Keeping up with Kathryn
- [登録者]LA County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Los Angeles
- 登録日 : 2024/10/18
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/18
- 変更日 : 2024/10/18
- 総閲覧数 : 121 人
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Dear Friends,
I'm committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of families in our communities. Heartbreakingly, data shows that 50% of Department of Children and Family Services (https://dcfs.lacounty.gov/) cases involve domestic violence. In the Antelope Valley, where we have the largest number of foster care placements countywide, this issue is especially prevalent. Through a comprehensive study by the UCLA Pritzker Center (https://pritzkercenter.ucla.edu/collaborative-reform-in-child-welfare-for-families-experiencing-dv/) in partnership with Antelope Valley nonprofit Valley Oasis (http://www.valleyoasis.org/) and the Lancaster DCFS office, we have a roadmap to address this pressing issue. This week, the Pritzker Center (https://pritzkercenter.ucla.edu/collaborative-reform-in-child-welfare-for-families-experiencing-dv/) gathered hundreds of community stakeholders to share the findings of their report
(https://pritzkercenter.ucla.edu/collaborative-reform-in-child-welfare-for-families-experiencing-dv/) . By increasing access to services that address needs like mental health, childcare, transit, housing, and other financial barriers for families, and by rethinking how we refer and work on these cases at the County, we can truly transform outcomes for families. I'm hopeful that we are on a path forward that will allow our County to better support survivors and protect families, offering them the hope and healing they need and deserve.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Supervisor, Fifth District
Meet Samantha, a sweet and affectionate three-year-old German Shepherd mix, and Chili, a loyal and loving one-year-old Australian Cattle Dog. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Plus, in honor of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, fees are waived for dogs from Oct. 15 to 31!
Pick your perfect pet. (https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
This week marks 100 years of partnership between the L.A. Phil and L.A. County jointly stewarding the Hollywood Bowl. This special venue has always been a place where music and the community come together. Cheers to 100 years and here's to many more!
Visit the Bowl. (https://www.hollywoodbowl.com/)
Our first responders are the backbone of our community, ensuring that our neighborhoods remain safe, our families are protected, and that help is just a call away. It was so special to join the Crescenta Valley Meher & Satig Der Ohanessian Youth Center (https://cvarmeniancenter.com/) to recognize our first responders from the Glendale Police Department (https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/police-department) , Glendale Fire Department (https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/fire-department) , Crescenta Valley Sheriff's Station (https://lasd.org/crescenta-valley/) , and Los Angeles County Fire Department (https://fire.lacounty.gov/) for their unwavering dedication, courage, and service.
Support public safety. (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/public-safety-and-justice/)
Nothing stacks up to a morning in La Crescenta! I was excited to resume my position as pancake chef at the Crescenta Valley Town Council (https://thecvcouncil.com/) ’s annual pancake breakfast, which raises support and funds for their scholarship and youth council programs.
Get a look at the event. (https://www.crescentavalleyweekly.com/news/10/03/2024/cvtc-hosts-annual-pancake-breakfast-2/)
There are a lot of important issues the County is working to tackle, and it’s crucial that our business and community leaders are at the table. Thank you to the Temple City Chamber of Commerce for your investment in solutions and your engagement in our dialogue about public safety, homelessness, and mental health.
Connect with the Chamber. (https://www.templecitychamber.com/)
Thank you to the Northwest Glendale Homeowners Association (https://www.nwglendaleha.org/) for inviting me to join you for your annual meeting! I admire your investment in your community and appreciate your engagement on important issues.
Check out community events. (https://www.facebook.com/supervisorbarger/)
Each year, the Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission celebrates programs that strengthen our communities. Congratulations to all of the County departments whose work was recognized for their commitment to serve people and solve problems!
Meet the winners. (https://qpc.lacounty.gov/37th-productivity-and-quality-awards/)
Antelope Valley Transit Authority is celebrating 10 years since it launched its first two electric passenger buses. In just a decade, AVTA has become the first transit agency in North America with a 100% battery electric, zero emission fleet of more than 100 BYD buses. I'm proud the Antelope Valley has been such an impactful, impressive, and innovative leader in transportation!
Learn more. (https://www.avta.com/avta-celebrates-10-years-of-operating-electric-vehicles-in-service)
When families are supporting their child in the hospital, Ronald McDonald House Pasadena is there to ensure they have a comfortable and caring place to stay. It was an honor to celebrate their compassionate work over the last 20 years as a home away from home for 5,000 families.
Keep families close. (https://rmhcsc.org/pasadena/)
My team is already planning my annual Live at the Arboretum (https://arboretum.org/) concert for next summer! What genre would you be most excited to see: country, classic rock, or pop? Vote at the link below!
Pick your performer. (https://x.com/kathrynbarger/status/1846667606469792173)
Strong winds and dry weather means wildfires are likelier. Please be vigilant, do your part to prevent fires, and be prepared in the event they occur. I strongly encourage (https://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/barger-urges-residents-santa-ana-winds-have-arrived-do-your-part-to-prevent-wildfires/) residents to download the Fire Department's Ready! Set! Go! Guide (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/) to put a plan in place to keep your loved ones, pets, and home safe.
Get ready. (https://fire.lacounty.gov/rsg/)
Election Day is just around the corner. Head to the Registrar Recorder's website for all the resources you need to get election ready, including registering or updating your registration, finding a vote center or drop box, tracking your mail-in ballot, and reviewing your sample ballot, all in one easy place.
Youth Election Workers
Do you know a teen or young adult looking to make some money and get involved in the electoral process? Encourage them to sign up to be an election worker!
Plan your vote. (https://plan.lavote.gov/)
Apply to be a youth worker. (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SHJZBzjqG0WKvqY47dusgYuqj13urgdDvWsS4wa9jvRUMVdNVFNMVDk1MVhVTU8xV0w5RVhERUZNOSQlQCNjPTEkJUAjdD1n)
Each October, our County parks are transformed into Trick or Treat Villages. Attendees enjoy costume contests, candy, snacks, arts and crafts, raffles, games, performances, and more. Get into the sweet and spooky spirit by attending an event at your local park.
Party at the park. (https://parks.lacounty.gov/halloween/)
** Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/supervisorbarger/)
** Twitter (https://twitter.com/kathrynbarger)
** Website (http://kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov/)
** Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/supervisorkathrynbarger/)
500 W. Temple St., Suite 869
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-5555
Antelope Valley:
42455 10th Street West, Suite 104
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-3600
East San Gabriel Valley:
380 S. San Dimas Ave., Suite 202
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 394-2264
Santa Clarita Valley:
27441 Tourney Rd., Suite 120
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 287-3657
San Gabriel Valley:
215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
San Fernando Valley:
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Suite 108
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
(818) 993-5170
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA