Keeping up with Kathryn
- [登録者]LA County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Los Angeles
- 登録日 : 2025/03/21
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/21
- 変更日 : 2025/03/21
- 総閲覧数 : 21 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- エッグドナーを募集しています。謝礼金 6,000ドル以上 + 交通費支給。不妊で...
★20〜30歳の健康な女性 ★交通費支給 ※車がない方もご安心ください。★他州など遠方からのご登録の場合、飛行機代、ホテル代、全額、負担します。ロサンゼルス近辺在住の方でもハワイをご希望の場合には、ハワイでのプログラム参加が可能です。飛行機代やホテル代はこちらで負担します。ロサンゼルスでも、ハワイでも、総合病院とのつながりもあるので、万が一の時のケアやバックアップ体制も万全です。順応に対応できるの...
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+1 (310) 534-7614AM World Express
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婦人科業務だけでなく、”減量プログラム” ”フェイシャル” ”メディカルスパ”も始めました。女性の悩みを共有する、女性ドクターが繊細な診断、適切な診断によって、病気や心配事と無縁の幸せな生活を送れるようあなたの生活を支援いたします。スタッフすべて女性です。婦人科検診● 子宮頚ガン検査 ● 更年期障害などのホルモン・アンバランス ● 胸のしこり● 超音波検査 ● 生理不順 ● 各種性病検査 ● 避妊...
+1 (323) 828-4152Dr Loraine V. Diego, M.D.
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痛みの治療は正確な診断から始まります。日米両国にて医師免許を持つ日本人ドクターが、日本語で丁寧に診察・治療いたします。からだの痛みでお困りの方、ぜひお気軽にご相談ください。* 腰痛 * 下肢の痛み * 臀部の痛み * 尾てい骨の痛み * 首の痛み * むち打ち * 顔の痛み * 胸壁の痛み * 肋骨痛 * 関節痛(膝、股関節、肩、肘、手) * 筋肉痛 * 神経痛 * 帯状疱疹痛 * 頭痛 * ...
(310) 954-9583有田治生 / Haruo Arita MD (整形・ペインクリニック)
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NPO日本文化振興協会 なでしこ会
This week, I went to Sacramento for a public roundtable hosted by the County, where we met with the L.A. Delegation of State legislators to discuss the County’s priorities for disaster relief efforts. I advocated for direct support to fire-impacted communities, investment in economic development, and the need to rebuild housing, infrastructure, and gathering spaces that are part of the fabric of the community. I also met with Governor Newsom to advocate for these issues and reaffirm my dedication to partner as we rebuild. Throughout every step of the rebuilding process, I will continue to work with all levels of government to ensure we draw down as many resources for our Altadena community as we can. Residents deserve our unwavering collaboration and commitment.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Chair of the Board
Supervisor, Fifth District
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Meet London, a sweet and playful seven-month-old boxer/bulldog mix, and Gerry, a smart and active one-year-old basset hound/pit bull mix. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
March Meowness Promotion
If cats are more your style, March Meowness is here! All month long, you can take home a feline MVP (Most Valuable Pet) for just $14. Adoption fees for all cats and kittens are reduced to that price for the entire month of March.
Pick your perfect pet. (https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
We've seen so many stories of resilience in the aftermath of the Eaton Fire. In this month's issue of Business Life, you can get an inside look at some of the residents and local leaders who are helping the community move forward. Take a look at the issue, including my op-ed, at the link below.
Read it here. (https://businesslife.com/articles.php?id=3693&fbclid=IwY2xjawJKwfJleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHZUJRFDQN6zMcEH7Jvty81kRA-r6WRyDuZuFadQyn2h7jvxGCd98uEBBlg_aem_PMZ-9s7MQ9D0LLKSv2_ynA)
Last weekend, the Department of Arts and Culture (https://www.lacountyarts.org/) held a special conservation clinic for Altadena residents at the Armory Center for the Arts (https://www.armoryarts.org/) to repair and restore fire-damaged art and heirlooms. Attendees brought artworks, photographs, stuffed animals, collectibles, ceramics, jewelry, textiles, and other cherished belongings that survived the fire for professional volunteer conservationists to assess, clean, and repair. It was a very moving event that provided tangible help to residents.
Get a look inside the event. (https://www.facebook.com/supervisorbarger/videos/662844103094942)
Congratulations to Tierra del Sol Foundation (https://www.tierradelsol.org/) for your well-deserved recognition as our Fifth District honoree at the John Anson Ford Human Relations Awards (https://hrc.lacounty.gov/john-anson-ford-human-relations-awards/) ! Your commitment to support, uplift, and equip people with developmental disabilities truly changes lives. Their amazing team is pictured above with my policy deputy Monica Banken.
