Fall into September: Highlights and Happenings!
- [등록자]City of Glendale
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Glendale, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/09/03
- 게재일 : 2024/09/03
- 변경일 : 2024/09/03
- 총열람수 : 103 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 올드토랑스에 있는 법률사무소입니다. 25년 이상의 경험과 지식으로 이혼,...
~ FIGHT WITH YOU ~ 복잡한 사건의 결과를 좌우하는 것은 변호사의 경험과 지식의 폭, 그리고 무엇보다도 성실함입니다. 다른 변호사 사무실에서 포기한 사건, 가족과 의뢰인을 가장 소중히 여기는 조셉피테라가 당신과 함께 끈질기게 싸워드립니다. 합리적인 비용으로, 일본어로 대응하고 있습니다. 한번 상담해 보십시오.
+1 (310) 756-2571Joseph Pittera Law Offices (ジョセフピテラ法律事務所)
- 토랑스의 정통 일식 레스토랑 '이나바'. 스시, 덴푸라, 소바를 중심으로...
? 토랑스의 '이나바' 레스토랑을 방문해 보세요. 신선한 생선회 ・ 초밥은 물론 다양한 일식을 갖추고 있습니다. 튀김 기름은 콜레스테롤이 적은 순수 식물성 기름과 참기름을 사용합니다. 차새우 등은 일본에서 직송 ! 식재료에도 신경을 쓰고 있다. 본고장의 에도마에 작업으로 선별된 생선. 살코기는 사용하지 않고 좋은 부위만 아낌없이 사용하여 고객...
+1 (310) 371-6675稲葉(I-NABA)Japanese Restaurant
- 하이브리드 자동차를 중심으로 한 전문점 ( 신차 & 중고차 ) ! 안심하...
저희 코스타메사점에서는 프리우스를 중심으로 한 신차 ・ 중고 하이브리드 자동차를 다양한 종류로 다양하게 갖추고 있습니다. 2016년에 오픈한 매장으로 매장 내부도 매우 깨끗합니다. 키즈 공간도 있어 아이들과 함께 오셔도 좋습니다 ★ 또한 미쓰와 코스타메사점까지 걸어서 10분, 근처에는 세련된 카페와 쇼핑몰까지 있는 좋은 위치입니다. 정비 대기 ...
+1 (714) 592-1150Eco Drive Auto Sales & Leasing Inc (Costa Mesa Office)
- 평일 / 일요일 일본어 보충학교 . 기독교 교육이념에 입각한 '삼육교육'...
평일학교에서는 원아 ・ 아동은 주 1회 등교 ・하여 귀국, 진학, 수험에 대비하여 확실한 학력을 쌓고 있습니다. 미국에서 태어난 아이나 영주권을 가진 아이들에게도 일주일에 한 번씩의 학교생활은 일본어를 접할 수 있는 기회가 많아져 일본어 습득에 도움이 된다. 또한 성경 시간을 마련하여 '마음의 교육'도 중요시하고 있습니다. 일요학교에서는 현지 학교와 학업...
+1 (310) 532-3770三育東西学園
- LA 1호점 그랜드 오픈 ! 일본 전국 40개 매장, 긴자, New Yo...
컷 $ 50】 패스트 패션처럼 부담 없이 헤어컷을 즐기세요 ? 확실한 기술과 감각으로 당신을 매료시킵니다 ! 일본 전국에 40개 매장, 뉴욕과 하와이에도 매장을 가지고 있는 일본계 헤어 살롱입니다. 패스트 뷰티】 우리는 패스트 패션처럼 부담 없이 헤어컷을 즐길 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. 헤어컷과 컬러를 트렌드에 맞게, 계절에 맞게 부담 없이 즐기시기 바랍...
+1 (323) 413-2688SOHO New York Los Angeles Hair Salon
- 다이어트 💦라면 맡겨주세요 🤗 FIT BODY에서는 일시적인 다이어트가 ...
