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- 美品!!キャビネット(食器や本棚、服の収納にも!)
Price $50 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only とてもきれいな状態です。
- 美品!!ユニコーンパジャマ(フード付きなので、暖かい)
Price $8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 160cmくらいの身長まで可能です。
- 日本製!あったかルームシューズいろいろ
Price 全部で$7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製のルームシューズいろいろです。
- 未使用!!電球 たくさん!
Price 全部で$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 小型の電球からバスルームに使うようなものまで全部で10個以上です。
- *値下げしました!*未使用、クリスマスオーナメント
Price $3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 未使用のクリスマスツリー飾り。
- *値下げしました!!*未使用!クリスマス用、キャンドル バス&ボディーワークス
Price $4←6 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Bath&Body Worksのクリスマスキャンドルです。
- 新品タグ付き!!クリスマス★キャンドルホルダー(キャンドル付き!)
Price $4 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 箱にややダメージがありますが、新品です。
- *値下げしました*クリスマスのお人形と雪だるまのお人形セットで
Price $15←20 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 脚が伸びるようになっているジンジャーブレッド風、キャンディーケイン風のお人形と雪だるまくんのセットです。
- 赤いさいころの電気
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only クリスマスのデコレーションの一部にいかがでしょう?
- 新品未使用!!寿司桶、お寿司づくりセット
Price セットで$15 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 寿司桶、巻きす、しゃもじ×2(写真には3本ありますが、2本になります)
- *値下げしました!!*箱付き!ティーサーバー(コルクの台付き)
Price $5←8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 大きい容量のティーサーバーです。
- puma プーマ3点セット:財布(紺、黒)筆箱※紺の財布は新品!
Price 3点で$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only PUMAの筆箱(外にも内側にもファスナー付き、マチもあって容量が大きいです!)
PUMAの黒 財布 チェーン付き。
紺 財布 チェーン付き。未使用品!!
- *値下げしました!*シマヤ いりこだし 160gの大容量!
Price $4←7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 賞味期限1/30/2025です。
- *値下げしました!!*大容量 20oz Sriracha chili sauce
Price $3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 大容量20oz(567g!!)のシラチャ チリソースです。
消費期限1/30 2025
- *値下げしました!*オーガニック バルサミコ酢 (イタリア産)
Price $3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 賞味期限7/4/2025
- 照り焼きソース<マリネもできる!> Spicy
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 照り焼きソースとしても、マリネ液としても使えます。
賞味期限 7/26/2025です
- *値下げしました!!*美品 Adidas サッカークリーツ 24.5cm
Price $15←20 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 数回使用していますが、まだまだきれいです。
- お買い物用、大型バッグ
Price $0.50~ Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 保冷機能のあるもののみ(1点)$1
- 日本製 新品未使用!ドラえもん エコバッグ
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ドラえもんのイラストがかわいい!!
- おしゃれなかご
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only とてもきれいな状態です。
- *値下げしました!*オレンジ色の布(幅115cm×丈182cm)
Price $5←$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only オレンジ色の布(幅115cm×丈182cm)
- スリッパ3種 セットで
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only スヌーピーのスリッパ2種(青はサイズMくらい。グレーはサイズLくらい)
- 美品!保存用ケース、大2小2 計4つ
Price セットで$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only *お米や麦等の容量の多いものを収める丸型容器
- 新品未開封!!日本製 竹炭
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本から持ってきた、竹炭です。
- 未使用!リラックマ メラミン樹脂 カップ
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only リラックマの未使用カップです。
- ガラス製 小型のローフパン 2種
Price 各$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ミートローフやパウンドケーキ等の
- 美品!小さなガラスカップ×5個&小さめシンプルグラス
Price 全部で$3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ゼリーやプディング用のシンプルな小さめ(直径7.5cm、高さ8cm)グラス5個
- 値下しました!! IKEA コーヒーカップ 2種
Price セットで$2←3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 同じ大きさのコーヒーカップ 2種です。
- 値下げしました!!CRAZY HORSE ガラス製 カップ ペア
Price セットで$2←3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only CRAZY HORSE PARISと書いてあります!
- 値下しました!!スプーンとフォーク 大 小のセット
Price セットで$4←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ブルーの取っ手がおしゃれなカトラリーのセットです。
- *値下げしました*IKEAワーク ランプ USB可のLED
Price $5←8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEA製 HARTE LED Work Lampとして$19.99で販売されています。
- *値下げしました*ベッドサイドのライト IKEA 製
Price $5←7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEA製のベッドサイド用の小さめのライトです。
- ほぼ新品!!IKEA製の玄関マット
Price $10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 汚れもなく、ほぼ新品の玄関マットです。
- 美品!カップケーキ型(テフロン加工)
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only あまり使っていないので、きれいです!
