City of Manhattan Beach: Talyn Mirzakhanian to be Named the Next Manhattan Beach City Manager
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Talyn Mirzakhanian to be Named the Next Manhattan Beach City Manager
Following a nationwide search and comprehensive recruitment process with over 50 applicants, the Manhattan Beach City Council is pleased to announce that Talyn Mirzakhanian stood out as the best candidate.
Post Date: 10/24/2024 7:30 PM
PRESS RELEASE: TALYN MIRZAKHANIAN TO BE NAMED THE NEXT MANHATTAN BEACH CITY MANAGER [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/55445/638653942049889376?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] (PDF)
Alexandria Latragna, Communications and Civic Engagement Manager
alatragna@manhattanbeach.gov <alatragna@manhattanbeach.gov?subject=PRESS%20RELEASE:%20City%20of%20Manhattan%20Beach%20Appoints%20Acting%20City%20Manager>• (310) 802-5063
*Manhattan Beach, CA (October 24, 2024)** *– Following a nationwide search and comprehensive recruitment process with over 50 applicants, the Manhattan Beach City Council is pleased to announce that Talyn Mirzakhanian stood out as the best candidate for City Manager. Mirzakhanian has been serving as Acting City Manager since the retirement of former City Manager Bruce Moe in August. Council direction reflects the City Council’s confidence in her leadership and commitment to the success of the City.
With nearly 20 years of municipal experience, Mirzakhanian began her career as a planner in the City of Calabasas, where she dedicated 12 years before transitioning to the Planning Department in Pasadena. In 2020, she joined Manhattan Beach as Planning Manager, and in 2023, she was appointed Community Development Director, overseeing complex projects and policy development.
“Talyn’s commitment to our city, work ethic, responsiveness, and collaboration has demonstrated that she is the ideal choice for City Manager,” said Mayor Amy Howorth. “Her leadership during her tenure here in Manhattan Beach has demonstrated her unique ability to navigate complex challenges and engage with our community effectively. We are excited to see her continue to guide our City into a bright future.”
“It will be an honor to accept this role and to continue serving the residents of Manhattan Beach,” said Mirzakhanian. “I look forward to working collaboratively with the City Council, the staff, and our community to enhance the quality of life for all residents and to ensure that we effectively tackle any future challenges. Together, we can achieve great things and make Manhattan Beach an even better place to live, work, and visit.”
Mirzakhanian holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Master of Planning from the University of Southern California. Her career is marked by her involvement in pivotal policy development and high-profile projects, bringing a wealth of experience to her new role.
An employment agreement containing the terms and conditions of her employment will be considered by the City Council at its next regular meeting on November 6. The City Council looks forward to her leadership as Manhattan Beach continues to grow and evolve.
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