CPSTF Recommends Community Interventions Involving Coalitions or Partnerships to Prevent Substance Use Among Youth
- [登録者]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- [言語]日本語
- [TEL]800-232-4636
- [エリア]Atlanta, Georgia, US
- 登録日 : 2024/10/29
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/29
- 変更日 : 2024/10/29
- 総閲覧数 : 39 人
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CPSTF Recommends Community Interventions Involving Coalitions or Partnerships to Prevent Substance Use Among Youth
The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends community interventions involving coalitions or partnerships to prevent substance use among youth. Most studies were conducted in rural or suburban communities. Evidence from the systematic review shows interventions reduce both initiation and use of the following:CannabisTobaccoAlcohol, including binge drinkingIllegal substances
Some studies also found reductions in self-reported antisocial behaviors among youth.
How can community interventions prevent substance use?
Community interventions involving coalitions or partnerships focus on preventing substance use among adolescents (ages 10-17 years) or young adults (ages 18-24 years). Interventions may focus on a specific substance of importance to the community or address risk and protective factors related to substance use in general.
Why is this important?Youth substance use is associated with increased behavioral and academic problems; teen pregnancy; sexually transmitted infections; involvement in, or experience with, violence; injuries; and mental health symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.Preventing or delaying youth initiation reduces later risk for substance use, substance use disorders, and overdose.Changes in the legal and regulatory landscape for substances including cannabis and psychedelics as well as the increased availability of illegally-made fentanyl and other synthetic opioids can affect overdose morbidity and mortality.Recent trends in substance use among youth indicate stabilization or decreases for all substance categories; however, some youth continue to experience high rates of substance use and associated harms (e.g., LGBTQ+ students).
Expand the conversation!
X (formerly Twitter®)Communities are key! A systematic review from @CPSTF shows community interventions involving coalitions or partnerships can prevent substance use among youth. Learn more: https://t.emailupdates.cdc.gov/r/?id=t929d7f20,1d646ee7,1d6d6966&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ0NHXzEtRE0xMzk0OTQmQUNTVHJhY2tpbmdMYWJlbD1DUFNURiUyMFJlY29tbWVuZHMlMjBDb21tdW5pdHklMjBJbnRlcnZlbnRpb25zJTIwSW52b2x2aW5nJTIwQ29hbGl0aW9ucyUyMG9yJTIwUGFydG5lcnNoaXBzJTIwdG8lMjBQcmV2ZW50JTIwU3Vic3RhbmNlJTIwVQ&s=wJFJ9ImVmqZbtGUPHMzhiPaWStMegsh1S2iTzdUR7Tw
LinkedInDo you work with young people? A systematic review from the Community Preventive Services Task Force shows community interventions involving coalitions or partnerships can prevent substance use among youth. Evidence shows interventions reduce initiation and use of cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, illegal substances. Learn more: https://t.emailupdates.cdc.gov/r/?id=t929d7f20,1d646ee7,1d6d6967&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ0NHXzEtRE0xMzk0OTQmQUNTVHJhY2tpbmdMYWJlbD1DUFNURiUyMFJlY29tbWVuZHMlMjBDb21tdW5pdHklMjBJbnRlcnZlbnRpb25zJTIwSW52b2x2aW5nJTIwQ29hbGl0aW9ucyUyMG9yJTIwUGFydG5lcnNoaXBzJTIwdG8lMjBQcmV2ZW50JTIwU3Vic3RhbmNlJTIwVQ&s=Y4GFBoCMVmyRWsKo474dL20lSoo_SYuXTGgKyCdyaW0 to reduce substance use in your community? The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends community interventions involving coalitions or partnerships to prevent substance use among youth. Evidence shows interventions reduce initiation and use of cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, illegal substances. https://t.emailupdates.cdc.gov/r/?id=t929d7f20,1d646ee7,1d6d6968&e=QUNTVHJhY2tpbmdJRD1VU0NEQ0NHXzEtRE0xMzk0OTQmQUNTVHJhY2tpbmdMYWJlbD1DUFNURiUyMFJlY29tbWVuZHMlMjBDb21tdW5pdHklMjBJbnRlcnZlbnRpb25zJTIwSW52b2x2aW5nJTIwQ29hbGl0aW9ucyUyMG9yJTIwUGFydG5lcnNoaXBzJTIwdG8lMjBQcmV2ZW50JTIwU3Vic3RhbmNlJTIwVQ&s=2KLoLqA55qmCFaRjZzt-cLYwrTRbwuqHWu4DwpWMr7Y
We encourage you to share these materials with your colleagues and constituents.
Please let us know how you are using Community Guide resources and recommendations. E-mail us at communityguide@cdc.gov, connect with @CPSTF on X, and follow CDC on LinkedIn.
As always, we appreciate your interest and support,The Community Guide
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