- 大容量!ケーキカップとバニラフレーバー(Trader Joe’s)
Price $2~ Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only カップケーキ作りに・・・・
*150枚分のカップケーキ用 ベーキングカップ $2
*アルコールフリーのバニラエクストラクト $4
- 日本製新品箱入り!サッカーガラスのタンブラー 2個
Price 2つで$1、50 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 佐々木硝子製のサッカーボール型の小さめのタンブラーです。
- 日本製!!新品箱入り!リラックマ スープジャー
Price $15 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本から持ってきたスープジャーです。
- 鍋つかみミトンとふきんのセット
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 鍋つかみと布きんのセットです。2セットあります。
- 未使用!日本製インソール(中敷き)28cm~29cm
Price $3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 開封しましたが、サイズが合わず使えていません。
- 折り畳み傘 2種
Price $2、$3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 折り畳みの傘です。
- 新品未使用日本製 携帯用 エコバッグ3種4枚全部で
Price $6 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の携帯用エコバッグです。
- water proof leg protector脚を水に付けないようにするためのカバー
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only けがをした際にシャワーを浴びる時に濡れないようにするためのゴム製のカバーです。
- 日本製 つっぱり棚 大小2種
Price $5 、$8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の突っ張り棚です。
*小 D22cm、W27~43.5cm
*大 D20cm、W62~83cm
※奥の1列は立てられます。(写真4枚目 参照)
- 未使用!ドアストッパー
Price 50セント Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ゴム製なので、滑らず、室内、室外に便利です!!
- 日本製体重計
Price $1 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only デジタルではないので、それなりの精度です。
- マグネット付き、収納(傘立てや、杖、等の背の高いものの収納に)
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の傘立ての収納用のものですが、
- Leash for Toddler
Price $ 10 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only Leashes for children's wrists
Pink and blue set.
They are clean and like new as they were only used once for a test.
My child...
- New ❣️Nuface FIX line smoothing device starter kit
Price $ 100 Location Monterey Park Delivery Option Pick-up only It is used to prepare the face on the go and immediately stir up fine lines blurring and wrinkles.
Microcurrent is a low-level electric...
- Wall hanging ② tortoise
Price Five dollars. Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a wall hanging decoration. the second photo is an example of a combination with a separately exhibited item.
approx. 30.5 × 30....
- Wall hanging ① fish
Price Five dollars. Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only The second photo is an example of a combination with another item on display.
approx. 30.5 × 30.5cm
- Ornaments Sea Pole
Price Five dollars. Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only It is a wall hanging decoration. The intersecting poles are lovely.
about 51 × 29cm
- Mountain Bike 26inch
Price 130 → 120 → 110 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only
bell, key, and inflator if needed
like new
mountain bike
dual suspension
18 speed
used less than...
- Table set with coffee table and TV
Price $ 28 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Coffee table : 49 X 29 inches
Table for TV : 43X 19 inches, height: 26 inches ( not pictured )
looks used but looks good
- side table
Price $ 4 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 19X 19X 19"
one cracked tile on top but not noticeable to the left
I think it's clean
- shoe rack (in genkan)
Price $ 3 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 29X 16 . 5 inches
- suitcase
Price $ 10 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 24 X 16 inches,
depth : 10 inches
not much use left, light weight
- Small suitcase
Price $ 4 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 20X13 inches
Depth : 8 inches
Very little soiling
- Foldable suitcase
Price $ 5 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Folds into three sections
18X13 inches
Height expanded into three sections : 20 inches
- Hand-held suitcase ( Carry on )
Price $ 5 Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 17X 12"
width : 5"
- Free 1-person sofa and ottoman
Price Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Those who can bring it directly from the 3rd floor of the Town House
It is quite heavy, so two people can come.
- Cribs and mattresses
Price free Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only It is used but sturdy, as I raised two babies.
I will disassemble it. We will give you two mattresses.
- Professional baseball cards ( 51 cards )
Price $ 15 ( 51 for ) Location Irvine, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only Please refrain from inquiring about the details of the card.
*Please pay in cash.
*We are about to return to Japan, so we wou...
- School pencils ticonderoga pencils #2
Price 1 dozen $ 4 ( 1 dozen 12 ) Location Irvine, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only New, unused.
5 dozen available.
Please let us know how many you would like.
*For all 5 dozen, $ 18.
Please pay in cash. ...
- living room sofa
Price $ 50 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only I bought this black sofa 2 years ago on Amazon. It can be used as a couch bed. Legs are removable.
It is not cloth.
