Keeping up with Kathryn
- [登録者]LA County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Los Angeles
- 登録日 : 2025/01/24
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/24
- 変更日 : 2025/01/24
- 総閲覧数 : 87 人
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It’s been an exhausting few weeks for thousands of displaced families and kids. To offer some levity, connection, and emotional support, our Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation (https://parks.lacounty.gov/care-camps/) has been hosting Care Camps (https://parks.lacounty.gov/care-camps/) to bring fun hands-on activities to children impacted by the Eaton Fire. Last Friday, I got the privilege of joining families at a Care Camp (https://parks.lacounty.gov/care-camps/) site at The Arboretum (https://arboretum.org/) for a free concert by Las Cafeteras (https://lascafeteras.com/) . The joy and lightness of live music was such a needed time of rest, respite, and restoration for these residents.
Through next week, Care Camps will continue to offer music, arts and crafts, sports, food, and field trips for children and teens. I'm grateful for all the community organizations and partners like the Dodgers (https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/community/foundation) , The Music Center (https://www.musiccenter.org/) , Natural History Museum (https://nhm.org/) , LA Phil (https://www.laphil.com/) , Department of Arts and Culture (https://www.lacountyarts.org/) , and so many others who have partnered with Parks to bring this amazing programming to our communities when they need it most. Healing happens together, and Care Camps (https://parks.lacounty.gov/care-camps/) are a reminder that Altadena residents have the full support of countless people who care.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Chair of the Board
Supervisor, Fifth District
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Meet Lydia, a gentle and smart two-year-old German Shepherd mix, and Max, an energetic and playful one-year-old German Shepherd mix. Both of these adorable dogs are staying at our Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for walk-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Support Pets Impacted by Wildfires
If you have a soft spot for furry friends, you can donate to efforts underway by our County Department of Animal Care and Control and Pasadena Humane. Their staff and volunteers are ensuring displaced animals have all the love, food, and medical care they need as we recover from the Eaton Fire.
Find your perfect pet. (https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/)
Support Pasadena Humane. (https://pasadenahumane.org/)
Support the Animal Care Foundation. (https://ambvzmmw.donorsupport.co/page/FUNAFLEEQDU)
Altadena has a rich and storied history that must be preserved and honored. I am wholly committed to bolstering the needs and the voices of Altadena’s African-American community and will be a listening ear and an advocate every step of the way. Thank you to First AME Church Pasadena for inviting me to join you this week to talk about how the County will be a resource as we rebuild.
Read more. (https://www.pasadenastarnews.com/2025/01/23/inside-a-pasadena-church-a-vision-for-eaton-fire-recovery-and-a-call-for-equity-forge-ahead/)
In a time when our residents are most in need, I’m so heartened by how compassionate individuals, nonprofits, private partners, and governments are coming together to lend a helping hand. I was blown away by the efforts underway at New Revelation Baptist Church (https://www.instagram.com/newrevelationbaptistchurch) I saw last week to serve fire-impacted residents and businesses. They hosted an incredible giveaway with clothing, suitcases, laptops, and more in partnership with Los Angeles Urban League (https://laul.org/) , She Ready Foundation (https://www.shereadyfoundation.org/) , Special Needs Network (https://snnla.org/) , and our L.A. County Internal Services Department (https://isd.lacounty.gov/) .
Support their efforts. (https://www.givelify.com/donate/MTQ1MTk=?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZjbJdJlIFxi9dkCtJIfaKuXRsw7LnT6-0MVpYZ6dtGGQVYI7g0sVJBqcs_aem_Pse-d6H2xPG25g_LrkmSJA)
Join us for another community meeting on Monday, Jan. 27 at 4 p.m. It's an important opportunity to get your questions answered and learn about the latest resources available for recovery. To submit questions as you watch the meeting, click the link below. To only watch the meeting, click here (https://www.youtube.com/@CountyofLosAngelesNewsroom) .
Watch here. (https://bos-lacounty-gov.zoom.us/j/87163128275#success)
If you have room to spare at your workplace, the Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity has launched a Business-to-Business Space Share program where businesses and nonprofits can offer temporary workspaces to those displaced by the Eaton Fire. If you have a space to offer, or need to request a space, get connected below.
Share space. (http://b2bspaceshare.lacounty.gov)
Our Disaster Recovery Centers are a one-stop shop for all federal, state, and local resources in one place for residents to recover and rebuild. A new Disaster Recovery Center is opening in Altadena on Monday, Jan. 27 at 540 West Woodbury Road. The current location at the Pasadena City College Community Education Center will sunset on Friday, Jan. 31.
Access support. (https://recovery.lacounty.gov/altadena/)
Rain is in the forecast for this weekend and our communities impacted by the Eaton Fire should be prepared. Head to the Altadena Golf Course, Robinson Park, Victory Park, or any of our local fire stations to get up to 25 sandbags for your property.
Get sandbags. (http://lacounty.pw/sandbags)
Looking for a way to donate to those impacted by the Eaton Fire? L.A. County has launched a one-stop funding and relief portal to help residents, businesses, and communities. I continue to hear all the time that people want to help, and this is a great centralized resource to do that.
Lend a helping hand. (http://lacounty.gov/relief)
What do stars teach us about love, loss, and connection? Discover the answer to this question and more at an immersive installation where the beauty of astrophysics and human emotion blend together in a celestial story with "The Gift" at The Music Center. This free community event with beloved Reading Rainbow storyteller LeVar Burton and the creators of The Gift will delve into themes of connection and the cosmos on Saturday, Feb. 8.
RSVP here. (https://www.musiccenter.org/tickets-free-events/tmc-arts/the-gift/)
LA Opera invites you to a night of music, respite, and community with Broadway star Kelli O’Hara in concert on Saturday, Feb. 1. Residents directly impacted by the fires, first responders, and workers providing extraordinary support can claim up to four free tickets. Join LA Opera for an evening with one of Broadway's greatest leading ladies performing beloved showtunes from Hammerstein, Sondheim, and more for a dazzling one night only performance.
Get tickets. (https://laopera.org/hidden-pages/affected-residences-and-first-responders-ticket-form?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Free%20Tickets%20for%20Impacted%20Residents%20%26%20First%20Responders&utm_campaign=O%20Hara%20Free%20Tickets%20Email)
Celebrate Lunar New Year with L.A. County Parks and Recreation. Local parks will play host to vibrant lion and dragon dances, cultural performances, arts and crafts, traditional foods, and heritage demonstrations honoring the traditions of diverse Asian cultures. Welcome the Lunar New Year with good luck, health, prosperity, and fun.
Find an event near you. (https://parks.lacounty.gov/winter/)
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA