for two successful school bond measures, served on the city’s Downtown Task Force, and represented El Segundo on the El Camino Community College District’s Boundary Review Committee.
Concerning her new role, Truax stated, "I am looking forward to working with the City staff, councilmembers, and interacting with the community."
Chris Pimentel
During the City Council meeting, the seated councilmembers moved to elect the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. Chris Pimentel was selected to serve as Mayor and Ryan Baldino was selected to serve as Mayor Pro Tem.
Mayor Chris Pimentel thanked outgoing three-term Mayor Drew Boyles for his outstanding service to the community and particularly his successful efforts foster and grow innovation in the City's economy. Mayor Pimentel thanked the public and his City Council colleagues and shared, "I don't know that we've had a warmer or closer relationship at the supervisory level, at the assembly level, the senatorial level and at the federal level, than what we enjoy now, and that speaks to the trust that the voters have in us."
The newly appointed City Council will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
Watch the entire special swearing in ceremony and meeting on El Segundo Media's YouTube channel here. [ https://bit.ly/49LwSoT?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
*Photos and b-roll of the event are available.*
*Media Contact:
*Barbara Voss
Deputy City Manager
About the City of El Segundo
The City of El Segundo is a thriving coastal community in southwestern Los Angeles County. The City’s vibrant economy includes leaders in aerospace and defense, bioscience, information technology, energy, real estate, and creative media and is home to unique dining, shopping, and hotel options. The City has seen tremendous growth and evolution over the past several years and is home to the L.A. Chargers, Los Angeles Lakers, the L.A. Kings, the "Los Angeles Times," and the Los Angeles Air Force Base Space Systems Command, to name a few.
*City of El Segundo *
350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
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