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- [注册人]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- [语言]日本語
- [TEL]800-232-4636
- [区]Atlanta, Georgia, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/31
- 发布日 : 2024/10/31
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/31
- 总浏览次数 : 65 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 洛杉矶 ・ 托兰斯日式 PC ・ 普通 MAC 电脑维修店。如遇电脑不稳定或运行...
位于老托兰斯的 PC/MAC 维修店。 我们维修不开机、速度慢、不稳定、病毒感染、显示屏损坏等问题。 如果您正在考虑购买一台新电脑,请与我们联系。 可应要求提供免费电脑健康检查 ! !.
+1 (310) 782-1700TONY'S TECHNOLOGY
- 大黑屋(Daikokuya),小东京一家排队的拉面馆 !。
大黑屋小东京店今年迎来了开业 20 周 ! 我们将继续用心制作拉面,让大家都能品尝到我们的拉面 !。
+1 (213) 626-1680大黒家
- 在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦...
在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦面 ・ 乌龙面 ・ 冰镇chuka面 ・ 冲绳荞麦面 ・ 长崎chanpon面和许多其他产品 ♪ "排列组合食谱 "也有,无尽的美味取决于你的想法!。
+1 (909) 464-1411Myojo USA, INC.
- 我们每周 7 天、每天 24 小时为日本游客提供支持 ! ! 我们是 JTB 集...
日本旅游帮手 与各种信用卡公司和海外旅游保险公司及旅行社签订合同,协助客户。 客户服务,包括餐厅预订、活动信息、城市指南、盗窃和事故援助。 洛杉矶 : 24小时电话服务 ( 大部分是电话,很少去商店 ) 檀香山 ・ 拉斯维加斯 ・ 旧金山 : 白天开放 ( 柜台,与洛杉矶不同,商店访问) 工作人员95%是女性,下个月的日程安排在上个月底确定。
- 欢迎光临托兰斯的居酒屋 "Ojiya" ! 适合全家的日本料理 !。
居酒屋让世界充满活力 ! 欢迎光临 Ojiya ! 我们的座右铭是 "家庭居酒屋",让全家人都能尽情享受 ! 我们的菜单非常丰富,包括生鱼片、寿司、面条、碗、单点、咖喱和套餐 ! 荞麦面汤和其他菜肴均为手工制作,确保所有顾客都能放心享用美食。
我们是一家可以让孩子和家人尽享欢乐的餐厅。 请随时光临 。 +1 (310) 793-7000居酒屋 小千谷
- 我们公司J&H Immigration Services是一家专业公司,可以帮助...
J&H移民服务公司是一家专门从事[婚姻绿卡申请] 的公司,我们不断收到更多的申请。 请将您重要的永住申请交给 ! 我们的专业公司 J&H ‼︎ ㊙ ️比其他地方更快的文件 🉐 更合理的费用 💮J&H独特、易懂的日语&英语详情 非常清楚地解释申请程序 客户满意度 💯💮🈵 其他服务 绿卡申请&续期、美国公民身份 & 永久居留权 取消2年有条件永久居留条件, 重新申请入境许可, ...
+1 (310) 327-3030J&H Immigration Services
- 到日本的国际快递服务,购买 ・ 买方的商业货物和分批装运 ・ 我们还可以处理转运...
我们从美国西海岸向日本发货,比其他任何地方都更快、更可靠。 营业日 : 周一 ~ 周五 办公时间 : 9:00-18 : 00 全球进口服务 拼箱 ・ 发货 买家 ・ 快件 搬家包 酒包 報紙 ・ 雜誌訂閱服務 ■ 行李暫存 ( 定期免費 ) ■ 退貨人登機寄件 ■ 将部分包裹寄往海外或美国其他城市 ■ 寄存 ■ 收件后包装 ■ 可提供各种包装材料等。
+1 (424) 312-1143OCS AMERICA INC.
- 在持续传递最新潮流趋势的人气沙龙 SHIMA,了解最新的发型趋势。
? 许多顶级艺人、模特和有影响力的人士都会去SHIMA。 如果您在实现理想发型时遇到困难,请来我们的沙龙。 如果您无法实现理想的发型,请光临我们的沙龙 ! 我们的顶级造型师在 SHIMA 拥有 20 年的经验。 我们还设有 "PICKY THE SHOP",在这里您不仅可以享受发型设计,还可以享受时尚。 在日本非常受欢迎的岛原创护发产品也一应俱全。 我们期待您的光临。 < ...
SHIMA Los Angeles
- 尔湾牙科诊所。还提供普通牙科、儿童牙科、神经治疗和口腔外科、牙周治疗、正畸/隐形...
+1 (949) 733-3647Glenn T. Yanagi, D.D.S. / Yanagi Dental Office
- 我们正在韩国城的一些卡拉 OK 包厢招募演员。
资格 : 必须年满 21 岁 语言 : 英语、日语、韩语、中文 无需经验,您可以根据自己的日程安排,每周工作 1 至 7 天,天数不限 ! 也欢迎学生。 ( 如果您来工作,您至少要待上 3 个小时。 ) 如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请给我们发送电子邮件或使用图片右下方的二维码。
- 交通事故・事故查询24小时免费咨询。在完全胜诉的基础上,我们有20多年经验的律师...
+1 (949) 999-2010The Law Office of Williams & Williams
- 汽车维修・喷漆・二手车销售以及其他一切有关汽车的问题,南湾的 Pitline 都...
在 Pitline,我们拥有维修、钣金和喷漆设施,全部在公司内部进行 ! 我们保证价格和质量都会让您满意。如需了解更多信息,请随时与我们联系。 ☆ 一般修理 ☆ 更换机油 ☆ 烟雾检查 ☆ 免费检查 ・ 估价 ☆ 玻璃修理 ・ 更换、着色 ☆更换轮胎 ☆ 在维修期间安排替换车辆 ☆ 空调维修 ☆ 免费检查 ・ 估价 ☆ 事故维修 ☆ 安排拖车 ☆ 油漆、车架改装
+1 (310) 532-0270pit line international, inc.
- 1.5 岁以上日语/英语课程 [托伦斯 ・ 在线] 我们根据每个孩子的个人发展、...
为计划在美国长期居住、外派&回国或从日本外派的家庭 让您的孩子高度掌握双语! 1.5岁开始学习日语 / 英语课堂 托伦斯 面对面/在线免费试听课程 24年经验,5000多名双语学生 在进入当地学校之前打下坚实的英语基础 & 提高在当地学校的成绩 想为日语打好基础 日美教育领域的专业讲师提供细致的辅导和建议。
+1 (424) 399-6699TLC for Kids LA
- 混合动力汽车专家,主要是普锐斯 ( 新 & 二手 ) ! 我们提供安全和经济的生...
Ecodrive销售・租赁・购买・和维护高品质混合动力汽车,如普锐斯。我们提供 "2 年性能保证和购买保证 "的安心保证体系,为您提供安全・、经济的汽车生活。我们在托兰斯和科斯塔梅萨都设有分店,可以为洛杉矶郊区和橙县的客户提供服务。我们的员工期待为您服务。
+1 (310) 974-1816Eco Drive Auto Sales & Leasing (Torrance office)
- " 被评为美国第一辅助生殖健康公司 " 代孕和配子捐赠的专业生殖健康机构 ! 免...
Miracle ・ Angels ・ Reproductive ・ Group ( MARG ) 是 ACRC 在日本的对应机构,是一家专门从事辅助生殖医学的机构,研究美国、日本和英国的辅助生殖技术并提供卵子。它主要向亚洲人提供有关卵子捐赠、美国代孕、卵子冷冻、试管婴儿、基因选择、性别鉴定、干细胞保存和相关免费咨询的信息。 我们也一直在寻找卵子捐赠者・和精子捐赠者!。
+1 (949) 418-8146Angels Creation Reproductive Center Inc
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October-November 2024
Greetings,As you know, CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) actively supports efforts to promote healthy weight and address obesity. We work collaboratively with federal partners and external organizations and communities to develop and promote resources that protect health and improve lives. We’ve had exciting developments recently that I’d like to share with you—the Food Is Medicine (FIM) Initiative and introduction of new diagnosis codes for adult and childhood obesity.The FIM Initiative, established by the Department of Health and Human Services, seeks to develop a federal strategy that reduces nutrition-related chronic diseases and food insecurity while improving health and racial equity in the United States. This initiative recognizes the critical role of consistent access to diet- and nutrition-related resources in achieving these goals. By increasing access to FIM interventions, such as fruit and vegetable voucher incentives and produce prescriptions, health care providers can better address the underlying causes of poor nutrition and its effect on health outcomes.The FIM website is now live, ready to use, and includes:Promising Practices and Tools: Learn about FIM models, access real-world examples, and find tools to learn more about FIM practices and policies.Research and Measurement Resources: Read about the FIM implementation research landscape and future research priorities. Access peer-selected standard measures for implementing FIM programs and conducting implementation research.A Federal Resource Hub: Stay up to date with the latest information and resources from federal agencies.Another important development supported by CDC is the introduction of new ICD-10 diagnosis codes for adult and childhood obesity. CDC, along with agencies across the federal government and health care organizations, worked together to make the new codes happen. These codes, effective October 1, 2024, provide several benefits that contribute to improved accuracy in diagnosing obesity-related conditions. By reflecting the latest guidelines from professional organizations, such as the American Board of Obesity Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics, these codes offer a more precise classification system.