다이어트 프로 FIT BODY 퍼스널트레이닝은 개인별 맞춤 지원으로 최단기간에 이상적인 몸매로 이끌어 드립니다 ! < 체중감량 ・ 지방연소 > 허벅지, 허리 등 하체지방을 빼고 싶으신 분 중년비만 < 운동부족 ・ 건강관리 > 내장지방, 중성지방, 혈당 등 건강지표가 나빠진 분 어깨결림, 오십견, 요통 완화 < 이상적인 몸매
<... +1 (310) 803-0155FIT BODY
- 귀국을 위한 학력 정착 ・ 보충수업과 현지 학교 숙제 지원도 ! 초-중학...
초중학생 대상 / 수학 ・ 이과를 중심으로 귀국을 위한 학습 지원 ・ 현지 학교보다 발전된 학습 지도를 실시하고 있습니다. 자녀의 성격 ・ 이해도에 따라 개별지도 또는 그룹지도를 선택할 수 있습니다 ◎ 지금까지 지도한 학생 수 600명 ! 베테랑 강사가 지금까지의 경험을 바탕으로 지도하고 있기 때문에 학습을 자신의 것으로 만들 수 있습니다.
- 허니비는 아이들의 자립심과 사회성을 키우고 자기긍정감을 높여주는 목소리로...
☆ 어바인에 있는 지육 데이케어 ☆ 수치화할 수 없는 '비인지 능력' 육성에 중점을 두고, 배려심 ・ 자기표현력 ・ 경쟁하는 힘을 키웁니다. 언어발달지연 ・ 바이링구얼 대책 ・ 발음연습 커리큘럼 있음 ! 두뇌발달을 촉진하는 소근육을 활용한 활동이 가득 ! Instagram → @honeybee328 daycare 어바인에 있는 일본계 데이케어 / 보육원...
+1 (310) 801-2517Honey Bee Learning Center
- 어바인에 위치한 치과입니다. 일반치과, 소아치과, 신경치료, 구강외과, ...
정기검진부터 신경치료까지 환자의 치아를 보호하는 치료를 하고 있습니다. 어바인에 위치한 치과입니다. 일반치과, 소아치과, 신경치료, 구강외과, 치주치료, 교정/인비절라인, 턱관절장애, 임플란트, 미용치과에 대한 상담도 가능합니다.
+1 (949) 733-3647Glenn T. Yanagi, D.D.S. / Yanagi Dental Office
- 담백하고 진한 라면부터 등지방이 많이 들어간 묵직한 라면까지 다양한 라멘...
12시간 동안 푹 고아 고기와 뼈의 맛을 적당히 뽑아낸 돼지뼈라면,
닭고기를 더 많이 넣어 진한 간장 라면, 닭고기 육수, 등지방을 더 많이 넣은 마늘 돼지뼈라면, 저렴하고 맛있는 수제 만두와 바삭바삭한 후라이드치킨. +1 (626) 587-0034Ramen Boiler Room
- ✨ 보호자님과 함께 하는 민들레 ✨ 통학형 어린이집에서는 몬테소리 교육을...
이중언어 육아라고 하면 민들레 클럽 ! 어바인의 민들레 데이케어 ( 생후 6개월부터 ) 산타 아나 민들레 이중언어 어린이 센터 ( 2세부터 ) 저희 원은 대면 수업입니다, 대면 수업과 온라인 수업을 모두 개설하여 가정에 맞는 스타일로 자녀의 성장을 지켜봐 드립니다. 데이케어에서는 저녁부터 야간 임시보육을 시작했습니다 !
밤 9시까지 ... +1 (310) 666-5126TampopoClub,inc.
- 로스앤젤레스 ・ 토런스 일본계 PC ・ MAC 컴퓨터 종합 수리점. 동작...
올드트랜스에 위치한 PC/MAC 수리 전문점입니다. 부팅 안됨, 느림, 불안정, 바이러스 감염, 디스플레이 손상 등 수리해드립니다. 또한 교체를 고려하고 계신 분은 꼭 상담해 주세요. PC 무료 건강검진 수시 접수 중 ! !
+1 (310) 782-1700TONY'S TECHNOLOGY
- 올해야말로 집을 사자 ! '모기지 세미나' 개최 결정 ! 2025년 1월...
올해야말로 집을 사자 ! '주택담보대출 세미나' 개최 결정 ! 2025년 1월 23일 ( 목 ) 오후 5시 30분 ~ 120여 개 금융기관의 다양한 대출상품을 취급하는 브로커. 다른 곳에서 어렵다고 하는 고객님들도 한 번 연락주세요. 상담은 무료입니다. 세미나도 개최하고 있습니다. 접수는 여기.
+1 (949) 266-7761Kana Makino - WEST CAPITAL LENDING
- 로스앤젤레스에서 30년 이상의 신뢰와 실적. 믿을 수 있는 의사를 찾는 ...
베스트클리닉은 카이로프랙틱을 중심으로 한 홀리스틱 클리닉입니다. 임상 메디컬 검사 등을 실시하고, 치료는 약물이나 수술을 하지 않는 카이로프랙틱, 골반교정, 물리치료, 운동요법, 동종요법, 동종요법, 영양요법 등 자연요법을 필요에 따라 처방해 드립니다. 급성 부상은 물론 만성 통증이나 질병, 어디를 가도 낫지 않는 통증이 있는 분들도 베스트클리닉을 찾아주...
+1 (213) 617-2228B.E.S.T. Chiropractic Clinic Los Angeles
- 리틀 도쿄에서 줄을 서서 기다리는 라멘집 다이코쿠야 !입니다.
다이코쿠야 리틀 도쿄점은 올해로 개점 20주년을 맞이하게 되었습니다 ! 앞으로도 여러분들이 저희 라멘을 즐기실 수 있도록 정성을 다해 만들어 가겠습니다 !
+1 (213) 626-1680大黒家
This publication is brought to you by Mayor Elen Asatryan and City Councilmembers Ara Najarian, Ardy Kassakhian, Dan Brotman, and Vartan Gharpetian.
Roubik New Crop Photoshop [ https://www.myglendalecitynews.org/single-post/february-2023-message-from-the-city-manager-valentines-and-sustainability ]
*A Message from the City Manager, Roubik Golanian *
As we step into September and welcome the arrival of fall, the changing leaves and cooler weather remind us to take a moment to recognize and commend our dedicated workers and the labor force that drives our community forward. Labor Day offers the perfect opportunity to relax and appreciate the hard work that keeps our city thriving.
In this spirit of reflection, we also pause to honor the memory of September 11, 2001. We remember the lives lost and express our deep gratitude to the first responders and heroes who demonstrated extraordinary courage and resilience on that day.
As we transition from reflection to celebration, our community is gearing up for a series of exciting events that highlight the best of Glendale. One such event is our celebration of Women’s Equality Day at the Alex Theatre on September 8th, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. This powerful evening, which is now sold out, is dedicated to advancing gender equality and empowering women in all areas of life. Earlier this year, Glendale proudly joined the California Equal Pay Pledge, further solidifying our commitment to closing the pay gap.
Building on this momentum of progress and empowerment, we look forward to Glendale Tech Week, happening from September 17-19, 2024. This three-day event will be packed with cutting-edge workshops, engaging panels, and valuable networking opportunities, offering a glimpse into the future of innovation and technology right here in our city.
As you immerse yourself in these inspiring events, consider taking an active role in shaping Glendale's future by joining our Public Works Department as a student commissioner for the Transportation and Parking Commission. This is a unique opportunity to step into leadership and make a meaningful impact on local government and our community’s development.
September is a time of growth, celebration, and community spirit. Mark your calendars, and let’s make this month a memorable one for all of us in Glendale.
Clothing Swap is back! ??
Clothing Swap 2024
Glendale residents have swapped over 1,500 lbs. of clothing last year! You can bring up to 10 clean and gently used clothing items to exchange. No shoes, socks, jewelry, and accessories. Children's clothing is okay.
Items can be dropped off at Casa Verdugo Library on Friday, September 6, or at the beginning of the swap until 12:00 PM.
*Event Details: *
September 7, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Casa Verdugo Library
1151 N. Brand Blvd,
Glendale, CA 91202
*Learn More* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/52693/18?curm=9&cury=2024 ]
Women's Equality Day!
Women's Equality Day SOLD OUT
The City of Glendale is excited to announce its inaugural Women’s Equality Day event: Mix, Mingle and Empower taking place on September 9th, 2024, at the courtyard of the historic Alex Theatre. This FREE event, dedicated to celebrating and advancing gender equality and empowering women in all facets of life will feature distinguished speakers and networking opportunities.
*Event Details: *
September 9, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Alex Theatre Courtyard
216 N. Brand Blvd
Glendale, CA 91203
*Join the Waitlist!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/office-of-the-city-manager/communications-community-relations/women-s-equality-day ]
*Estate Planning Workshops for Seniors ??*
Estate Planning
Community Services & Parks, in collaboration with St. John’s Community Health, will provide a comprehensive discussion on estate planning. The Estate Planning Presentation will cover the basics of wills, trusts, and the probate process, including the differences and benefits of each. Additionally, the Estate Planning Workshop will address common pitfalls in estate planning and the importance of regularly updating documents to reflect life changes. The goal is to help seniors ensure their assets are distributed as they wish, protect their legacy, and give peace of mind to themselves and their loved ones.
*Presentation Details:
* September 11, 2024*
*1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Adult Recreation Center
201 E. Colorado St.
Glendale, CA 91205
*Workshop Details:
* September 25, 2024*
*1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Adult Recreation Center
201 E. Colorado St.
Glendale, CA 91205
*Learn More!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/52420/11798 ]
Become a Glendale Police Officer ??
Become a Police Officer
The Glendale Police Department is actively recruiting new police officers. To learn more about the opportunities available, visit JoinGPD.com [ http://www.JoinGPD.com ] or contact a recruiter at (818) 548-4840. Be a part of making Glendale a safer place!
*Application Deadline: September 13, 2024*
*Apply Here* [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/glendaleca?department%5b0%5d=Police%20Department&sort=Salary%7CDescending ]
Repair Café is here! ??
Repair Cafe 2024
Have any items that need repairing? Don’t toss them! Bring them to the Repair Café! From dull knifes, to faulty lamps, we can help repair your items, free of charge. Skilled volunteer Tinkers and Stitchers, as well as other specialty repair persons will be there to help you.
* Please bring up to 2 items for repair.
* All items must be in clean condition with all parts.
* We do not guarantee repair of items and do not provide replacement parts.
Event Details:
*September 14, 2024
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Casa Verdugo Library
1151 N. Brand Blvd,
Glendale, CA 91202
*Learn More* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/52695/18?curm=9&cury=2024 ]
*Riverwalk Workday ??*
Do you want to spend the morning working next to the Los Angeles River on the City of Glendale’s Riverwalk? Community Services and Parks is looking for volunteers to help remove invasive plants from the landscaped areas along the L.A. River. Please wear sturdy shoes, protective clothing, and bring water. They’ll provide the tools and gloves. Families, individuals, clubs, and students needing community service hours are welcome. In case of rain, this event will be cancelled.
For more information, call (818) 548-3795.
*Event Details:*
September 14, 2024
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Glendale Narrows Riverwalk
300 Paula Ave.
Glendale, CA 91201
*RSVP Today!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-services-parks/trails-and-open-space/trails-open-space-volunteers/rsvp-riverwalk-workday-9-14-24 ]
*FREE Compost Giveaway Events!*
Free Compost Giveaway
Did you know that adding compost to your soil improves its quality and boosts nutrients for healthier soil? Pick up your _FREE_ compost on Saturday, September 14th. Don’t forget to bring your own shovel, gloves, and a sturdy container.
*Event Details:
*September 14, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Parking Lot 30, 1255 N. Verdugo Road
*Request a Free Compost Bin Today!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/public-works/integrated-waste-management/composting ]
Karate: The Art of the Empty Hand
Shoseian Karate - Art of the Empty Hand Final
Join us for an introduction to American Kenpo Karate with James Bennett who is a master-teacher of Kenpo as he shares his decades of experience in this art. This style was made popular by Grandmaster Ed Parker from Hawaii and combined elements of both hard and soft styles of the martial arts.
$25 per person. Class size is limited. The Friends of Shoseian, a 501(c)3 non-profit, is hosting this event.
*Event Details:
*September 15, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Brand Park - Friendship Garden
1601 W. Mountain St.
Glendale, CA 91201
*Get Your Tickets Here!* [ https://www.glendaleteahouse.org/events/2024-september-karate-the-art-of-the-empty-hand ]
Memory Loss & Alzheimer's: Let's Talk!
Memory Loss
Community Services & Parks is partnering with Alzheimer’s LA to provide an overview of Alzheimer’s disease and its effects. Learn about what causes memory loss, the difference between normal aging and signs of dementia, and what to do when you visit the doctor.
*Event Details:*
September 16, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Adult Recreation Center
201 E. Colorado St.
Glendale, CA 91205
*Learn More!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/52572/18?backlist=%2F ]
Become a Student Commissioner!
Transportation Commission Recruiting
Public Works Department is looking for enthusiastic students to help shape the future of Glendale's parking and transportation policies. The Commission's job is to advise the Council on issues related to roads, public parking, public transportation, vehicles for hire, managing transportation demand, and managing the transportation system.
*Qualifications: *
* Must Be a Student
* Must Live in Glendale
* Must Be 25 Years of Age or Younger
* Must Be Available During Meeting Times
*Application Process:
*Interested students are encouraged to submit the following information to Marine Gaboyan, MGaboyan@GlendaleCA.gov by *September 16, 2024*:
* Resume
* Two (2) letters of recommendation
* Statement of interest (250-500 words)
* And if under the age of 18, students must submit Principal Approval Form confirming the ability to fulfill the commitment.
*Apply Here!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/public-works/transportation-and-parking-commission-2024-2025-student-commissioner-application ]
*ARC Book Club ??*
ARC Book
Are you a book lover? Looking for a great way to connect with others and discuss an engaging story? Join the new book club! Don’t miss out on this exciting journey through the captivating life of Evelyn Hugo.
*Event Details:
* Every Wednesday, starting September 4, 2024*
*1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Adult Recreation Center
201 E. Colorado St.
Glendale, CA 91205
*Learn More!* [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAGLENDALE/2024/09/04/file_attachments/2986417/September%202024%20Book%20Club%20Flyer.jpg ]
Glendale Tech Week is Here!
Glendale Tech Week is fast approaching. Join the tech community from Glendale and the broader SoCal innovation ecosystem for a 3-day celebration of technology from September 17-19, 2024.
This year’s Tech Week will include pop-up events, networking mixers, discussions, competitions, and workshops hosted by some of the region's many tech companies, investment groups, and more. The week will conclude at the beautiful Americana at Brand on Thursday, September 19, 2024, afternoon. Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information!
*Full Calendar of Events!* [ https://www.glendaletechweek.com/ ]
Blended Worlds: Experiments In Interplanetary Imagination ??
Blended Experiments
"Blended Worlds: Experiments in Interplanetary Imagination" explores the landscape of human relationships with our ever-expanding environment. Through a series of art and science collaborations, the exhibition questions how empathy and connectedness can both reveal new worlds and inspire innovative ways to nurture them.
*Exhibition Details: *
September 21, 2024 - January 4, 2025
Brand Library & Art Center
1601 W. Mountain St,
Glendale, CA 91201
*Opening Reception Details: *
September 21, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Brand Library & Art Center
1601 W. Mountain St,
Glendale, CA 91201
*For More Info!* [ https://www.brandlibrary.org/upcoming-exhibition ]
*Wilderness Workday ??*
[ https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvmm0dj30.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me%2FL0%2Fhttps%3A%252F%252Fwww.glendaleca.gov%252Fhome%252Fshowpublisheddocument%252F75234%2F1%2F0100019170dd5676-7f89ca03-9743-42c6-a203-f6560477a65a-000000%2FqApgiWJrR-phcQAKQtf_x_aj2Ro%3D388&data=05%7C02%7CIMorenoHernandez%40Glendaleca.gov%7C7222957a91064077851308dcc13ebe81%7Ce5115311f6c3421bbc03a5d8c79bf546%7C0%7C0%7C638597725558785253%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ErVMDBk4TYlwx%2FEELcuM93kcPaPuiVBgukPOIsmfxaI%3D&reserved=0 ]Help Community Services and Parks to water bigcone spruce and coast live oak trees, assist with trail repairs, and remove invasive plants from the park. Please wear sturdy shoes, protective clothing, and bring water. Families, individuals, clubs, and students needing community service hours are welcome. In case of rain, this event will be cancelled.
For more information, call (818) 548-3795.
*Event Details:
* September 21, 2024
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Deukmejian Wilderness Park
3429 Markridge Road
Glendale, CA 91214
*RSVP Here!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-services-parks/trails-and-open-space/trails-open-space-volunteers/rsvp-wilderness-workday-9-21-24#:~:text=In%20case%20of%20rain, ]
2024 Mid-Year Labor Law Update
Mid Year Labor Update
The City of Glendale's Economic Development Department, in partnership with the California Employer Association (CEA), is hosting an essential Mid-Year Labor Law Update. This event will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest employment law changes in California since January 2024. Earn HRCI and SHRM for attending.
Experts will cover key updates, including:
* Developments in wage-and-hour cases
* Changes to minimum wage for fast food and health care sectors
* New Cal/OSHA plan requirements
* Updates on non-compete agreements
* Strategies to address workplace violence and indoor heat illness plans
* The proposed "right to disconnect" bill
*Event Details: *
September 26, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
*Register Here!* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-mid-year-labor-law-update-tickets-989213392887?aff=erelexpmlt ]
CDD Annual Report ??
CDD Annual Report
The Community Development Department presented its Annual Report to the City Council on August 20, 2024, reviewing the past fiscal year's projects and achievements. The report highlights key achievements of the year and outlines major initiatives planned for the upcoming year!
*See Full Report* [ https://online.flippingbook.com/view/944597386/ ]
Grow Your Business with Economic Development ??
Grow your Business EDD
Glendale business owners, are you looking for ways to promote an upcoming event, product launch, or seasonal special offering? Are you interested in becoming a venue for City-sponsored special events? Look no further because the City of Glendale’s Economic Development Division can help your business stand out by providing opportunities to be featured in our Choose Glendale platforms, publications, and programming.
*Apply Here!* [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GlendaleBusinessSpotlightApp ]
*The Journey from Source to Tap ??*
The Journey from Source to Tap
Curious about where your water comes from? From source to tap, Glendale Water & Power (GWP) works tirelessly to deliver safe and reliable water for the community. Click here [ https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2Fn6abR9iw6rw%3Fsi%3DzPvi1Aa67SzsSfRE&data=05%7C02%7CAMeserkhani%40Glendaleca.gov%7Cab45f73ac16545f3857c08dcbbb79f75%7Ce5115311f6c3421bbc03a5d8c79bf546%7C0%7C0%7C638591644644979233%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=3TH4%2F5QmfuDrvNG%2BGXXIcEmshFvM%2F%2BT8Cp1yEBpFHoc%3D&reserved=0 ] to watch the latest video to learn about the process and GWP's commitment to quality.
The 2023 Water Quality Report is now available online. This report provides detailed information about the quality of drinking water, its source, and the efforts involved in delivering it to homes throughout the year.
*Check Out the Recent Report* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/glendale-water-and-power/reports-plans/water-quality-reports ]
Gas Powered Leaf blowers are banned in Glendale
ban leafblowers
Did you know that gas-powered landscaping equipment produces more air pollution per hour than most gas cars? Last year, City Council passed a new law prohibiting the use of gas-powered leaf blowers to help improve air quality, noise pollution, and community health.
To report violation, call our code enforcement team at (818) 548 - 3700.
*Learn More About the Ordinance!* [ https://agza.net/glendale-lbo/ ]
*Save Energy, Water And Money??*
Save Energy Water and Money
The Home Energy and Water Upgrade program is back and helps residential customers save energy and water through a home survey and the installation of energy and water saving devices, *at no cost to the customer.*
GWP’s certified contractor RHA, specializing in energy and water efficiency will schedule and visit your home to conduct an energy and water survey to identify potential energy and water efficiency upgrades. A short report will be generated listing recommended retrofits. Each recommendation will include anticipated annual energy and water savings.
To sign up please visit *GWPHomeUpgrade.com* or call 1-877-290-2590.
*Sign Up Here!* [ https://gwphomeupgrade.com/ ]
*Building a Foundation That Lasts!*
EDD Business 201
Ready to grow your business? Join Economic Development Divion's Business 201, a dynamic webinar designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners. In this session, you'll discover how to build a winning team, foster a vibrant workplace culture, and harness the power of professional networks to drive your business forward.
*Event Details: *
October 15, 2024
Time TBD
*Register Here!* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/business-201-your-next-level-business-building-a-foundation-that-lasts-tickets-999402538897?aff=oddtdtcreator ]
?? Welcome to the Fire Family ??
Fire Department AO
The Fire Department is proud to announce that eight new Ambulance Operators (AOs) have successfully completed their training. The AO’s join more than 30 assigned to the AO Program. More than 85% of calls for help are emergency medical related – the Department is grateful for their service and excited for their new journey.
All Aboard! ????
Wander the Wilderness Bus Fall
Enjoy Deukmejian Wilderness Park without worrying about how to get there! Wander the Wilderness Bus is a FREE shuttle operating every weekend to help you and your family get to the park, and explore the wilderness!
"Funding for the bus is provided by Metro, a partner in our community."
*Learn More!* [ https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDEsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmdsZW5kYWxlY2EuZ292L2dvdmVybm1lbnQvZGVwYXJ0bWVudHMvY29tbXVuaXR5LXNlcnZpY2VzLXBhcmtzL3RyYWlscy1hbmQtb3Blbi1zcGFjZS93YW5kZXItdGhlLXdpbGRlcm5lc3MtYnVzIiwiYnVsbGV0aW5faWQiOiIyMDI0MDEyMy44OTAxOTkyMSJ9.8IOHXpP6oImPl54tKRpUwXkBpjzhnt42GYHzQfkFv0I/s/1449489588/br/235847471539-l ]
Homeless Services Available
Homeless Outreach
Have you noticed someone experiencing homelessness? Someone struggling with their physical or mental health? You can submit a request and inform the city about any specific concerns you may have regarding their well-being.
Requests for those with more serious medical and/or mental health needs may be prioritized.
*Submit a Request!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-services-parks/human-services/homeless-services ]
*Cerritos Park Splash Pad Now Open!*
Splash Pads Summer 2024
Beat the heat with some water play on our splash pads at Cerritos Park!
*Splash Pad Hours:*
*May 25 - September 15, 2024*
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Sunday
Cerritos Park
3690 San Fernando Rd.
Glendale, CA 91204
*September 21 - October 13, 2024
*11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturdays & Sundays only
Cerritos Park
3690 San Fernando Rd.
Glendale, CA 91204
*Learn More* [ https://www.glendaleaquatics.org/ ]
Apply Now for Glendale Youth Alliance ??
