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Experience the Magic of Performing Arts in Culver City this November

We invite you to immerse yourself in a variety of performances, from theater and dance to live music and community showcases.

Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ] Three photos of different performing arts events in Culver City
*Experience the Magic of Performing Arts in
Culver City this November*


Experience a month full of creativity and talent, as Culver City welcomes a vibrant lineup of performing arts events! Immerse yourself in a variety of performances, from theater and dance to live music and community showcases, all sponsored by Culver City's Performing Arts Grant Program. These performances will be on Saturdays throughout the month:

* *Heidi Duckler Dance Presents "What Remains Un/Seen" *- Nov. 2nd [ https://www.culvercity.org/Events-directory/PAG-2024-HDD ]
* *Los Angeles Women's Theatre Festival Presents "Women's Voices" *- Nov. 9th [ https://www.culvercity.org/Events-directory/PAG-2024-LAWTF ]
* *Orchestra Nova LA Presents "Fables and Fantasy" *- Nov. 16th [ https://www.culvercity.org/Events-directory/PAG-2024-Orch-NOVA ]
* *Donna Sternberg & Dancers Present "Awe & Wonder" *- Nov. 16th/17th [ https://www.culvercity.org/Events-directory/PAG-2024-DSD ]

"What Remains Un/Seen"

Choreographed and directed by Founder and Artistic Director, Heidi Duckler, “"What Remains Un/Seen"” delves into the deep waters of surveillance, inspired by the themes of the Wende Museum’s exhibition “Counter/Surveillance.” 

With scenic design by Efren Delgadillo Jr. plus multimedia projections, live music, and soundscapes throughout the gardens of The Wende, creating an environment that invites audience interaction and contemplation.

*WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 2nd at 3 PM*

*WHERE: The Wende Museum and Garden*

Learn more about the performance and tickets at the Heidi Duckler Dance website. [ https://heididuckler.org/event/what-remains-unseen-performance/ ]

"Women's Voices"

Los Angeles Women's Theatre Festival presents Culver City stories, with women  who participated in an eight-week workshop. This event encourages women to freely express their ideas and opinions.

Directed by Terrie Silverman.

Discussion and reception will follow the performance.

*WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 9th at 3 PM*

*WHERE: Veterans Memorial Building, Rotunda Room*

Reserve free tickets by visiting the performance's page on Eventbrite. [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-voices-tickets-1004867063437 ]

"Fables and Fantasy"

Full length concert with live narration, video projections, and engaging experiences for the whole family.

Conducted by Maestro Ivan Shulman.

*WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 16th at 3 PM*

*WHERE: Veterans Memorial Auditorium*

RSVP on the Orchestra NOVA LA's website. [ https://www.orchnovala.org/concerts ]

"Awe & Wonder"

Four choreographers create new dances inspired by four scientists. The resulting dance is informed by science, rather than a literal demonstration of that science.

Donna Sternberg & Dancers [ https://dsdancers.com/ ] has been exploring the intersection between dance and science for over 15 years. This program examines the myriad ways scientists and choreographers collaborate.


* *Saturday, Nov. 16th  at 8 PM*
* *Sunday, Nov. 17th at 3 PM*

*WHERE: Turning Point School*

Purchase tickets at the Eventbrite website. [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/awe-and-wonder-tickets-1022803371417?aff=oddtdtcreator ]


These performances are made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment.


Culver City [ https://www.culvercity.org ]  Questions? 
Contact Us [ https://www.culvercity.org/Contact-Us

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  • [登録者]City of Culver City
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Culver City, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/10/30
  • 掲載日 : 2024/10/30
  • 変更日 : 2024/10/30
  • 総閲覧数 : 53 人
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