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City of Hermosa Beach: City of Hermosa Beach Local Appointments List

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City of Hermosa Beach Local Appointments List
Post Date: 11/21/2024 9:00 AM


In accordance with Government Code Section 54972 (Maddy Act) dealing with open lists of local appointive positions, the following is:

* A list of all appointive terms which will expire during the 2025 calendar year, with the names of the incumbent appointees, their dates
of appointment, the date each term expires, and the necessary qualifications for each position; and
* A list of all boards, commissions and committees whose members serve at the pleasure of the legislative body, and the necessary
qualifications for each position.

 Appointee  Appointment Date  Term Expiration Date  Qualification * PARKS, RECREATION, & COMMUNITY RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMISSION*  (H.B.M.C. 2.28.20; 4-year terms, no term limit) Jani Lange  7-13-2021  6-30-2025  Qualified Elector of the City Lauren Pizer Mains  7-13-2021  6-30-2025  Qualified Elector of the City E. Thomas Moroney  7-13-2021  6-30-2025  Qualified Elector of the City  *BOARD OF APPEALS* "(members serve at the pleasure of the Council, without terms – must be qualified to act on building
construction matters - U.B.C. - H.B.M.C. 15.04.020)
Bruce Cook, David Garrett, Chris Lombardi, Larry Peha, Veronica Torres"

City Clerk

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  • 登録日 : 2024/11/21
  • 掲載日 : 2024/11/21
  • 変更日 : 2024/11/21
  • 総閲覧数 : 54 人
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