- [登録者]City of Manhattan Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/06
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/06
- 変更日 : 2024/12/06
- 総閲覧数 : 83 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- SAPIX USA 是位于圣何塞/纽约地区的一所私立海外学生预备学校,为居住在美...
到目前为止,我们只能通过纽约学校的在线课程向洛杉矶居民提供课程。 随着圣何塞学校于 2024 年 2 月开学,我们现在可以提供没有时差的课程 ! 我们为初到美国的儿童和永久居民提供各种课程 ! 请注意: 洛杉矶地区没有学校。我们在圣何塞学校和其他地点提供在线课程。 电话号码是圣何塞学校的。可向圣何塞学校咨询。 招收新学生 ! 免费试听课程,随时提供 ! 春季学期课程也已准备就绪 ...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
+1 (213) 921-3366Sang Injury Law Firm
- 在洛杉矶拥有 30 多年的信任和经验。为那些正在寻找值得信赖的医生的人们提供服务...
最佳诊所是一家以脊柱疗法为主的整体诊所。进行临床医学检查,并根据需要进行治疗,包括整脊、骨盆矫正、物理治疗、运动学、顺势疗法、营养品和其他自然疗法,不需要药物或手术。 急性损伤,以及慢性疼痛和疾病,还有其他地方无法治愈的疼痛,都可以在最佳诊所得到治疗。
+1 (213) 617-2228B.E.S.T. Chiropractic Clinic Los Angeles
- 交通事故 ・ 专门从事人身伤害的律师事务所 [日语专线] 949-668-910...
如果您是道路交通事故或其他事故™(受伤・或死亡))的受害者,请立即致电我们。 自1995年以来,我们一直在帮助客户恢复事故发生前的生活。 我们提供有偿服务,因此您可以放心,您将得到我们的妥善照顾。我们将竭尽全力帮助客户。
+1 (949) 668-9106EYL LAW
- 汽车维修 ・ 如果您需要检查,请交给我们。轮胎 ・ 从轮胎
到雨刮... -
汽车维修 ・ 如果您需要检查,请交给我们。轮胎 ・ 我们提供可靠的日语服务,甚至更换雨刷器。 我们可以直接上门取货,晚上直接送货上门。 ( 需要预约 ) 更换机油 制动服务 变速箱
+1 (949) 951-5398Shinzo Auto Service
- 我们可以帮助你庆祝重要的里程碑,如清福山、成年仪式、毕业典礼、婚礼和参拜神社👘。
把洛杉矶的和服租赁和穿戴交给TOKYO KIMONO来做。你可以从各种各样的和服中选择你喜欢的和服。我们的专业日本和服造型师将仔细协调你的和服,我们的专业摄影师将与你合作,直到你对结果感到满意。 我们还提供工作室以及外景拍摄,所以请随时与我们联系以了解更多信息。
+1 (310) 634-9897TOKYO KIMONO
- 位于小东京的日语诊所。接受各种保险。急症治疗 ( 感冒、食物中毒、流感、肠胃炎等...
我们提供普通内科以及急性病治疗。我们接受各种保险,请随时联系我们了解更多信息。 ~ 门诊 ~ ・ 急症治疗 ( 感冒和食物中毒等传染病、流感、肠胃炎、头痛、哮喘、突发性湿疹、轻伤和中暑 ) ・ 普通内科 ( 预防和治疗与生活方式有关的疾病、糖尿病、高血压、高脂血症、心脏病、痛风、甲状腺、贫血、风湿病、偏头痛等 ) ・ 尿路感染、膀胱感染 ・ 体检/定期体检/运动体检
+1 (213) 680-0355藤原メディカルグループ
- 欢迎光临托兰斯的居酒屋 "Ojiya" ! 适合全家的日本料理 !。
居酒屋让世界充满活力 ! 欢迎光临 Ojiya ! 我们的座右铭是 "家庭居酒屋",让全家人都能尽情享受 ! 我们的菜单非常丰富,包括生鱼片、寿司、面条、碗、单点、咖喱和套餐 ! 荞麦面汤和其他菜肴均为手工制作,确保所有顾客都能放心享用美食。
我们是一家可以让孩子和家人尽享欢乐的餐厅。 请随时光临 。 +1 (310) 793-7000居酒屋 小千谷
- 洛杉矶 JVTA
洛杉矶 JVTA
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- AUBE Hair 在包括日本在内的世界各地经营着 200 多家沙龙,在洛杉矶开...
