Keeping up with Kathryn
- [登録者]LA County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Los Angeles
- 登録日 : 2025/01/31
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
- 変更日 : 2025/01/31
- 総閲覧数 : 70 人
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While we’ve witnessed unimaginable grief and loss in the wake of the Eaton Fire, we’ve also seen the very best of our community. Countless organizations, businesses, nonprofits, and residents have stepped up to help when Altadena needed it most. This week at our Board of Supervisors meeting, I was proud to honor some of the community partners who were among the very first to lend a helping hand. Here are some highlights of the amazing work each of our Eaton Fire Community Heroes has accomplished:
The Altadena Rotary Club (https://www.altadenarotary.org/) has raised more than $200,000 for community recovery. Although 13 of their members lost their homes, the club is still firmly committed to connecting residents to support. As a small club of 40 members, they are getting funds into the hands of those who need help with the rebuilding process and are actively working with the San Marino Rotary Club to provide thousands of dollars worth of supplies and gift cards that will be given away at a special event on Feb. 8 at the Altadena Grocery Outlet.
AltaMed (https://www.altamed.org/) , despite loss of their own, mobilized staff to provide health services and essential supplies. Sadly, AltaMed’s clinic on Washington Boulevard in Pasadena was destroyed by the Eaton Fire. Yet, AltaMed has deployed 215 of their full-time staff members to respond to the emergency by providing medications, hygiene items, food, and medical equipment to residents who need them.
Since the American Red Cross (https://www.redcross.org/local/california/los-angeles) began responding to the wildfires, the organization has delivered more than $12 million into the hands of survivors who have lost everything. Currently housing more than 400 people in shelters and connecting them to long-term housing, the American Red Cross has more than 500 trained responders assigned to wildfire support and has coordinated 11,300 community volunteers.
Edgar McGregor's timely social media updates proved crucial for public safety. McGregor runs the Altadena Weather and Climate Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/996250684397192/) , and before the Eaton Fire even started, he was warning residents to be prepared for wildfires in anticipation of dry and windy conditions. Right after the wildfire erupted, he shared an impassioned video urging residents to evacuate. Many residents credit Edgar with keeping them informed–and ultimately saving their lives.
Kaiser Permanente (https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/southern-california/front-door) has delivered extensive medical care and support, including a Wildfire Resource Hub at its regional corporate headquarters on Walnut Street in Pasadena. Kaiser helped residents staying at a local evacuation center, offering medical equipment, prescription medication, and care. Over 425 staff members have volunteered at the Pasadena Evacuation Center, delivering more than 8,300 hours of service. Kaiser’s mobile health vehicle has also been providing support at the local Disaster Recovery Center, including prescriptions, breathing treatments, and wound care.
Pasadena Humane (https://pasadenahumane.org/) has sheltered and cared for hundreds of animals. As residents evacuated, pets of all sizes were displaced. Pasadena Humane took in more than 900 animals to their shelter and also deployed staff into the field to feed animals sheltering in place. Pasadena Humane team members also lovingly took care of many animals who suffered injuries during the Eaton Fire and are nursing them back to health. They are still currently caring for 500 animals and have been able to successfully reunite hundreds of pets with their families.
Pasadena City College (https://pasadena.edu/) generously opened its campus to wildfire survivors, hosting a Disaster Recovery Center and offering crucial services. The college’s response began the first night of the fire, serving as a temporary shelter for residents who couldn’t return home. The campus is now open to allow the community to access services and support and has hosted donation drives, community meetings, insurance consultations, and more.
Rose Bowl Stadium (https://www.rosebowlstadium.com/) has served as a vital command post for first responders. Just a week after hosting 90,000 fans for its annual game on New Year’s Day, the stadium transformed into a staging ground for first responders around the world. Serving as a command post meant over 5,000 first responders were on the Rose Bowl’s grounds on any given day. Deployed from 12 states and three countries, first responders had access to trailers with sleeping quarters, showers, laundry, medical care, peer counseling, and two kitchens serving thousands of meals a day.
Santa Anita Park (https://www.santaanita.com/) serves as one of two base camps for the state’s Watershed and Debris Flow Task Force, which is currently conducting the largest watershed mission in California. Ash and debris from burned structures contain toxic materials, making watershed protection critical to prevent the contamination of streams and drinking water. State and local agencies, environmental experts, engineers, and emergency management teams are on site working together to develop plans tailored to communities impacted by the Eaton Fire.
This is just a snapshot of the generous and selfless work that’s been happening in service to the Altadena community.
My heartfelt thanks to everyone who jumped into action when residents needed it most.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Chair of the Board
Supervisor, Fifth District
Meet Baby, a fun-loving and affectionate two-year-old pit bull mix, and Layla, a loyal and sweet four-year-old miniature bull terrier. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, it's the perfect time to fall in love with a new four-legged friend!
Pick your perfect pet. (https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
I was excited to join The Change Reaction this week as they gave out checks to more than 1,000 Altadena residents through their Wildfire Direct Giving Fund. Through this initiative, they are providing $10 million in grants to wildfire survivors. Funds are going directly into the hands of impacted workers, homeowners, and small businesses.
Learn more. (http://changereaction.org/wildfiredirectgivingfund)
The County has launched the opt-in program and Right of Entry permits for private property debris removal. These forms are a critical step to get debris cleared off residential properties so residents can begin rebuilding. We've already received more than 600 opt-ins. I highly encourage Altadena residents to opt into our debris removal program so you can start the recovery process.
Submit your forms. (https://recovery.lacounty.gov/debris-removal/)
See the work underway. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz9OfvdZFZw)
At this week's Board of Supervisors meeting, Father Vaughn Winters from Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church in the Santa Clarita Valley gave a lovely invocation, honoring those who lost their lives and homes in the recent wildfires. It was a touching reminder that leaders from every part of our County are doing their part to uplift those impacted by the Eaton Fire. I'm grateful to Father Winters for his encouraging words and for his service to our community.
Watch the invocation. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNEi02Swv3s)
Looking for a way to get involved in your community and make a difference? Sign up for the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The data we collect helps us better understand where to direct funding and services for those on our streets. Check out the dates below to find a site near you.
Day 1 - Tuesday, Feb. 18
San Fernando Valley
Santa Clarita Valley
Day 2 - Wednesday, Feb. 19
San Gabriel Valley
Day 3 - Thursday, Feb. 20
Antelope Valley
Sign up to count. (https://count.lahsa.org/)
I'm hosting another community meeting on Monday, Feb. 3 at 4 p.m. for residents to ask questions about recovery and rebuilding. Tune in at the link below and submit questions in advance to ensure they get addressed by our panelists.
Tune in. (https://www.youtube.com/@CountyofLosAngelesNewsroom)
Submit questions. (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=mKeuf9BqyU-waPy8rtNB9utHPQUHJ-dAiMO6sH_2nxdUQ05YWlg5SEZBWEw2QU8yQlBENVQ3NkFURi4u&route=shorturl)
Celebrate Lunar New Year with L.A. County Parks and Recreation. Local parks will play host to vibrant lion and dragon dances, cultural performances, arts and crafts, traditional foods, and heritage demonstrations honoring the traditions of diverse Asian cultures. Welcome the Lunar New Year with good luck, health, prosperity, and fun.
Head to an event. (https://parks.lacounty.gov/winter/)
There's a lot more to do at your local L.A. County Library beside checking out books! Take a look at their calendar for events and activities across the Fifth District for residents of all ages, including story time, crafting, crocheting, quilting, book clubs, holiday celebrations, technology services, tutoring, guided autobiography workshops, history and science classes, and so much more.
Find fun near you. (https://visit.lacountylibrary.org/events?l=Acton+Agua+Dulce+Library%2CCastaic+Library%2CCharter+Oak+Library%2CClaremont+Helen+Renwick+Library%2CDuarte+Library%2CLa+Ca%C3%B1ada+Flintridge+Library%2CLa+Crescenta+Library%2CLa+Verne+Library%2CLake+Los+Angeles+Library%2CLancaster+Library%2CLittlerock+Library%2CLive+Oak+Library%2CQuartz+Hill+Library%2CSan+Dimas+Library%2CStevenson+Ranch+Library%2CTemple+City+Library&n=30&r=days)
Calling all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders in Los Angeles County! If you love making art and care about keeping our beaches clean, I encourage you to enter the Can the Trash clean beach poster contest. Winners will have their masterpieces featured on beach trash barrels this summer.
Get creative. (https://beaches.lacounty.gov/postercontest/)
Celebrate the spirit of solidarity and resilience that defines Los Angeles County with a special event at La Plaza de Cultura y Artes on Saturday, Feb. 8. Attendees will enjoy artmaking, craft Valentine’s Day cards inspired by Los Angeles, savor a wellness tea tasting, practice yoga, unwind with a soothing sound bath, enjoy a children's storytime, and take home a book and art kit.
Get the details. (https://lapca.org/event/a-love-letter-to-la/?event_date=2025-02-08)
To alleviate some of the burden caused by the Eaton Fire, our L.A. Metro Board approved a new free fare program for residents. Riders can have a free pass for 90 days, plus 20 free rides every month after that. You can submit your application online or in person at the Disaster Recovery Center (https://recovery.lacounty.gov/altadena/) in Altadena.
Learn more. (https://www.metro.net/fireresponse/)
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500 W. Temple St., Suite 869
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-5555
Antelope Valley:
42455 10th Street West, Suite 104
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-3600
East San Gabriel Valley:
380 S. San Dimas Ave., Suite 202
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 394-2264
Santa Clarita Valley:
27441 Tourney Rd., Suite 120
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 287-3657
San Gabriel Valley:
215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
San Fernando Valley:
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Suite 108
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA