Holiday Cheer Meets Green Choices - Make this Season Count!
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Culver City
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Culver City, CA
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/11/16
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/11/16
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/11/16
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 43 คน
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Fall 2024 Newsletter
green bin with leaves
*Deck the Green Cart with Boughs of Fall Leaves!*
As the season of giving and gratitude begins, don’t forget that your green cart can handle more than just Thanksgiving food scraps—toss in those golden leaves and seasonal yard trimmings, too! By keeping organic waste out of landfills, you’re gifting Culver City a greener, cleaner holiday season. Give back to our community and our planet—let’s make this holiday season one of sustainability and warmth!
*Holiday Joy: Give Your Furniture the Gift of a New Home!*
This holiday, let your pre-loved furniture bring cheer to someone else’s home. Instead of sending old items to landfills, share the magic of the season by donating locally in Culver City or listing items on Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, Craigslist, or OfferUp. Turn your gently used couch into someone else’s holiday miracle—an act of giving that lights up both their home and our environment.
new-old green couch
illustration of green bin and holiday decor
*Tis the Season for Holiday Cheers, Not Holiday Waste!*
Let’s celebrate sustainably this season by spreading cheer without the mess! After unwrapping presents, recycle the festive wrapping paper, use reusable mugs for your holiday cocoa, and save those sparkling decorations for years to come. This year, let’s make the holidays memorable and merry, spreading joy, love, and sustainability in every gathering and every gift. Our planet will thank you with every choice you make to celebrate green!
*Give the Gift of Zero Waste: A Holiday Wonder!*
In the spirit of the holidays, make a small pledge to reuse and reduce waste in festive ways! Before tossing that cookie tin or empty holiday candle jar, consider how it could be repurposed for gift-giving, holiday crafts, or shared with someone who could use it. Recycling is wonderful, but reusing is a holiday miracle in itself—one that keeps on giving. Let’s come together as a community, making Culver City brighter and more sustainable this season!
recycling illustration
kitchen scraps illustration
*Kitchen Tips for a Cozy, Delicious Thanksgiving and Beyond:*
With Thanksgiving feasts and holiday gatherings filling our hearts and homes, let your kitchen shine with holiday spirit! Avoid overbuying, turn leftovers into next-day festive treats (like turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie parfaits!), and consider donating unopened canned goods to spread holiday warmth to those in need in Culver City. Let’s savor each meal with gratitude, embracing the season’s bounty with mindful choices. Together, we can make this holiday season truly heartwarming—for our loved ones and our community!
Photo of Armando Taylor
*Employee Spotlight *
*"Armando Taylor"*
*My job motivation* is that I work and represent a city that has a complete Solid Waste Division. We operate a Transfer Station and we are the only city on the westside to operate this type of facility six days a week.
Our division is responsible for the solid waste and recycle service for all residential and commercial customers in Culver City. Our City has its own roll-off service and our division has the exclusive franchise rights for all solid waste, recycle and construction material disposal in the city.
*My favorite thing about Culver City* is witnessing all the changes over the 27 years that I have been employed by the City. I often joke with my work colleagues when I started with the City back in 1997 I considered it Mayberry. Over the years this City has grown into a very progressive and unique city with the development of the downtown area with the great restaurants and arts district.
We have our own Police Department, Fire Department, School District and of course our own Solid Waste Division. We are the Heart of Screenland with the various movie studios. I have witnessed the City to have grown to become one of the most racially diverse cities in Southern California.
*My comfort food* comes from my family heritage. My Grandparents are from the West Indies, Grandfather from Barbados and Grandmother from Jamaica, who both migrated to Cuba as young children and married in Cuba. So my comfort food Cuban style oxtails and Jamaican style oxtails.
I am a sports enthusiast and I guess *I have two heroes:* first Christiano Ronaldo the famous soccer star who started professional soccer at the age of 16 and still performing at a high level at age 39. The second is LeBron James who started professional basketball at the age of 18 and will turn 40 next month in December and is also performing still at a high level.
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