City of Hermosa Beach: What to Expect this 4th of July in Hermosa Beach
- [登録者]City of Hermosa Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/07/01
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/01
- 変更日 : 2024/07/01
- 総閲覧数 : 122 人
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What to Expect this 4th of July in Hermosa Beach
The City of Hermosa Beach would like to wish the residents and visitors a Happy and Safe Fourth of July. As always, the Hermosa Beach Police Department (HbPD) is committed to ensuring your safety and security, and it will have an increased presence in the community over the Fourth of July weekend.
Please read this important letter to the community from City Manager Suja Lowenthal and Police Chief Paul LeBaron. [ https://www.hermosabeach.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/20292/638554409596686042?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Reminders for the Holiday Weekend
No Firework Signs
We would like to remind the public that fireworks are prohibited within the community and highly recommend that you visit a professional firework show to enjoy the holiday.
*New 2024 Urgency Ordinance to Prevent Illegal Fireworks in the City *
At its June 25th meeting, City Council enacted an Urgency Ordinance that further regulates the illegal use of fireworks in the City of Hermosa Beach. The approved Ordinance amends the City’s existing Municipal Code to add language (Chapter 8.42) that prohibits the use, sale and possession of fireworks in Hermosa Beach. In addition, Council also voted to implement administrative citation fines for violations of the City’s newly adopted firework ordinance. The updated fine schedule for violations is as follows:
* 1st violation: $1,500
* 2nd violation: $3,000
* 3rd violation and beyond: $5,000
Lastly, a flat $5,000 fine was adopted for violations that involve an individual knowingly allowing fireworks to be used or sold at their residence or on their property so please leave fireworks to the professionals and visit one of the many fireworks displays in the South Bay area.
*Other Municipal Code Violations *
*12.20.120 Fireworks*
* * *No person shall take or transport onto the beach or strand, or have in his possession thereon, of fire or discharge thereon, any firecracker, rocket or torpedo.
* The use of safe and sane fireworks on the beach shall be deemed a violation of this regulation, and a violation of this subsection shall be an infraction. (Prior code 5-13). Chapter 15.20 Fire Prevention Code
*15.20.120 Fireworks Prohibited*
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.20.010, Section 5601.2 and 560.3 are added to read as follows:
*5601.2 Fireworks.* The manufacturing, possession, storage sale, use and handling of fireworks, including without limitation, “Safe and Sane” fireworks, is prohibited. Exceptions:
* Storage of fireworks in accordance with the recruitments for low order explosives in Title 19, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 10.
* Storage of fireworks 1.4G in accordance with Title 19, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6.
* Us and handling of fireworks for professional display in accordance with Title 19, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6 and only with approval of the City Council.
*5601.3 Seizure of Fireworks.* The Fire Code official has the authority to seize, take and remove fireworks stored, sold, offered for sale, used or handled in violation of the provisions of title 19, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6 and California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 9. (Ord. 14-1344 §15, 2014: Ord. 13-1344U §15, 2013: Ord. 10-1315 (Exh. A), 2010: Ord. 07-1289 (Exh. A), 2007; Ord. 07-1289U (Exh. A), 2007;Ord. 99-1192 §1, 1999; Ord. 96-1166 §1, 1996)
*Thank You for Helping Us Ensure a Safe Fourth of July*
In the event of an emergency, please dial 9-1-1. All other public safety calls to the City should be directed to our non-emergency dispatch line: 310-524-2750. Please only call our non-emergency dispatch if you can provide the exact location and description of individuals lighting the fireworks." "To stay informed, please sign up for Hermosa Beach eNotifications [ https://www.hermosabeach.gov/our-community/what-s-new/enotification-sign-up?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], public safety alerts [ https://alertsouthbay.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or follow the City on our social media channels.
We appreciate you taking the time to review the safety information and thank you in advance for your support in helping us make this a safe Fourth of July in Hermosa Beach. Happy Fourth of July!
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