Use of these new codes allows for more accurate claims data, addressing previous under-coding issues related to obesity. This enhanced data will not only improve our understanding of medical costs associated with obesity but also aid in developing specific treatment strategies. What’s more, these updated codes use clinically relevant terms that help reduce weight stigma and bias while creating a supportive environment for patients seeking treatment.
By supporting initiatives like FIM and implementing improved diagnosis coding systems for obesity, we can all play a role in promoting healthy weight management practices. Together, let’s embrace these initiatives as opportunities to further prioritize health and empower individuals to lead healthier lives. By working collaboratively toward these common goals, we can pave the way for a future where healthy weight is achievable for all and where the obesity epidemic becomes a thing of the past.
Dr. Ruth Petersen, Director, DNPAO
Feature Of The Month
Updated Growth Chart Training websiteDid you know CDC offers growth chart training? The Growth Chart Training website offers self-directed, interactive training modules for health care professionals who use pediatric growth charts in clinical and public health settings. Using growth charts can help to assess the growth of infants, children, and adolescents.
There are three modules in CDC's Growth Chart Training. Users can complete any or all training modules in the desired order, at no cost. Each module includes learning objectives, text, and examples. The training (all three modules) takes about 30 minutes to read. The Test Your Knowledge sections take another 10 minutes to complete.
News You Can Use
Updated Obesity Prevalence Maps
CDC released the 2023 Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps. In 23 states, more than 1 in 3 adults (35%) has obesity. These maps highlight the need for population-based interventions to ensure that all people have access to healthy foods, safe places for physical activity, stigma-free obesity prevention and treatment programs, and evidence-based health care.
Updated data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) SystemExplore data related to various topics, including unintentional injuries and violence, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors, physical activity, and obesity, overweight, and weight control. You can also review the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report YRBS supplement issue. The supplement, which features several articles, includes these papers focused on nutrition and physical activity:
Skipping Breakfast and Academic Grades, Persistent Feelings of Sadness or Hopelessness, and School Connectedness Among High School StudentsPhysical Activity Behaviors and Negative Safety and Violence Experiences Among High School Students
Win From the Field: Ideas From CDC-Funded Recipients
Increasing access to healthy food and supporting local businesses
Public Health – Seattle & King County Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (KCREACH) provided technical assistance to one of its partners, the Food Innovation Network (FIN). FIN wanted to enhance the local food system by: Increasing access to healthy food.Supporting local food businesses in South Seattle and South King County.
As part of this initiative, FIN‘s Tukwila Farmers Market provided fresh, local produce to the community at affordable prices. The market also supported farmers, such as local Black, indigenous, refugee, and immigrant farmers.
In partnership with KCREACH, FIN:Expanded its Tukwila Farmers Market and implemented an American Heart Association-funded Heart Bucks voucher program to increase access to healthy, locally grown produce for community members experiencing food insecurity.Applied for the Tukwila Farmers Market to become an approved distribution site for the Summer Food Program (funded by the City of Seattle). This program distributed meals to school-aged children for 10 weeks during the summer break.Provided entrepreneurs with marketing, training, and other services through FIN’s Food Business Incubator program. This program helped women, including women of color and immigrants, who are entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs launched and scaled successful local businesses. What’s more, the entrepreneurs created a community hub where people can learn about and celebrate the community’s rich and diverse food traditions.Between 2018 and 2023, FIN:
Hosted 89 market days.Helped 10 local farmers and 14 local businesses through the Tukwila Farmers Market.Helped more than 300 families connect to food access programs.Provided more than $50,000 in the Heart Bucks program to more than 400 families to purchase healthy, local produce.Photo courtesy of the Food Innovation Network
Upcoming ObservancesNovemberNational Native American Heritage Month*American Diabetes Month* | CDC diabetes contentLung Cancer Awareness Month | CDC lung cancer content
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Awareness Month | CDC COPD content
Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
Nov. 21: Great American Smokeout | CDC smoking and tobacco use content | CDC Media Campaign Resource Center content
Nov. 21: Natural Rural Health Day | CDC rural health content
Nov. 24–30: National Family Week
Nov. 28: National Family Health History* | CDC family health history contentDecemberDecember 4–8: National Influenza Vaccination Week | CDC flu content*Related ads and materials available in the State and Community Health Media Center
Suggested Social Media PostsDid you know that you can reverse prediabetes to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes? Lifestyle changes like making healthy eating choices 🥬 and getting more physical activity 🚶🏼 can go a long way. During American Diabetes Month, discover more about preventing type 2 diabetes.,1d73c4b7,1d73e014&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ18xMjk2LURNMTM5ODQxJkFDU1RyYWNraW5nTGFiZWw9RE5QQU8lMjBuZXdzbGV0dGVyJTIwT2N0b2JlciUyMDIwMjQ&s=7yoM91ZmcaNP5R6BsBSGXPNiHDlobCxE7ER_ZE0iIHM nutrition is essential for breastfeeding moms. Healthy eating supports the health of both mom and baby. Take a minute to look over these helpful tips for maintaining a healthy diet while breastfeeding:,1d73c4b7,1d73e015&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ18xMjk2LURNMTM5ODQxJkFDU1RyYWNraW5nTGFiZWw9RE5QQU8lMjBuZXdzbGV0dGVyJTIwT2N0b2JlciUyMDIwMjQ&s=ECjcqLXhhREM73GHUjZ5B15MOGOh_m4HCKWaLDD3vQw you live with a chronic health condition or disability? Discover the health benefits that regular physical activity can provide.,1d73c4b7,1d73e016&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ18xMjk2LURNMTM5ODQxJkFDU1RyYWNraW5nTGFiZWw9RE5QQU8lMjBuZXdzbGV0dGVyJTIwT2N0b2JlciUyMDIwMjQ&s=v9CKygDksgl4b_zh6LG4se0UGHAv7LLAcTMNjxk1U7w #ActivePeopleGive yourself the gift 🎁 of better health this holiday season with these three tips:1. Stay active 🚶🏼2. Eat healthy 🥦🍎🥑3. Plan some activities that don’t involve eating 🧘🏾♀️⛹🏾♀️🚶🏾Learn more:,1d73c4b7,1d73e017&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ18xMjk2LURNMTM5ODQxJkFDU1RyYWNraW5nTGFiZWw9RE5QQU8lMjBuZXdzbGV0dGVyJTIwT2N0b2JlciUyMDIwMjQ&s=cSkSjbr2FGKouuRNXir4fAY9kI2Vec0s3BrFIQJox8M
Find photos to accompany these posts in the State and Community Health Media Center.
Behind The Scenes
Michael T. Brown, Health Communication Specialist, Strategic Communication Team, DNPAO
I’ve been with CDC since 1998. I was a contractor for two years and became a federal employee in 2000. I’ve been in DNPAO since 2016. Prior to CDC, I worked in television news and broadcasting. While it may not seem like it on the surface, the television production skillset helps me juggle many tasks in a fast-paced environment to produce a professional product.
On the Strategic Communication Team in DNPAO, I work on a variety of projects—from behind-the-scenes tasks to high-visibility projects like the DNPAO Seminar Series. Most of my work involves creative development of digital media products for many uses, including social media, webpages, video, and exhibits. Additionally, I manage three contracts that support our work—including the State and Community Health Media Center and the Active People, Healthy Nation physical activity campaign, Moving Matters.
What is your greatest professional satisfaction?
Really, it’s two things. One is knowing that I’ve guided a few people wanting to work in public health who were able to get jobs at CDC. The second one is knowing that every person on this Earth can benefit from the work we do in DNPAO.
How do colleagues help you do your work?
I’m extremely fortunate to work with great folks who really enjoy the work they do, which helps create a positive work environment. When people enjoy what they do, they become good at it. And working with people who are good at their jobs, in a positive environment, helps me be better in my work.
What would you like colleagues to know?
Be good to each other. Each of us has an “everyday hustle” of things we’re dealing with, so remember to be kind to your coworkers. Sometimes, a smile or a few nice words could be just what a person needs to get through the day.
Favorite quote:
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – e.e. cummings
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Note: Website addresses of nonfederal organizations are provided solely as a service to readers. Provision of an address does not constitute an endorsement of this organization by CDC or the federal government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of other organizations’ web pages.
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