Lumiere Runway Presents Los Angeles Fashion Week in Culver City
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/03/20
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/20
- 変更日 : 2025/03/20
- 総閲覧数 : 9 人
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Lumiere Runway Presents Los Angeles Fashion Week in Culver City
Photo of Lumiere Runway in Culver City [ https://lumiererunway.com/ ]
Lumiere Runway, a fashion platform based in Hong Kong and Los Angeles, is thrilled to announce its upcoming Los Angeles Fashion Week Fall/Winter 25/26 showcase on March 22, 2025, at One Culver, The Atrium & Studio1.
This highly anticipated event will feature five emerging and established local and international brands, along with captivating musical performances on the runway, all exploring the theme of "Strength & Fragility."
Known for its intricate craftsmanship and luxurious designs, Los Angeles Fashion Week, presented by Lumiere Runway, will highlight the crème de la crème of fashion. This season's event will feature iconic houses from Toronto Canada and New York City alongside a diverse array of brands from across the globe, delivering breathtaking collections spanning Haute Couture, Avant-Garde, Streetwear, Swimwear, Resort, and Sustainable & Ethical vegan designs.
Lumiere Runway's initiative aims to leverage Los Angeles' position as a leading fashion and design hub in America, celebrating the city's vibrant cultural landscape. The "Strength & Fragility" theme will be woven throughout the collections, exploring the delicate balance and inherent power within the fashion world and beyond.
"As LA joins together and begins to rebuild after the devastating wildfires, we are incredibly excited to bring back this unique fashion experience to Los Angeles," says Laurent Meler "Our goal is to showcase the incredible talent and diversity within the fashion industry, while also exploring deeper themes that resonate with our times. Hollywood is where you go to dream – where people go to build, and to rebuild.
We believe 'Strength & Fragility' perfectly captures the essence of this season's collections and the spirit of Los Angeles.
Event Details:
*Date: *March 22, 2025
*Location: *One Culver, The Atrium & Studio1, Culver City, CA
* *Theme: *Strength & Fragility
* *Featured Categories: *Haute Couture, Avant-Garde, Streetwear, Swimwear, Resort, Sustainable & Ethical vegan
* *Special Features: *Live music performances on the Runway
* 3:00 PM VIP Red Carpet (VIP Lounge, interviews, press media meetings)
* 6:00 PM LA Fashion Week Runway Show (Live music, runway catwalk show)
* 7:30 PM After Party Networking
*Priority Audience: *Fashion Buyers, Celebrities, Cinema industry workers, Press/Media Editors, Fashion professionals and Fashion lovers.
*About Lumiere Runway: *Lumiere Runway is a fashion platform based in Hong Kong and Los Angeles, dedicated to showcasing emerging and established designers from around the world. We strive to create a dynamic and inclusive environment that celebrates creativity, innovation, and cultural exchange within the fashion industry.
*Learn More* [ https://lumiererunway.com/ ]
The Lumiere Runway Fashion Week is a City-sponsored event.
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