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Community Invited to Culver City Police Department Strategic Plan Meeting

The Strategic Plan will drive initiatives for the department over the course of the next three years.

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Community Invited to Culver City Police Department Strategic Plan Meeting


The Culver City Police Department invites the community to a presentation of the CCPD Strategic Plan scheduled for Monday, December 2nd, at 6:30 PM at City Hall in Mike Balkman Council Chambers.

At this meeting, Micah Conor of Conor Consulting will present insight on the department’s strategic plan process, goals, and initiatives, and invite community input. The Strategic Plan will drive initiatives for the department over the course of the next three years.

The meeting will be held both in person and shared via Webex. A link to join the meeting via Webex will be provided on the day of the meeting at Culver City Police Department website [ https://www.culvercitypd.org/Home ] under the “events” tab.

For questions, please contact Community Engagement Manager Jennifer Atenza at jennifer.atenza@culvercity.org or (310) 253-6120 [ tel:3102536120 ].




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