Neighborhood Watch Newsletter
- [登録者]City of El Segundo
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]El Segundo, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/12
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/12
- 変更日 : 2024/12/12
- 総閲覧数 : 58 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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El Segundo Police Department with Badge 255px
December 2024
Neighborhood Watch Newsletter
Volunteers on Patrol
The El Segundo Police Department has a Volunteer Patrol Program that offers vacation security checks. Simply call the non-emergency police dispatch center at 310-524-2760 the day before your departure and be ready to answer the following questions:
What is your address?
What dates are you requesting the extra patrol?
Will anybody be house-sitting while you are away? If so, be prepared to provide a brief description.
Will there be any vehicle(s) parked in the driveway?
What is your contact information if we need to get a hold of you?
Crime Trends
subject pulling on a door handle
Theft from a motor vehicle is still one of the highest trending property crimes. Therefore, develop the habit of doing a quick check to ensure all doors are securely locked.
*Tips:* If you must leave valuable items in your vehicle while out shopping, place the items out of sight before reaching your next destination or move them inconspicuously. If you plan on purchasing a high-end item, consider making that your last stop before returning home to avoid having to hide it in your vehicle.
Crime Prevention Awareness
Packages in front of door
It's the holiday shopping season, and although people are visiting stores in person, US consumers spent a total of $13.3 billion on Cyber Monday, making it the biggest US online shopping day to date (03 Dec. 2024, cnn.com). This means there are many packages being sent, received, and unfortunately stolen from porches, steps, doorways, and even from delivery drivers at the curb. While no method is foolproof, here are some effective strategies to help deter package thieves:
* Monitor your front porch with a security camera or smart doorbell.
* Provide the delivery service with special instructions on where to leave your package.
* Use a package delivery box or a nearby Amazon Locker.
* Track your packages by signing up for alerts.
* Require a signature.
* Insure your package.
Purse hanging from chair
You get to the register to pay for your items, and you notice your wallet is missing from your purse. Panic sets in as you mentally retrace your steps from the past few hours. Did you accidentally drop it at a store? Or maybe it slipped out while you were loading your bags into the car? The unauthorized charge notification on your phone confirms your worst fear -- your wallet was not misplaced, it was stolen.
Distraction theft is trending and with the aisles of businesses even more crowded this holiday season with less space to fit your shopping cart, it makes the average shopper the perfect target. It's very common for individuals to coordinate in distraction teams with one suspect engaging with you about an item, while a second suspect takes your wallet from your purse that you've left unattended in the front child's seat of the shopping cart. This often occurs while shopping inside of a business or while loading your groceries into your vehicle.
*Tips: *Always keep your wallet on you and avoid hanging your purse from the back of a chair when sitting at an eatery.
Sirena Boskovich
As 2024 comes to a close, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all my Neighborhood Watch Block Captains and each community member who dedicated their time and effort over the past year to promote crime prevention in their neighborhood.
Earlier this year during a Neighborhood Watch meeting, a member shared with another member about an incident that had occurred to her. Through this conversation, the member realized that she had been scammed for thousands of dollars. After the meeting, the victim filed a crime report. Therefore, I believe if it wasn't for that conversation, the victim may have been scammed for even more money.
So, as we move into 2025, I encourage residents to stay connected to the community. By sharing knowledge and experiences, we can collectively help each other recognize potential threats and avoid falling victim. Remember, your insight might be the key that helps someone identify a red flag or navigate a difficult situation. Your voice matters - let's use it to strengthen our community!
Happy holidays,
Sirena Boskovich
ESPD Crime Prevention Analyst
*El Segundo Police Department*
348 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245
310-524-2200 | Website [ https://www.elsegundopd.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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