From Cosmetics to National Security - All Happening in El Segundo
- [登録者]City of El Segundo
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]El Segundo, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/03/21
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/21
- 変更日 : 2025/03/21
- 総閲覧数 : 22 人
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サービス内容 *食事の準備、介助、買い物、家事援助、家内安全確認、付き添いなどのサービス*入浴介助、歩行援助、清潔援助、更衣介助などのパーソナルサービス献身的なスタッフ*各スタッフは、州への登録、指紋認証、健康診断、ツベルクリン検査を済ませています。サービス地域、時間*サウスベイを中心にロサンゼルス郡全域、オレンジ郡において、週7日、毎日24時間提供しております。
+1 (310) 782-7979HOPE International Homecare, Inc.
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痛みの治療は正確な診断から始まります。日米両国にて医師免許を持つ日本人ドクターが、日本語で丁寧に診察・治療いたします。からだの痛みでお困りの方、ぜひお気軽にご相談ください。* 腰痛 * 下肢の痛み * 臀部の痛み * 尾てい骨の痛み * 首の痛み * むち打ち * 顔の痛み * 胸壁の痛み * 肋骨痛 * 関節痛(膝、股関節、肩、肘、手) * 筋肉痛 * 神経痛 * 帯状疱疹痛 * 頭痛 * ...
(310) 954-9583有田治生 / Haruo Arita MD (整形・ペインクリニック)
El Segundo Business Portfolio
*MARCH 2025*
New Beauty Hub Unveils,
Elevating Cosmetic Innovation
El Segundo is proud to be the new home of the *Beauty ColLaboration House*, a groundbreaking facility unveiled by Lucas Meyer Cosmetics by Clariant, a Swiss multinational specialty chemical company. This innovation hub is designed to reshape the way cosmetic formulations are developed, with a strong emphasis on collaboration between in-house industry experts and customers.
*""The opening of this new facility marked a significant shift in how we approach cosmetic innovation. It's not just about showcasing our ingredients; it's about working alongside our customers to create the next generation of beauty products. We're thrilled with the positive response and collaborative energy we've seen in just the first few weeks of operation." "*~ Christian Vang, Business President Care Chemicals & Americas [ https://www.clariant.com/en/Corporate/News/2024/12/Lucas-Meyer-Cosmetics-by-Clariant-Unveils-New-Beauty-ColLABoration-House-Marking-a-New-Era-in-Cosmet?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Fueled by a spirit of creativity and ingenuity, El Segundo's beauty cluster continues to grow - with the Beauty ColLaboration House now alongside L'Oreal, Haus Labs by Lady Gaga, Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez and other leading global brands driving what's next in beauty innovation in the city - where big ideas take off.
El Segundo Firms Fuel
the Future of National Security
El Segundo's deep tech ecosystem is making national waves with six local companies - AnySignal, Castelion, CX2, Neros, Northwood and Radiant - recognized by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), as "American Dynamism 50: Companies Shaping the Fight of the Future [ https://a16z.com/american-dynamism-50-2025/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]." This prestigious list curated by Silicon Valley's leading investment firm highlights tech companies developing mission-critical technologies to strengthen U.S. resilience in defense, aerospace, manufacturing and energy, amid growing global competition.
*""The fight of the future is already underway across factories, testing labs, and R&D hubs in El Segundo, San Francisco, Austin, and beyond. These 50 companies aren’t just strengthening America’s ability to avoid conflict, they’re re-industrializing America in the process - and that’s an even bigger win"." *~ a16z
With a rich legacy of highly-skilled talent, specialized facilities, and a robust supplier network, El Segundo remains a critical base where remarkable pioneers build what matters.
Discover the newest commercial listings
VIEW ALL LISTINGS [ https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/real-estate/available-properties?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
140 Oregon Street
Now leasing in the heart of Smoky Hollow District, this ~98,000 sq. ft. R&D flex office [ https://www.loopnet.com/viewer/pdf?_gl=1%2A1haytn6%2A_gcl_au%2AMjA0MjE3OTAyLjE3Mzg2OTA3NjA.%2A_ga%2AOTk4MDM4MDQ3LjE3Mzg2OTA3NjA.%2A_ga_2DVXTE8M0Q%2AMTc0MjQwMzEyNy4yLjEuMTc0MjQwMzY0Ny42MC4wLjA.&file=https%3A%2F%2Fimages1.loopnet.com%2Fd2%2FV9tsJRB6XqbYej88RXoMg-cPPTrARs8RXnYT6z-E78U%2FMarketing%2520BrochureFlyer.pdf&lang=en-US&siteid=6298&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] offers one of El Segundo's largest rooftop amenities. The modern multi-tenant building features soaring ceilings, heavy-load capability and immediate occupancy options, perfect for companies read to innovate, build and scale.
El Segundo Commercial
Developments Recognized
as Best in Class
El Segundo's commercial landscape was front and center at the Los Angeles Business Journal Commercial Real Estate Awards 2025 [ https://labusinessjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2025-CRE_opt.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], with two standout projects earning top honors, highlighting the city's future-focused developments.
The Los Angeles Chargers' new headquarters, The Bolt, took home the Gold Award for *Best New HQ [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAELSEGUNDO/2025/03/20/file_attachments/3203398/The%20Bolt_LABJ%20Best%20New%20HQ.pdf ]*, showcasing a world-class training facility and corporate campus with cutting-edge amenities and breathtaking design. Meanwhile, California Smash Pickleball and Social Club secured *Retail Lease of the Year* [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAELSEGUNDO/2025/03/20/file_attachments/3203431/Smash_LABJ%20Retail%20Lease%20of%20the%20Year.pdf ], reflecting rising demand for experiential spaces, blending sports, social connection and entertainment in El Segundo's thriving community.
* [ https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
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