Can you come t...
- TV Stand Stand
Price $ 30 Location Long beach Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a black TV stand I purchased at Target, used for about a year. It is solidly built and weighs a fair amount. It is like new with no ...
- Boxing set ( punch bar and 1 set of gloves )
Price $ 15.00 Location サウスベイ Delivery Option Pick-up only The height of the bar to punch is currently set to 135 cm, but the height can be adjusted up or down.
The gloves are rarely used, ...
- Game chair (X Rocker)
Price $ 20.00 Location サウスベイ Delivery Option Pick-up only The sound has been confirmed to work.
There is a power cord, but please use your own input cord to connect to the sound sourc...
- Winter tire chains
Price 50 dollars. Location Irvine, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a new, unused item.
This item sells for about $70 at Walmart.
We hope you will use this item if you are trying to pre...
Price $ 150 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only Beautiful item, like new.
- FLORSHEIM leather shoes 9 1/2 EEE Price reduced in...
Price $ 50>> $ 30> $ 25 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only Clean as only used a few times. This is a price reduction in preparation for returning home.
- FLOSHEIM leather shoes 9EEE
Price $ 100>> $ 60> $ 50 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only High quality ROYAL IMPERIAL, used a few times, beautiful.
- Coach Necklace
Price $ 40 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New and unused
- wristwatch
Price $ 30>> $ 25 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New, unused, with warranty card
- shoulder bag handbag both> $ 24>> $ 20 re...
Price $ 20>> $ 15 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New, unused, reasonably priced, how about for a gift ??
- beiia russo 24" weekender bag
Price $ 20 Location rosemead Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New and unused The following bag will be attached.
- Handbag / Shoulder
Price $ 20!>> $ 15 Location rosemead Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unused
- [Reisenthal] Shopping Cart
Price $ 35 Location Irvine, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only Used item.
It is very solid and can carry 5 kg of rice.
It would be useful for shopping, barbecues, carrying to camping places, ...
- [Dodgers cap & Jersey
Price See details Location Torrance (Northwest Torrance), California Delivery Option Pick-up only 2024 Ballpark Distribution Goods.
How about a Christmas gift or a souvenir from back home
Otani Cap - $ 60
Otani Shirt -...
- [Not for sale, unopened] D23 Mickey Mouse ✖️Angels...
Price 25 Location Torrance (Northwest Torrance), California Delivery Option Pick-up only This bobblehead was distributed in a limited edition of 23,000 at the Angels Ballpark.
There are two available, one for sale.
How ...
- Not for sale ・ distributed at the ballpark] Dodger...
Price See details Location Torrance (Northwest Torrance), California Delivery Option Pick-up only 2024 Ballpark Distribution Not for sale, unopened
I have 2 of each, I'm selling one
How about a Christmas gift or a souvenir from ...
- New, never used MiiR Wide Mouth Water Bottle Water...
Price $ 10 Location Los Angeles (Central LA), California Delivery Option Delivered if nearby New, never used MiiR Wide Mouth Water Bottle Water Bottle 20oz / 591ml
Height is about 27cm.
Plus $ 5 for delivery in your ar...
- Small Electric Heater Cooler Heating Cooling Tekno...
Price $ 10 Location Los Angeles (Central LA), California Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Small Electric Heater Cooler Heating Cooling Teknos Electric Heater Cooler
Small but heats up quickly.
Can be used as a cooli...
- Art Poster Art Poster Framed Big Top Framed Band
Price $ 50 Location Los Angeles (Central LA), California Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Art Poster Art Poster Framed Big Top Framed Band
with solid black frame, measures 80cm long ・ 54.5cm wide (including frame).
- Apple AirPods Pro Apple Earphones Earphones Headph...
Price $ 50 Location Los Angeles (Central LA), California Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Apple AirPods Pro Apple Earphones Earphones Headphones Bluetooth
Located in Koreatown.
Plus $ 5 for delivery in your area.
- Vintage style sofa
Price $ 50 Location Orange, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Vintage style dark green accent sofa.
180cm long x 100cm wide (at deepest point)
I loved it because it is very stylish and comforta...
- Artificial Poseinthia & base
Price 10 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a large and elegant poseintia. The base is solid and about 2 . 5 plastic bottles high.
It will add a lot of color to your room.
- New】Cheese fondue / Chocolate fondue set with mold
Price 25 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only I bought it because I wanted to play cheese fondue without worrying about burning or fire, and I wanted the ability to keep the chocolate wa...
- Living spaces sofa
Price $ 50 Location Orange, California Delivery Option Pick-up only I bought this beige sofa 3 years ago.
