Windblown Dust and Ash Advisory
- [登録者]Los Angeles County Public Health
- [言語]English
- [エリア]Los Angeles, CA, US
- 登録日 : 2025/01/14
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/14
- 変更日 : 2025/01/14
- 総閲覧数 : 24 人
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*Media Contact:* media@ph.lacounty.gov - (213) 288-8144
*For Immediate Release:*
*Windblown Dust and Ash Advisory*
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is issuing a *Windblown Dust and Ash Advisory* following strong Santa Ana winds expected to affect the region through *Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 7:00 PM*. According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD), gusty winds may disperse ash from recent fire burn scars and generate dust, potentially impacting air quality throughout Los Angeles County.
Impacted areas include multiple communities throughout *Los Angeles County*, especially those downwind of recent burn scars. For a detailed air quality map specific to Los Angeles County, visit South Coast AQMD’s website [ http://www.aqmd.gov/AQImap?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ] or download their mobile app.
Windblown dust and ash contain small particles that may cause irritation or exacerbate pre-existing health conditions, particularly for children, older adults, pregnant individuals, and those with heart or lung conditions. Public Health advises everyone to take the following precautions to reduce exposure:
* *Stay Inside:* Keep windows and doors closed. Use an air purifier or run your air conditioning system on recirculate to keep indoor air clean.
* *Wear a Mask:* If you must go outside, wear an N95 or P100 mask to protect your lungs.
* *Secure Loose Items:* Tie down or bring in items like chairs, trash cans, and other outdoor belongings to prevent them from becoming hazards.
* *Protect Your Eyes:* If outside, wear goggles to shield your eyes from airborne ash and debris.
* *Stay Informed:* Monitor updates from local news sources for the latest on weather conditions, air quality, and potential evacuation notices.
* *Be Prepared:* Have a plan in place in case conditions worsen, including essential supplies and emergency contacts.
Strong winds are expected to continue dispersing ash and dust from burn scars in the Palisades, Eaton, and other impacted areas. Air quality may reach levels that are *Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups* or worse in some regions. While ash particles are typically visible, they may not always affect Air Quality Index (AQI) readings. Nonetheless, these particles can carry toxic materials and pose significant health risks.
Conditions are expected to improve by late Wednesday as wind speeds decrease.
To stay updated with real-time/forecasted Air Quality in your area, download the South Coast AQMD Mobile App: http://www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/http:%2F%2Fwww.aqmd.gov%2Fmobileapp%3Futm_content=%26utm_medium=email%26utm_name=%26utm_source=govdelivery%26utm_term=/1/0100019443522371-7d3c3829-bec1-4891-af4b-159ab99e8086-000000/iyKBBVFCJqnz0zW4MSY1xePRCqvKJ0d12joU2mYT_aw=387 ] (Also available in Spanish!) or visit https://www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/air-quality-forecasts [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.aqmd.gov%2Fhome%2Fair-quality%2Fair-quality-forecasts%3Futm_content=%26utm_medium=email%26utm_name=%26utm_source=govdelivery%26utm_term=/1/0100019443522371-7d3c3829-bec1-4891-af4b-159ab99e8086-000000/iXCreerJcjv_EsjTyljoWBteIXGn2GNfYoNJ0utGds0=387 ].
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Public Health is committed to protecting and improving the health of over 10 million residents of Los Angeles County. Through a variety of programs, community partnerships and services, Public Health oversees environmental health, disease control, and community and family health. Nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, the LA County Department of Public Health is comprised of nearly 4,100 employees and has an annual budget of $1 billion.
"Los Angeles County Department of Public Health works to protect health,
"prevent disease, and promote health and well-being.
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