2024 CDC Global Annual Report
- [登録者]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- [言語]日本語
- [TEL]800-232-4636
- [エリア]Atlanta, Georgia, US
- 登録日 : 2025/01/15
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/15
- 変更日 : 2025/01/15
- 総閲覧数 : 28 人
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January 15, 2025
CDC’s New Global Health Annual Report
CDC is often the first call when outbreaks strike globally, thanks to the trusted relationships CDC has built over time with governments, Ministries of Health, and other partners. In a year marked by multiple deadly infectious disease threats, CDC's global health investments have proven more valuable than ever. In 2024, CDC responded to:New and expanding health threats, like clade I mpox – including a case in the U.S.
High-risk pathogens, like Marburg, emerging in new areas of the world
Resurgences of vaccine-preventable diseases, like measles and polio
The stories in this report highlight work done in 2024 through the lens of CDC's Global Health Strategic Framework, which guides all our global efforts.
Read our new global annual report to learn more about our stories, highlights, and impact.
Outbreak Response Highlights
It can take less than 36 hours for an outbreak to spread from a remote village to major cities on six continents.
In 2024, global outbreak responses to bird flu, mpox, Marburg, and other threats underscored the importance of CDC's work to stop health threats at their source before they spread to the United States and other countries.
Data & Surveillance
CDC strengthens core data and surveillance capabilities to find and face emerging and re-emerging health threats.
In 2024, CDC used global data to inform H5N1 bird flu risk assessments after it was detected in U.S. dairy cows. We also led surveys that helped countries take action on HIV, partnered with Mexico to track TB across borders, advanced global detection of antimicrobial-resistant fungi, and improved surveillance that helped Cambodia completely eliminate a drug-resistant malaria species.
CDC improves core laboratory capabilities critical for detection and action on high-priority pathogens.
In 2024, CDC sped global TB testing turnaround times from weeks to hours, developed a new test to help countries keep trachoma eliminated, and improved Ukraine’s ability to detect antimicrobial-resistant threats. We also facilitated “lab twinning” between the U.S. and Oman, while our Polio Essential Facility received a new certification that demonstrates our unique global status.
Workforce & Institutions
CDC empowers a network of epidemiology, clinical, and laboratory professionals to tackle present and future threats.
In 2024, CDC collaborated with governments and organizations in over 75 countries and regions. We partnered in Asia to launch a new emergency management leadership program, collaborated with India on using One Health approaches to combat zoonotic diseases, and our CDC-trained disease detectives played a key role in stopping the spread of mpox in Uganda.
Prevention & Response
CDC tackles frequent, complex, and long-lasting public health emergencies and takes action to keep people healthy and safe.
In 2024, CDC partnered with 26 countries to implement the 7-1-7 approach to identify bottlenecks in outbreak response. We helped Zambia contain a major cholera outbreak and Bangladesh tackle Nipah virus outbreaks. We brought innovative HIV prevention methods to Ukraine and trained disease detectives to strengthen Somalia’s response to variant polio.
Innovation & Research
CDC pushes public health forward, protecting people’s lives and livelihoods.
In 2024, CDC supported game-changing vaccine innovations to prevent malaria, measles, rubella, Nipah, rotavirus, and polio. We expanded wastewater and environmental surveillance across three global regions. We also improved HIV treatment for children, developed novel diagnostic tools for Guinea worm eradication, and partnered to implement the Wolbachia program to fight dengue.
Policy, Communication & Diplomacy
CDC drives evidence-based decisions, clear communication, and relationships that expand respect and trust.
In 2024, CDC led key partnerships to enhance epidemic intelligence, advanced health diplomacy, and committed to global action to combat antimicrobial resistance. CDC’s analyses led to new recommendations for universal rubella vaccines, while innovative programs like Operation Triple Zero provided a roadmap to help young people living with HIV.
Related ContentBy the Numbers
CDC Global Health: Looking Ahead
Where we work
Learn more about how CDC works to protect public health around the world:Where We Work | Global Health | CDC
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