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- [Registrant]City of Hermosa Beach
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- Posted : 2024/12/10
- Published : 2024/12/10
- Changed : 2024/12/10
- Total View : 17 persons
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+1 (949) 617-2006Rochester University
Councilmembers Michael Detoy & Michael Keegan Re-Elected to Hermosa Beach City Council; Former Councilmember Justin Massey Steps Down After Almost a Decade of Service
Post Date: 12/10/2024 3:30 PM
During a special meeting Thursday night, Hermosa Beach City Council officially certified the November 2024 election and swore in elected Councilmembers Michael Detoy and Michael Keegan. Councilmember Detoy, who was elected to a second consecutive term, and Councilmember Keegan, who previously served as councilmember from 2001-2009, were both elected by Hermosa Beach voters in the November general election.
David Pedersen, who was also elected in November, was sworn in as city treasurer. The special meeting marked the departure of former Councilmember Justin Massey, who served on Council for the past nine years and made the decision to not seek re-election in 2024.
Councilmember Detoy, a public servant and firefighter, has served on the Hermosa Beach City Council since 2019. He thanked the community and his family while sharing his vision moving forward in remarks after taking the dais.
“We live in an amazing community, and it’s a true honor to be re-elected to continue to serve it,” said Councilmember Detoy. “I want to thank my family for their support: they are the foundation and inspiration for my work to keep our community safe and a desirable place to live, work and play. I look forward to working with the community to achieve our shared vision for Hermosa Beach moving forward, and I thank the voters for their continued trust. I am excited to continue working collaboratively with all of you to protect and improve the unique character of Hermosa Beach.”
Also rejoining the Council is Michael Keegan, a former Hermosa Beach councilmember and mayor and the founder of Manhattan Bread and Bagel. In his remarks, he thanked his family, community supporters and voters for their support and guidance.
During the special meeting, Hermosa Beach Mayor Dean Francois welcomed both councilmembers to the dais and shared his optimism for their future work together.
"I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Councilmember Keegan and offer my congratulations to Councilmember Detoy on his re-election,” said Mayor Francois. “I'm particularly impressed by Councilmember Keegan's commitment to independent thinking, which I believe will greatly benefit our community. This marks the start of an exciting new chapter, and I look forward to collaborating with our new Council to build a brighter future for our community, guided by openness, transparency and collective decision-making.”
As Councilmember Massey stepped down, he thanked the community and reflected on City contributions achieved during his tenure as councilmember and mayor.
“Serving on the Hermosa Beach City Council was a privilege,” said former Councilmember Massey. “I thank our extraordinary city staff, commissioners, partner institutions, community leaders, volunteers and several fellow councilmembers for improving Hermosa over the last decade. From retiring E&B’s remaining oil drilling rights after the defeat of Measure O to fully staffing our police and fire departments, offering 100% renewable energy to all Hermosans, supporting the construction and renovation of our city schools and much more, we increased public safety, improved our infrastructure and sustainability and strengthened Hermosa’s financial foundation. There will always be more to do, and I will continue to help.”
Councilmembers and the city treasurer are elected to serve four-year terms. The mayor and mayor pro tem, who are elected by their fellow councilmembers, serve just over nine-month terms in their positions.
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