I have decided to part with it because I am moving.
length 210cm x width 90cm
stain res...
- Lights Three are fashionable
Price 20 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only The two transparent acrylic panels on the legs allow you to place your favorite interior decorations on them and change the atmosphere each ...
- Christmas color storage box, large capacity, with ...
Price 15 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only HOMZ Christmas color storage box.
This large capacity box can hold Christmas-related decorations, presents, lights, etc. It also has tw...
- Beautiful] IKEA desk ( chair and light if you want...
Price $ 50 Location Irvine, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only Used.
The desk is in fairly clean condition with only a few very minor scratches. The legs can be taken off at the halfway point, so we...
- New Table runner blue
Price Five dollars. Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Blue fabric table runner. Brand new.
- Find local business with Town Guide
- ~ We are a Japanese accounting firm spec...
Ozawa, Kaneko and Associates LLP provides services tailored to your needs in four areas: 1. financial statement audit, review and compilation services; 2. advisory services; 3. accounting outsourcing ...
+1 (712) 395-4010Ozawa, Kaneko and Associates LLP
- Samurai Web Works [Over 300 web producti...
Since our founding in 2011, we have created over 300 websites in a variety of industries and genres. We not only focus on design quality, but also on the idea that a website is the face of your compa...
+1 (949) 434-4868Samurai Web Works, Inc.
- We are looking for cast members to work ...
Qualifications : Must be at least 21 years old Languages : English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese No experience is required, you can work from 1 to 7, any number of days a week according to your schedu...
- We are a pediatric clinic located in Tor...
We provide pediatric care in Japanese in Torrance, California. It is located right next to Torrance Memorial Hospital. The director has experience as a pediatrician in Japan and is well versed in the...
+1 (310) 483-7880Naoko Matsumoto, M.D., Inc.
- Pianos ! Rental ・ Used Pianos for Sale ・...
Yamaha ・ Kawai ・ Steinway and more … We sell at wholesale prices. All US ・ We are available in Japan, so please contact us if you are moving to another state. Call us anytime.
+1 (714) 962-2508Hiro Piano Service, Inc.
- 🏠 Assistance in finding rental housing |...
APOGEE works with the largest real estate search site in the U.S. and will introduce you to the most suitable rental properties. Our professional real estate brokers will help you find the best price...
+1 (310) 801-6412APOGEE Real Estate
- Japanese-affiliated beauty salons in Gar...
We are also on Instagram. search for umweltability ☆
+1 (714) 540-1455Ability Hair / CostaMesa
- What may seem like a minor concern to ot...
・ Depressed mood ・ ・ ・ Continuous insomnia ・ Energy ・ Lack of motivation ・ Feeling alone ・ Cannot go to work or school ( Housewife withdrawal < ) ・ Cannot do housework or go out ( Housewife withd...
+1 (626) 372-7848Hitsumoto, Miwa, LMFT (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist)
- Changing your eyebrows changes your face...
For those who have trouble with eyebrow makeup that doesn't look right every morning …, eyeliner that makes your eyes look panda when you look in the mirror …, and pale lips …. TAKAGI will create the ...
+1 (424) 265-9704【眉毛屋】TAKAGI BROWS
- Our educational goal is "to think, decid...
A charismatic math teacher with 18 years of experience as a principal at an educational institution for overseas children has opened a classroom where you can leave your child with peace of mind. Wit...
+1 (949) 932-0858ひのき補習校・学習塾Hinoki
- Dr. Miwa Kanbe speaks Japanese. Please f...
We provide medical treatment that is as easy on your pet's body as possible, focusing on diet ・ Chinese medicine ・ and acupuncture. Dr. Miwa Kanbe speaks Japanese, so you can consult with her without ...
+1 (714) 494-1175Hemopet Holistic Care
- Please contact us in Japanese. sales-j...
We can help you build your family's future wealth. Our knowledgeable, courteous, and trustworthy representatives will assist you in selecting the right products for your lifestyle and individual need...
- One-stop store for U.S. expansion ! We h...
We provide real estate brokerage services (, internet environment maintenance, website, e-commerce site and video production, and various promotions ) for corporate matching, which are necessary when ...
+1 (310) 406-4079ASTERAS CORP.
- Let's learn together in Villagewell in a...
Why not learn computer skills ? Microsoft Office courses ・ Adobe courses ・ Programming courses
+1 (201) 407-0055Villagewell, LLC
- An authentic Japanese restaurant located...
The colorful nigiri made by the sushi chefs is a delight for both the eyes and the palate. Another attraction of the restaurant is the variety of seating options. In addition to casual counter seating...
+1 (213) 617-7839Tamon Restaurant