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Culver City Recognized, Wins Award for Project Homekey
- [Registrant]City of Culver City
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Culver City, CA
- Posted : 2024/09/13
- Published : 2024/09/13
- Changed : 2024/09/13
- Total View : 95 persons
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Culver City [ ] Photo of award ceremony with Culver City staff and Mayor accepting Rehabilitation Development of the Year
City of Culver City Wins Award for
Project Homekey Efforts
The City of Culver City was recognized at 2024 Annual Homes Within Reach Awards hosted by Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing (SCANPH) for its work on Project Homekey, 73 total units of housing for chronically unhoused persons (38 interim housing units and 35 permanent supportive housing units).
The Homes Within Reach Awards recognize and honor excellence in affordable housing. Culver City staff, Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin, members of the Project Homekey lead operations team, as well as the design and construction team accepted the *Rehabilitation Development of the Year Award* on Thursday.
"Dozens of City staff from every City department worked tirelessly and with absolute devotion with our design and construction partners to bring Project Homekey to fruition," said Tevis Barnes, Housing and Human Services Director. "Now, 70 of our unhoused neighbors have been brought inside with wraparound services and care to help them move to the next level in their lives. I am so proud to have worked on this project and to be part of such an incredible team."
In October 2023, Culver City opened the dual motel repurposed project, which now provides a safe place indoors where people can find wraparound services, healing, and stabilization. Due to the size of this housing project, Culver City started moving in clients to the Permanent Supportive Housing side in October 2023 and then moved participants into the Interim Housing side in February 2024.
Exodus Recovery Inc. is the lead operator and supportive services provider for Culver City’s PHK Interim and Permanent Supportive Housing Program.
Interim Housing wraparound services include:
* Housekeeping and linen/towel service
* 3 daily meals
* 24/7 onsite case management services
* Onsite nurse
* 24/7 specialized security service
You can view more details of all Culver City's efforts to solve homelessness on the City's website with its new Homeless Reporting Dashboard. [ ] It provides a summary view of the City’s commitment to provide resources, services, and housing to the City’s unhoused population. The dashboard is updated quarterly and lists key performance indicators (KPI) for the various program areas that comprise the City’s homeless services programming.
Photo of people gathering for photo with award
Photo of Culver City staff alongside Exodus Recovery Inc., Project Homekey Lead Operator and Service Provider, Kevin Rodin, and Project Homekey design and construction partner, KOA and John Kaliski Architects.
Photo of Project Homekey with play button linking to video of ribbon cutting [ ]
Watch the recap from the Project Homekey ribbon cutting.
Photo from PHK ribbon cutting walk through. [ ]
Watch a walkthrough of Project Homekey.
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