El Segundo Recently Recognized as a “Most Business-Friendly City" Finalist by the LAEDC
- [注册人]City of El Segundo
- [语言]日本語
- [区]El Segundo, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/18
- 发布日 : 2024/11/18
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/18
- 总浏览次数 : 43 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们是一所日裔美国人的幼儿园,以 "儿童的保育,由儿童负责,为儿童服务 "为教育...
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- $ 47,每月仅限17人 ! $ 47的咨询、检查、医生报告(疼痛从何而来)。 ...
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从 4 岁到 82 岁,各个年龄段的人都在洛杉矶 Kyokushin 道场进行训练,以实现自己的目标。 随时提供免费体验。请随时用日语与我们联系。
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The City of El Segundo Where Big Ideas Take Off
City Manager's Office
Economic Development News
The City of El Segundo Recently Recognized as a “Most Business-Friendly City" Finalist by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)
City of El Segundo Finalist
The City of El Segundo was recently recognized as a finalist for “Most Business-Friendly City" in LA County by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation [ ] (LAEDC) at the 29th annual Eddy Awards held at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The Eddy Awards recognize leadership in economic development in both business and government throughout Los Angeles County. This year’s nominees showcased the business communities that represent the best in the LA region in driving economic development.
The City of El Segundo [ ] was honored to be in the top-five finalists and the City thanks the leadership of El Segundo City Council, strategic direction from department heads, and the daily dedication of staff from all departments to create a customer service-focused, pro-business environment.
"The City of El Segundo was honored to be a finalist, and El Segundo leads the way in world-class innovation, entrepreneurship, and business growth,” shared Mayor Drew Boyles. “El Segundo is the most important five square miles economically in Southern California with our high concentration of intellectual capital, rapidly growing startups, diverse mix of industries, and global, market-leading corporations. The past years have brought unprecedented levels of investment from the venture capital community, including Interlagos Capital, a $550M fund in El Segundo, further establishing our City as the premier destination for founders and groundbreaking technology,” shared Mayor Boyles.
“El Segundo is a place where businesses thrive, thanks to the collaborative efforts of every department,” said Deputy City Manager Barbara Voss. “By minimizing bureaucratic barriers, fostering proactive business outreach, and offering a streamlined permitting process, the City has created an ecosystem that supports startups and established companies alike. It's truly an honor to be recognized as a top-five finalist for the Eddy Award.”
El Segundo, known as the city Where Big Ideas Take Off [ ], sets a one-day goal for turn-around on business licenses, expedites permits, and offers after-hour inspections. El Segundo is home to 17,000 residents and many Fortune 500 companies and maintains some of the most competitive business tax rates in L.A. County. City staff works closely with businesses on projects, from initial inquiry through certificate of occupancy.
El Segundo’s business environment offers a highly skilled workforce, a range of corporate office and manufacturing space in a well-planned business community, along with flexible and creative office developments, low tax rates, and a vibrant business network.
More than 600 of the region’s top business, government, civic, education, non-profit, philanthropic, and community leaders gathered at the LAEDC's annual celebration, and this year’s theme was “Building on the Foundation of the Past to Establish a Coalition of One – Economy for All.”
The 2024 finalists with a population of 60,000 and under were El Segundo, Glendora, La Mirada, Monterey Park and San Fernando. A heart-felt congratulations to the city of Monterey Park for being named the 2024 "Most Business-Friendly City" in LA County by the LAEDC.
El Segundo was previously awarded top honors in 2022, 2015 and 2006 as the most business-friendly city by the LAEDC.
Business Website [ ]
About the City of El Segundo:
The City of El Segundo [ ]is a thriving coastal community in southwestern Los Angeles County. The City’s vibrant economy includes leaders in aerospace and defense, bioscience, information technology, energy, real estate, and creative media and is home to unique dining, shopping, and hotel options. The City has seen tremendous growth and evolution over the past several years and is home to the Los Angeles Chargers, the L.A. Kings, Los Angeles Lakers, the "Los Angeles Times," and the Los Angeles Air Force Base Space Systems Command, to name just a few.
*City of El Segundo *
350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
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