Support Tierra. (https://www.tierradelsol.org/)
This week, I delivered a video presentation (https://vimeo.com/1061015776?share=copy) at AV EDGE (Antelope Valley Economic Development & Growth Enterprise) (https://avedgeca.org/) 's Spring Business Summit about efforts to house people experiencing homelessness, expand mental health treatment services, combat large-scale illegal dumping, and improve the Antelope Valley Freeway and Highway 138. Among the guests at the Business Summit were six Antelope Valley College students invited by my office through Political Science Professor John Vento: Micah Wilson, Isabela Bercian, Jeanbriceux Valencia, Anthony Rivera Estrada, Rinn Hansen, and Hannah Bailey, who are pictured above with my Antelope Valley Field Deputy Chuck Bostwick and Assistant Field Deputy Leslie Gamino.
Watch my video. (https://vimeo.com/1061015776?share=copy)
Connect with AV Edge. (https://avedgeca.org/)
My office is hosting our next weekly community meeting on Monday, March 24 at 4 p.m. I encourage you to submit questions ahead of time by Sunday, March 23 at 1 p.m. so we can make sure to answer them and provide you with the latest information about recovery.
Submit questions. (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=mKeuf9BqyU-waPy8rtNB9utHPQUHJ-dAiMO6sH_2nxdUMlVSQUZPQUo2NUo2NUkxSFBGTTdBWUZIQy4u&route=shorturl)
Watch here. (http://youtube.com/@CountyofLosAngelesNewsroom)
Property owners, you have just over a week left to decide whether to opt in or opt out of the County's debris removal program. You must choose one of two options by March 31 and either opt into our government-run free debris removal or hire your own private contractor to remove debris. Click the link below to learn more about your options and to access the forms.
Access the forms. (https://recovery.lacounty.gov/debris-removal/options/)
Engaged California is an online engagement opportunity where California residents are invited to participate in in-depth conversations about timely and important topics. The program uses a mix of digital tools, subject matter experts, and analysis to support conversations that are tailored for a specific topic. The first engagement will complement the State’s response to the recent wildfires, providing a new opportunity for survivors to engage with each other and the government in the wake of the disaster.
Sign up. (https://bit.ly/4iJAJG2)
There are several great opportunities for students available this spring. First, the Los Angeles County Commission for Women (http://laccw.lacounty.gov) is still accepting applications for their Resilience Scholarship (http://laccw.lacounty.gov) . Applicants must be Los Angeles County residents and be enrolled in or plan to attend a university, community college, or certification program. Applications will be accepted through March 28.
Additionally, the Pasadena Media Foundation (https://www.pasadenamediafoundation.org/) is collaborating with the Formative Youth Journalism Initiative (http://fyji.org) to host their "Sí Se Puede" Annual Youth Essay Contest (https://fyji.org/) for middle school students. The competition invites submissions in both English and Spanish and will be accepted through April 30. Winners will receive a prize of up to $250. I hope qualifying students will apply for these terrific sources of support.
Apply for the scholarship. (http://laccw.lacounty.gov)
Submit an essay. (https://fyji.org/)
Join the Altadena Library for their grand reopening tomorrow, March 22! The special event will feature LeVar Burton reading “The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm” at 11 a.m., food, crafts, face painting, music, and more. Be sure to drop by 600 E Mariposa St. between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to celebrate this exciting milestone for Altadena.
Visit the library. (https://www.altadenalibrary.org/)
Be a part of The Music Center’s Dance DTLA: Special Edition on March 28 at 7 p.m.! This free, one-night-only dance party is an open invitation to all Los Angeles County residents to connect with one another through the universal language of dance and music in the wake of the devastating wildfires. Bring your dancing shoes to The Music Center’s Walt Disney Concert Hall and enjoy dancing with live music, DJs, and follow-along beginner lessons. The event will highlight L.A. County's strength, unity, and resilience and is a space for everyone to rebuild connections and enjoy moments of joy and renewal. All are welcome and no dance experience is necessary.
Join the fun. (https://www.musiccenter.org/tickets-free-events/tmc-arts/dance-dtla-special-edition/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Join%20us%20for%20%20Dance%20DTLA%3A%20Special%20Edition%21&utm_campaign=Dedicated%3A%20Dance%20DTLA%20Special%20Edition%20%28Copy%29)
Calling all flower fans! The tulips at Descanso Gardens are currently in peak bloom. There is an impressive 35,000 of these colorful beauties in the promenade. Catch them in March before they reach the end of their bloom cycle in April.
Visit Descanso. (http://descansogardens.org)
Our friends at the Hollywood Bowl are hosting a special concert for Altadena residents and first responders to bring some respite and joy through live music. The concert will be on April 1 at 8 p.m. and will feature music from Harry Potter, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and more. Gerald Clayton, a six-time Grammy-nominated pianist raised in Altadena, will perform Gershwin’s “I Got Rhythm.” I encourage our community to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Get tickets. (https://bit.ly/HB25WLLA)
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA