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City of Hermosa Beach: Notice of Bid #24-001 | Clark Building Renovation

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Notice of Bid #24-001 | Clark Building Renovation
Post Date: 05/09/2024 12:00 PM

**_N_**_O_**_T_**_I_**_C_**_E OF INVITING BID 24-001_*

*Notice is hereby given* that the City of Hermosa Beach will receive electronic bids until *2:00PM on Wednesday, May 29, 2024*, at which time the electronic bids will be publicly opened at the City Council Chambers at 1315 Valley Drive, Hermosa Beach, CA  90254 and posted on Planet Bids for *CIP No. 689 Clark Building Renovations. A mandatory pre-bid walk is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 2:00 P.M. in front of Clark Building, 861 Valley Drive, Hermosa Beach, California 90254.*

The project generally includes, but is not limited to:

* New commercial kitchen per current Los Angeles County Department of Public Health requirements, including new appliances, fixtures, storage cabinets, counter tops, flooring, grease trap system, and lighting;
* New electric heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system;
* New audio-visual system including built-in speakers, overhead projector, and roll-down projection screen;
* Architectural upgrades including, but not limited to:
* Furred out walls to hide items such as electrical conduit and provide a new smooth wall surface throughout,
* New decorative accents on the ceiling,
* Acoustic ceiling panels for sound absorption,
* New commercial grade vinyl flooring,
* New interior and exterior light fixtures,
* Complete interior and exterior cleaning and painting, and
* Restored original signage on the exterior of the building;

* New plumbing system to accommodate the updated restrooms and commercial kitchen, including new floor drains for ease in maintenance, including connection to the existing sewer lateral;
* Site improvements including new concrete walkways and ramps to current accessibility standards, decorative enclosures around the refuse storage area and HVAC units, new accessible entrance to the Lawn Bowling Club, and refreshed landscaping and irrigation.
* Completely renovated restrooms to current accessibility standards, including new fixtures, partitions, vanities, mirrors, flooring, and lighting;
* New electrical system including wiring including new service connection necessary to serve the enhanced building components;
* Asbestos and lead abatement work throughout the building; and
* Necessary demolition work associated with the renovation.

The engineer’s cost estimate for the project is $2,400,000.00. The license requirement is a valid *_State of California Contractors License Class “B”._*

The duration of the project is *one-hundred and twenty* (*120) working days*. All bids must be submitted electronically on Planet Bids Portal, accessible through the City’s webpage at [ ] where the bidder must first register as a vendor through our Planet Bids Portal. Contract Documents, plans, and specifications will be available for review on Planet Bids. All relevant materials shall be obtained from the link above.

Each proposal must be accompanied by a cash deposit, a certified or cashier's check, or a Bidder's bond, made payable to the City of Hermosa Beach, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the total bid submitted.

The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a faithful performance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract price, a payment bond in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract price all in the attached forms satisfactory to the City Attorney. The successful Bidder will also be required to pay the State of California prevailing wage scale as determined by the Department of Industrial Relations, available at [ ]

The Contractor must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time of bid. Contractor’s registration information is available at:

The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid received and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective bids received. The award, if made, will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder.

Please submit any questions related to this bid on Planet Bids portal no later than *12:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.*

*** *

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  • Posted : 2024/05/09
  • Published : 2024/05/09
  • Changed : 2024/05/09
  • Total View : 293 persons
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