THIS SATURDAY: Make Your Own Kind of Music: Owen Elliot-Kugell Shares Memories of Mama Cass Elliot
- [注册人]City of El Segundo
- [语言]日本語
- [区]El Segundo, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/22
- 发布日 : 2024/10/22
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/22
- 总浏览次数 : 108 人
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_Make Your Own Kind of Music:_
Owen Elliot-Kugell Shares Memories of Mama Cass Elliot
Owen Elliot
Saturday, October 26th
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The El Segundo Public Library will present a free program entitled “Make Your Own Kind of Music: Owen Elliot-Kugell Shares Memories of Mama Cass Elliot” at the El Segundo Performing Arts Center located at 640 Main Street on Saturday, October 26th from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
Owen Elliot-Kugell is the daughter of the legendary Cass Elliot. She will discuss her book “My Mama, Cass” in a multimedia program in collaboration with award-winning photographer Henry Diltz. Henry will accompany Owen’s recollections with a slideshow of images from the heyday of the Laurel Canyon music scene of the 1960s.
“What I discovered writing this book is that my mother was a woman far ahead of her time,” Owen says. “She was a trailblazer, a successful woman in a male-dominated business. An iconic artist, she was the most loyal of friends, of which she had many. Most importantly, she was a single mother who just wanted someone of her very own. That was me.”
Recently, Cass has experienced an unexpected resurgence on TikTok, where the audio from her 1969 anthem of individuality, "Make Your Own Kind of Music", has been used in 46,000 videos, amassing more than 32 million plus views.
Born six weeks before the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967, Owen grew up in a singular creative atmosphere that was the Laurel Canyon music scene. Not only was her mother part of the famed The Mamas & the Papas and matured into a critically acclaimed and widely popular solo artist, she was also known for being the Gertrude Stein of her generation, hosting fellow musicians at her home, performing introductions that resulted in some unforgettable partnerships. Owen was witness to the beginnings of many musical careers at a very early age and gradually inherited her mother’s talent herself, pursuing music professionally later in her own life.
Henry Diltz is a music photographer who has shot more than 250 album covers and thousands of publicity shots in the ‘60s and ‘70s, including the iconic Morrison Hotel cover for The Doors. Other artists, Mr. Diltz photographed include musical legends such as the Eagles, Neil Young, Crosby Stills & Nash, Jackson Browne, America, James Taylor, and Jimi Hendrix. He was the official photographer at the Woodstock Festival in August 1969. His work has appeared in "The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, LIFE, People, Rolling Stone, High Times" and "Billboard".
Henry's recognitions include the International Photography Hall of Fame's Lifetime Achievement Award, Abbey Road Music Photography ICON Award for Lifetime Achievement and last year was presented with a Grammy - the Trustees Award - in recognition for his significant contribution to the music industry.
A select number of limited-edition copies of “My Mama, Cass” will be available for purchase and for signing by Owen Elliot-Kugell.
The El Segundo Performing Arts Center is located at 640 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245. For more information, please contact the El Segundo Public Library at 310-524-2728.
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