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City of Manhattan Beach: Manhattan Beach Takes Essential Steps to Enhance Downtown Parking
- [Registrant]City of Manhattan Beach
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Manhattan Beach, CA
- Posted : 2024/10/21
- Published : 2024/10/21
- Changed : 2024/10/21
- Total View : 73 persons
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Manhattan Beach Takes Essential Steps to Enhance Downtown Parking
The City begins demolition of Lot 3 and adds alternative parking options downtown
Dedicated to aiding the downtown community, the Council took decisive actions to alleviate the parking crisis resulting from the closure of Lot 3.
Post Date: 10/21/2024 5:50 PM
*PRESS RELEASE:* Manhattan Beach Takes Essential Steps to Enhance Downtown Parking [ ] (PDF)
*"The City begins demolition of Lot 3 and adds alternative parking options downtown"
*Manhattan Beach, CA (October 21, 2024)* – On October 1, 2024, the Manhattan Beach City Council convened to address critical issues affecting our downtown area and made significant decisions to enhance parking availability in support of residents, visitors, and the local economy. The discussion was prompted by the recent closure of the Lot 3 parking structure, [ ] demolition of which is scheduled to commence this week. Dedicated to aiding the downtown community, the Council took decisive actions to alleviate the parking crisis resulting from the closure of Lot 3. Key actions taken by the City Council include:
* *Demolition Agreement:* The City Council authorized an agreement with American Wrecking Inc. for the demolition of Lot 3. Demolition activities are anticipated to commence in the coming days. This includes the temporary closure of a portion of 12th Street, between Morningside Drive and the western end of the structure. Demolition is anticipated to take approximately 40 working days, after which the City will install a temporary at-grade parking lot.
* *Parking Expansion:* The City Council authorized the creation of 90 new public parking spaces within downtown, enhancing accessibility and convenience for residents and visitors. Staff has initiated installation of these spaces, with completion anticipated in the near future.
* *Parking Permit Program:* The City Council restored the Downtown Residential Parking Permit Program, while also allowing displaced Lot M permit holders to park in the Downtown Residential Parking Permit area.
* *Farmers Market Relocation:* To accommodate the demolition of Parking Lot 3, City Council approved the temporary relocation of the Tuesday Downtown Manhattan Beach Farmers Market [ ] to the Civic Center Upper Parking Lot and Plaza at 320 15th Street beginning Tuesday, October 29, 2024.
“As we commence this important project, we reaffirm our commitment to safety and enhancing the downtown experience for both residents and visitors,” said Mayor Amy Howorth. “The actions the City is taking lay the groundwork for a more accessible and vibrant Manhattan Beach. We want our community to know that we are here for you every step of the way, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our infrastructure.”
Additional information and updates will be made available on our website [ ] throughout the project.
Click here for more information [ ]
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