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2024/3/5 - 2025/3/31 / Gardena, California / Other

176 days left
Address 1670 W. 162nd St.(告知まで閉鎖中です), Gardena, California, 90247 アメリカ合衆国
Date 2024/3/5 - 2025/3/31
Time 19:00 minute(s) - 20:00 minute(s)
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Web Access No.1696137

AA Meetings in Japanese

Please feel free to join us as it is anonymous. We look forward to seeing you.
Please feel free to join us as it is anonymous. We look forward to seeing you.

AA meeting every Tuesday from 7pm to 8pm PST in Japanese on ZOOM.
Please feel free to join us as it is anonymous.

Please join us from the link below.

( You will need a password to access the meeting. )

AA Foreword
Arcoholics ・ Anonymous ® is a community that wants to share its experience, strength and hope to solve common problems and help others recover from alchoholism.
・ To become a member of AA, all you need is one thing: a desire to quit drinking. There are no dues, no fees to pay. We are self-supporting with only our own contributions.
・ AA is not bound by any religion, sect, political party, organization or association. Nor do we participate in, support or oppose any controversy or movement.
・ Our original purpose is to live without drinking and to help other alcoholics achieve a non-drinking lifestyle.
( Reprinted with permission of AA Grapevine )
Topic: Japanese/English AA Meeting
07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Every week on Tue, until Apr 20, 2021,

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID | Meeting ID: 914 5019 0304

Password | Password: 7777
Zoom Link | Zoom ・ Link :

Looking forward to seeing you! We look forward to meeting you.
For more information: email: or call 424-999-5458.
  • [Registrant]JapaneseAALA
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/03/04
  • Published : 2024/03/04
  • Changed : 2024/03/04
  • Total View : 230 persons