Artist Selected for Farragut Connector Art Installation
- [注册人]City of Culver City
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Culver City, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/19
- 发布日 : 2024/11/19
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/19
- 总浏览次数 : 186 人
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Culver City [ ]
Three photos - Sonia Romero - her proposed project and the Farragut Connector
Artist Selected for Farragut Connector
Art Installation
The City of Culver City’s Cultural Affairs Division is pleased to announce Sonia Romero as the selected artist to create an original art installation for the Farragut Connector—the passageway extending access along Farragut Avenue from Jasmine Avenue to Jackson Avenue. This existing path, which renovations were completed in October, features new amenities to enhance accessibility, safety, and visibility for the community. Since September 2023, Cultural Affairs Division and Public Works Department have collaborated to realize this redevelopment.
For the proposed art installation, the search for the most appropriate artist involved a rigorous, two-phase process. The City’s Cultural Affairs Commission recommended Romero, who was chosen from a total of eleven participating artists, to the City Council for final approval in September 2024. In mid-November, the artist will begin creation of an original, ceramic-tiled mural, measuring 42 inches in height by 10 feet in length, for the proposed art location within the renovated passageway. Final art installation will take place by the end of June 2025. In addition, Cultural Affairs Division will install a tribute within the path whose vicinity is believed to be one of the former entryways and home to a speedway ticket booth.
Romero is a Los Angeles-based artist who has extensive experience, particularly in public art. She had received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design. To date, the artist has completed 15 combined permanent and temporary public art commissions throughout southern California. Her artworks have been shown throughout the U.S. and are in the permanent collections of LACMA, Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art & Culture of the Riverside Art Museum, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College, to name a few. Recent solo exhibitions include a mid-career retrospective at Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University, and an upcoming solo exhibition at Catalina Museum for Art & History in Summer 2025.
The art component of the Farragut Connector project is made possible by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission with funding from the Cultural Trust Fund. You can read more about the renovations of the project on the City’s website. [ ]
For questions regarding the project, please email Sam Lee at <> or call (310) 253-6001 [ tel:3102536001 ].
Photo of the completed Farragut Connector
Photo of the completed Farragut Connector
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