GYA Hiring
Looking for a job? Glendale Youth Alliance is hiring! For more details, contact us at (818) 937-8073 or GYAInfo@GlendaleCA.gov.
*Apply Here!* [ https://www.glendaleyouthalliance.com/ ]
Wading Pools ??
Wading Pool 2024
Wading pools are small 1-2 ft. deep pools designed for children 8 years and under. There are 4 wading pools throughout the city that will open for drop-by use beginning June 10 on a rotating basis. You can reserve a wading pool for your private party, too! Reserve wading pool rentals now from June through September.
*Wading Pools Reservation!* [ https://www.glendaleaquatics.org/ ]
*Book Your Picnic Area Online!*
Book Reservation
Did you know the Community Services and Parks department allows customers to book picnic permits online? Once your deposit is paid, a customer service representative will reach out to process your full payment and confirm the reservation. The deposit will be applied towards your picnic fees at the time of confirmation.
Click below to book your picnic reservation online and hold your preferred facility/date for a non-refundable deposit of $50.
*Reserve Online!* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-services-parks/parks-facilities-historic-sites/parks-facilities-reservations#:~:text=Learn%20about%20other ]
Visit Glendale App! ??
Visit Glendale
Whether you're visiting Glendale or just want to stay in the know about new hotspots and hidden gems, the Visit Glendale app is here to make your excursion planning hassle-free. Explore Glendale at your fingertips!
*Learn More* [ https://www.chooseglendaleca.com/ ]
Employment Opportunities Available For Students With Special Needs ??
GYA Step
[ https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.govdelivery.com%2Fattachments%2FCAGLENDALE%2F2024%2F02%2F14%2Ffile_attachments%2F2783530%2FSTEP%2520FLYER-11-14-2023.pdf&data=05%7C02%7CIMorenoHernandez%40Glendaleca.gov%7C59ba732cdd8a4e2b4c4208dc4525ea63%7Ce5115311f6c3421bbc03a5d8c79bf546%7C0%7C0%7C638461277509675788%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=RqvE4pMvToVbSG91yNm0fU6XqHngG8RsvVHcupxY6k4%3D&reserved=0 ]*Student Training & Employment Program (STEP)*
We have paid jobs for students with disabilities!
*Eligibility Requirements:*
* Must be an L.A. County Resident
* 16-21 years of age
* Have a documented disability or health condition (see flyer for details)
* Have the right to work in the U.S.
* Have a work permit, if under 18
For more information, please contact Glendale Youth Alliance at (818) 937-8073 or via email below:
*Email Here!* <GYAInfo@GlendaleCA.gov>
Looking for work? ??
vjc [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-services-parks/verdugo-jobs-center ] ________________________________________________________________________
*The Verdugo Jobs Center [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-services-parks/verdugo-jobs-center ]* is a career center providing our region’s workforce with career counseling, job search assistance, professional development & training, job fairs, workshops, & more all free of charge. *Interested in public service? Visit Government Jobs [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/glendaleca ].*
Stay Connected!
twitter [ https://twitter.com/MyGlendale ]facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/MyGlendale ]instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/MyGlendale/ ]youtube [ https://www.youtube.com/MyGlendale ]
*View all City Newsletters* [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/residents/how-do-i/sign-up-for/newsletters-and-email-updates ]
This is an official publication of the City of Glendale, distributed by the Communications Office. For inquiries, please contact City Connection Editor
Annette Ghazarian at MyGlendale@GlendaleCA.gov <myglendale@glendaleca.gov?subject=Glendale%20City%20Connection> or (818) 548-4844 opt.1.
Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAGLENDALE/subscriber/edit?preferences=true#tab1 ]. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com [ https://subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com/ ].
This service is provided to you at no charge by Glendale, California [ https://www.glendaleca.gov/ ].
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