AUBE Hair 在包括日本在内的全世界经营着 200 多家沙龙,在洛杉矶开设了沙龙★,提供高质量的服务和技术。 我们为您推荐最适合您的发型。 本沙龙用于染发和烫发的所有化学品均为日本制造。请在宁静的氛围中度过美好的时光。
+1 (424) 268-8510AUBE Hair Los Angeles
- 洛杉矶名人美甲沙龙的美甲培训学校,从初学者到专业人士。还提供美甲执照支持和沙龙工...
MARS THE SALON LA为那些想把学习美甲作为业余爱好的自学者,或者目前在日本工作,将来想在洛杉矶成为美甲师的人提供最好的课程。 在洛杉矶一流的沙龙学习美甲技术 ! 获得执照 ・ 获得工作签证的捷径 ! 在洛杉矶获得沙龙工作经验,成为专业美甲师 ! 初级美甲师
+1 (323) 433-7216MARS + NAIL & SPA
- 如果您想卖车,请到布勃卡!! 使用我们广受欢迎的免费现场评估!,让您的购买满意度...
+1 (424) 271-0838Bubka!
- 非营利组织 Asia Pacific Healthcare Venture 为儿...
亚太医疗创投是一家非营利组织,为儿童和老人提供全面的医疗服务。 我们为无保险者、留学生和低收入者提供负担得起的计划,并根据家庭结构和收入情况提供保险和医疗费用减免计划。如有必要,我们还可以帮助您办理保险和课程手续。 我们根据要求提供门诊、远程医疗(在线护理)和电话护理,包括健康检查、妇科检查、婴儿检查和慢性病患者的定期就诊。请随时与我们联系。 常规体检 生病就诊 学校体检 ( 学校/运...
+1 (323) 644-3881Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc
- 信用卡支付专家 ! 我们提供最低的费率、最快捷、最周到的服务。我们是美国唯一一家...
您的企业也可以很聪明 Smart International 今年已经 25 岁了。作为全美国唯一一家提供日语商户服务的公司,我们自 1995 年以来一直通过信用卡支付支持帮助全美国的日本公司提高业务运营效率。我们是专业的支付・解决方案提供商,不仅提供信用卡支付,还提供 ACH 等汇款服务。在商业支付方面,我们知识渊博・,经验丰富! 我们为任何商业模式提供与支付相关的服务,包括餐厅、美容院...
+1 (800) 500-2899Smart International Service
- 汽车保险、医疗保险 ・ 海外旅行保险、人寿保险、工伤保险、店铺保险等。
我们为个人和企业办理各种类型的保险。保险非常重要,可以为任何可能发生的情况做好准备。在大和保险,我们了解您的需求,可以帮助您从多家保险公司中找到最适合您的计划。另请参阅我们的网站 ! 汽车保险 医疗保险 ・ 海外旅行保险 人寿保险 工伤保险 商店保险
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
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Fill Out Survey [ ]
Pay N Play: Park Survey & Community Meeting
We're looking to enhance the Pay-N-Play site at Marine Avenue Park and need your input. Your feedback will help create a space that serves our community better. Choose to attend the in-person community meeting or fill out the survey before *December 31*.
*Saturday, December 7*
*9:00-10:00 AM*
Marine Avenue Park
1625 Marine Avenue
*Fill Out Survey* [ ]
Gingerbread Decorating Serving Breakfast [ ]
Gingerbread Decorating Workshop & Breakfast
Join us on *December 7th from 9-11 AM* for the 6th Annual Family Gingerbread Decorating Workshop!
Each group (up to 3 participants) will receive a gingerbread house from Torrance Bakery to decorate with royal icing and a variety of candy toppings. Let your creativity shine as you frost and embellish your unique creation.
*The workshop includes (1)* gingerbread house per group, *(2)* Royal icing and candy decorations, and *(3)* Breakfast refreshments.
Can't stay for the full event? No problem! You can call 310-877-0516 to pick up your pre-assembled gingerbread house and take it to go.
Space is limited, so register your group today before spots fill up!
*Sign Up Today* [ ]
Utility Box Beautification Program [ ]
Utility Box Beautification Program
Transform Manhattan Beach's utility boxes into your canvas! The City seeks South Bay artists to create vibrant public art that brings the streets alive. Selected designs will be installed on utility boxes throughout the city, turning everyday infrastructure into neighborhood art. Apply now for Phase III of the Utility Box Beautification Project.
*Applications due Jan 27.*
Phase III is open to artists from the South Bay Beach Cities - Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, or El Segundo, with the exception of Los Angeles County Youth ages 17 years old and younger or 18 years old with proof of enrollment in high school.
*Apply Here* [ ]
Gallery Tour - 4 More Sessions [ ]
Gallery Tour & Pin-Making Activity
*Back to the Roots Gallery Tour (20-30 Mins)
*Experience Marisa Caichiolo's work with guided tours exploring culture & personal journeys.
* Pin-Making Activity
*Create your own collage pin using newspaper clippings and images.
Wed, Dec 11 at 7 PM
Thu, Dec 12 at 1 PM
*Reserve Now* [ ]
MB Fireworks Shuttle Service [ ]
Holiday Fireworks with Free MB Shuttle Service
Celebrate the season with joy at the Skechers Manhattan Beach Holiday Fireworks!
This year, we’re making it even easier to join the festivities with our FREE Park & Ride Shuttle Service, running on Sunday, December 8, from 2 PM to 10 PM. Hop on one of our eight continuously cycling buses and leave your parking worries behind!
*Below are the Pick-Up and Drop-Off Locations: *
• Downtown Location: Valley Drive (Between MBB & 10th Place)
• Northrup Grumman Parking Lot (Aviation Blvd & Space Park Drive)
*See More* [ ]
Senior Fit with Carmen [ ]
Senior Fit with Carmen
Get ready for a fantastic class designed to boost your health! Join us for an invigorating session tailored to enhance mobility, ease discomfort, and enhance flexibility, with a special emphasis on the spine.
Led by the experienced SilverSneakers-trained instructor Carmen Osterling, this class is perfect for anyone looking to stay active, engaged, and connected in the vibrant South Bay community.
Come and experience the joy of Senior Fit—it's a fun and uplifting way to prioritize your well-being!
*Classes start Dec 12*
*Two time options: 9 & 10:15 AM*
*Register Today* [ ]
Holiday Tennis Camp [ ]
Holiday Tennis Camp
The holiday break is a great chance to have fun and get better at tennis! The camp, directed by Kevin Brady and staff, will cover all aspects of the game including technique, strategy, court positioning, footwork, serve, and supervised match play.
All levels.
*Dec 23 - Dec 27*
*9 AM - 12 PM
*Mira Costa High School
No class Wednesday, Dec 25
*Register Now* [ ]
Holiday Succulent Wreath Workshop [ ]
Holiday Succulent Wreath Workshop
Transform your holiday décor with a stunning, eco-friendly wreath that keeps on giving! Join us for a hands-on workshop where you'll craft a one-of-a-kind living wreath featuring beautiful drought-resistant succulents.
Choose your date *December 7 *or *December 21. *See what's included:
*(1)* Design and assemble your unique wreath
*(2)* Work with premium succulents and natural materials
*(3)* Learn expert care tips and propagation techniques
*(4)* Take home a beautiful, lasting piece of living art
Everything you need is included! All materials, succulents, grapevines, and decorative elements are provided. Perfect for plant lovers, DIY enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a unique holiday activity! (Ages 16+)
*Register Now* [ ]
This Month's Newsletters
Winter 2025 [ ]
Get a sneak peak of the Winter 2025 Manhappenings, *here [ ]*.
* MB Residents: Registration begins *Dec 9*
* Nonresidents: Registration begins* Dec 16*
* Visit StoryWalk at Polliwog Park: "Hello Coco! Suds, Songs and Aunt Fancy's Salad"
* Gingerbread Decorating Workshop on* Dec 7*
December MBAC [ ]
View the Cultural Arts' December Newsletter, *here [ ]**.*
* Utility Box Beautification - Learn More
* Current Exhibition: Back to the Roots
* RSVP for MBAC Gallery Tour on *Dec 11 & 12*
* Holiday Wreath Workshops [ ] on* Dec 7 & 21*
* Glaze Lab is open* Saturday and Sundays*
DEC OAP Newsletter [ ]
View the OAP's December Newsletter, *here [ ].*
* Beach Boys Holiday Tribute Show Trip – *Dec 10*
* Gingerbread House Workshop – *Dec 11*
* Dine & Discover “Reducing Anxiety.." – *Dec 19*
Stay Connected with City of Manhattan Beach: Facebook [ ] Twitter [ ] you tube [ ] Alert Southbay [ ] MB TV [ ] SUBSCRIBER SERVICES:
Manage Subscriptions [ ] | Unsubscribe All [ ] | Help [ ]
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