Save the Date: Screenland 5K Returns to Downtown Culver City
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/31
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/31
- 変更日 : 2025/01/31
- 総閲覧数 : 81 人
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Save the Date: Screenland 5K Returns to Downtown Culver City
Photo of Screenland 5K in 2024 [ https://www.screenland5k.com/ ]
Celebrate"* *"*glitz, glamour, glory, *and* gold*"* *"in the Screenland 5K on Oscar Sunday, March 2nd, featuring motion picture-inspired visual and performing arts and beloved screen characters. Enjoy the expanded Health and Fitness Expo, faster registration flow, and spacious starting corral. View the event schedule and activities [ https://runsignup.com/Race/Screenland5K/Page/EventInfo_7 ] for the entire family. Register now [ https://runsignup.com/Race/Register/?raceId=85373 ] for 30% off race week fees, and claim your spotlight in the Screenland 5K before it sells out again.
*Train Before the Race*
Lace up, show up, and let your journey begin into glitz, glamour, glory, and gold! No matter you age, ability and experience, train with organizers, Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th, at 1:30 p.m. at Culver City High School.
*Retrace Legendary Steps*
Experience the glitz of the Roaring Twenties silent films, glamour of MGM's golden age in the '30s and '40s, glory of war flicks and classic Westerns, and the" "golden age of television. Flash your finisher's medal at the paparazzi as you stride down the red carpet and delight in Oscar party treats and awards.
Make your Oscar Sunday experience in the Heart of Screenland unforgettable, whether jogging for fun or racing to see “who's the fastest of them all!” There are events for everyone, so skip down the yellow brick road and retrace the steps of stars in 100 years of motion picture *glitz, glamour, glory *and* gold*!
Race Weekend
*Ivy Station - 8840 National Bl. Culver City, CA 90232*
*Saturday, March 1*
* 2:00 PM: Walk 'n Rollers 13th Anniversary Celebration
* 3:00 PM: Health and Fitness Expo: packet pickup, registration (if avail.), attractions
* 4:00 PM: Gold Medalist Lashinda Demus photo op
* 4:30 PM: Celebrity Charity Cycle Chase
* 6:00 PM: Expo ends
*Sunday, March 2*
* 5:00 AM: Streets closed to vehicular traffic
* 7:00 AM: Health and Fitness Expo: packet pickup, registration (if avail.), attractions
* 7:00 am: Play Streets
* 7:15 am: Course Crash by Walk 'n Rollers
* 8:30 am: Glitz & Glamour Costume Contest
* 8:50 am: Race Warm-Up
* 9:00 am: Screenland 5K
* 10:10 am: Munchkin Dash
* 10:30 am: Awards Ceremony
* 11:15 am: Expo ends, streets reopen
"The Screenland 5K is sponsored by the City of Culver City."
Culver City [ https://www.culvercity.org ] Questions?
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