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- ヴェルサーチ サングラス(ケースつき!)*値下げしました!*
Price $20←35 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ヴェルサーチのサングラス

- 腹筋ローラー(箱入り!)
Price $7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 箱がやや痛んでいますが、中身は比較的綺麗です!

- お買い物用、大型バッグ
Price $0.50~ Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 保冷機能のあるもののみ(1点)$1

- おしゃれなかご
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only とてもきれいな状態です。

- *値下げしました!*オレンジ色の布(幅115cm×丈182cm)
Price $5←$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only オレンジ色の布(幅115cm×丈182cm)

- スヌーピーほかスリッパ3種 セットで
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only スヌーピーのスリッパ2種(青はサイズMくらい。グレーはサイズLくらい)

- 美品!! 1歳のえほん(語りかけ育児百科)
Price $8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ほぼ新品に近い状態です。イラストもかわいく、写真の4枚目のようにいろいろなタイトルに応じてお話が載っています。

- 「きょうりゅう、がお!」「トーマスくん、いまなんじ?」
Price $4,2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only かわいい!!きょうりゅうたちが沢山、紹介されています。恐竜好きのお子様必見!!⇒$4

- かこさとし さんの本2冊
Price 2冊で$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only からすのおみせやさんシリーズで有名な『かこさとし』さんの本です。

- 美品!カップケーキ型(テフロン加工)
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only あまり使っていないので、きれいです!

- 大容量!ケーキカップとバニラフレーバー(Trader Joe’s)
Price $2~ Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only カップケーキ作りに・・・・
*150枚分のカップケーキ用 ベーキングカップ $2
*アルコールフリーのバニラエクストラクト $4

- puma プーマ3点セット:財布(紺、黒)筆箱※紺の財布は新品!
Price 3点で$8←10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only PUMAの筆箱(外にも内側にもファスナー付き、マチもあって容量が大きいです!)
PUMAの黒 財布 チェーン付き。
紺 財布 チェーン付き。未使用品!!

- 美品 Adidas サッカークリーツ 24~24.5cm
Price $10←20 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 数回使用していますが、まだまだきれいです。

- O-Cedar モップ&バケツset *値下げしました!*
Price $15 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only マイクロファイバーモップとバケツのセットです。

- Magicブレンダーのパーツ
Price 3 Location San Pedro Delivery Option Pick-up only 本体はありません。

- パーティードレス(Nordstrom)
Price $10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ノードストロームで購入したドレスです。1度のみ使用の美品です!!

- パーティードレス
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only サイズS~M

- パーティードレス
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only サイズS~M

- パーティドレス
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only キラキラした生地のターコイズブルーです。

- ドレス(ワンピース)
Price $3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only H&M 普段使いのドレスです。

- 大き目 フレンチプレス bodum製
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only BODUM製のフレンチプレスです。
また、「フィルター部分が金属製」という特徴を持っています。 従来の紙フィルタ...

- *値下げしました!!*箱付き!ティーサーバー(コルクの台付き)
Price $4←8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 大きい容量のティーサーバーです。

- 日本製 つっぱり棚 *値下げしました*
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の突っ張り棚です。
*大 D20cm、W62~83cm
※奥の1列は立てられます。(写真4枚目 参照)

- 未使用!ドアストッパー
Price 50セント Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ゴム製なので、滑らず、室内、室外に便利です!!

- 日本製 KEYUCA ケユカ ゴミ箱(小物入れにも!) 美品!
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本で人気のKEYUCAのゴミ箱です。
大きさ H36(低い方:28)cm×...

- マグネット付き、収納(傘立てや、杖、等の背の高いものの収納に)
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の傘立ての収納用のものですが、

- *値下げしました*ベッドサイドのライト IKEA 製
Price $5←7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEA製のベッドサイド用の小さめのライトです。

- IKEA製 半透明ゴミ箱
Price $3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only きれいな状態です。やや大きめ

- 日本製!!新品箱入り!リラックマ スープジャー*値下げしました!*
Price $10!←15 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本から持ってきたスープジャーです。

- 新品未使用日本製 携帯用 エコバッグ 各1.50 全部で$5
Price 各$1.50全部で$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の携帯用エコバッグです。

- water proof leg protector脚を水に付けないようにするためのカバー
Price $3*値下げしました! Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only けがをした際にシャワーを浴びる時に濡れないようにするためのゴム製のカバーです。

- ブランド紙袋 COACH ,GUCCI, TIFFANY, Dior
Price 全部で$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 大きさはさまざまですが、COACH ,GUCCI, TIFFANY, Diorの紙袋です。

- 新品未使用!鍋つかみミトンとふきんのセット
Price $5(1セット) Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 鍋つかみと布きんのセットです。2セットあります。

- 新品箱入り!TYPOのマグカップ
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only やや小ぶりですが、可愛いカップです。

- 美品!保存用ケース、大2小2 計4つ
Price 4点で$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only *お米や麦等の容量の多いものを収める丸型容器

- 未使用!リラックマ メラミン樹脂 カップ
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only リラックマの未使用カップです。

- Pyrex、Anchor製のローフパン
Price 各$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ミートローフやパウンドケーキ等の

- 美品!小さなガラスカップ×5個&小さめシンプルグラス
Price 全部で$3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ゼリーやプディング用のシンプルな小さめ(直径7.5cm、高さ8cm)グラス5個

- 値下しました!! IKEA コーヒーカップ 2種
Price セットで$2←3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 同じ大きさのコーヒーカップ 2種です。

- 値下げしました!!CRAZY HORSE ガラス製 カップ ペア
Price セットで$2←3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only CRAZY HORSE PARISと書いてあります!

- 値下しました!!スプーンとフォーク 大 小のセット<HOLD>
Price セットで$3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ブルーの取っ手がおしゃれなカトラリーのセットです。

- 美品!!ユニコーン(着ぐるみ的)パジャマ(フード付きなので、暖かい) *値下げしました!*
Price $5←8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 160cmくらいの身長まで可能です。

- 日本製!あったかルームシューズいろいろ*値下げしました!*
Price 全部で$5←7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製のルームシューズいろいろです。

- 未使用!!電球 たくさん!*値下げしました!*
Price 全部で$8←10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 小型の電球からバスルームに使うようなものまで全部で10個以上です。

- Insecticide Set
Price $ 15 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only This is our family's strongest insect control set. How about this for a move?
The two left ones are half left, the ant box is brand new...

- Glass cleaning liquid New
Price $ 2 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only How about for cleaning car windows or house windows?

- tako-yaki pan (cast iron with semi-spherical molds...
Price $ 10 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only I bought it from Amazon USA for $28.00.
It has a flipping stick, but it does not come with a ragged tip. Instead, I can give you my fav...

- New Soap Bubble Liquid
Price $ 1 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only New.

- Schwann 24in mountain bike
Price 100 Location ノースハリウッド Delivery Option Pick-up only Used only twice
Air pump included

- New and unused Hamilton Beach slow cooker extra la...
Price $ 40.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only It is new and unused. Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- Himalayan pink salt light
Price $ 10.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- tray
Price $ 10.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only It is new and unused. Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- Columbia Sleeping Bag
Price $ 15.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Used a few times. It is in very clean condition. Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- Women's hiking shoes Merrell size 6
Price $ 25.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only I usually fit a 23cm ( size 6 ) but I thought they were too snug and needed a little room. They would probably fit someone around 22.5cm. 1 ...

- New, unused ethnic bag
Price $ 7.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only It is new and unused. Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- Cake molds - heart ( 22cm x 21cm ) and round ( 15c...
Price $ 10.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Heart ( 22cm x 21cm ) , Round ( 15cm diameter )
Both were not used in Bake and are in clean condition.
Please come and pick them u...

- iPhone cases for iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus +...
Price $ 5.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- desk light
Price $ 10.00 Location Studio City, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Please come and pick it up. ( Please pay in cash. )

- Art frame
Price $ 3 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only 18x24in Gold frame
one $ three
two for $ five
four total available.
Selling due to moving, purchased at Target. They are...

- Shoes
Price $ 8 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only Size 38
Never worn, so like new.

- sandals
Price $ 8 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only Size 36
Never worn, so like new.

- Zara black Sandals Sandals
Price $ 8 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only Size 37
Only worn a few times and in very clean condition.

- Car seats $15 each.
Price 15.00 per piece. Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only They are $15 each.
Date of Manufacture for both is

- Ochibana Doraku - Sweets - Okaki - New
Price One $ 1 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Note, expiration dates have expired: 3 on 2024.10.01 and 1 on 2024.07.29. If you don't care about expiration dates, please contact me ?.

- rice with tea poured on it (Japanese dish)
Price 3 dollars each. Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only New and unopened

- Sprinkles Sugar candy
Price $ 1 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only I only used about 5 grains for Valentine's Day in February. How about for making sweets?

- oatmeal
Price Two dollars apiece. Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Unopened.

- light wheat flour
Price $ 4 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Caution, expired, purchased at weee.

- White electronic piano
Price 150 U.S. dollars. Location Los Angeles Delivery Option Delivered Purchased about a year ago for about $300. 88 keys. It is a compact size, 49.4 inches ( 125 cm ) wide, 27.95 inches ( 70 cm ) high, 12.79 in...

- 22cm basketball shoes
Price $ 5 Location Tustin, California Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Size 22cm basketball shoes, used about 10 times indoors. They are still in good condition.

- Sealy twin mattress
Price $ 100 Location Tustin, California Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Sealy twin size mattress. Price reduced.
It was in a guest room and is a beauty. Price negotiable.

- Digital piano CASIO PX-700
Price $ 400 → 280 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Delivered if nearby It is recorded, automatic, with sheet music, and of course, all sound.
Please feel free to come and take a look.
The original pric...

- Sheet Music New Children's Bayer 2.3
Price $ 6 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only New sheet music.

- Kamen Rider Ultraman Book
Price $ 4 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Hardcover.

- George the Osaru no George with 3 DVDs
Price $ 5 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only It can be viewed in English or Japanese. 3 DVDs are included.

- Prince of the Stars Book with storytelling CD
Price $ 5 → 4 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Includes CD. Also available in English.

- World Travel Book Set of 12
Price $ 10 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only It contains old stories from around the world. Please understand that this is a used item.

- 10 Japanese books for kindergarten children
Price $ 8 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only If you have an understanding of used goods, please ^ ^ ^.

- New Kaiketsu Zorori Riddle Book
Price $ 10 → $ 9 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only New with film.

- Kaiketsu Zorori: The Big Book of Anime 1.2.3
Price $ 5 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Sold as a set, please.

- Kaiketsu Zorori Book
Price One $ 2 Location Irvine, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Sold in bulk

- Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5L 4K Digital Camera Body&Lei...
Price $ 1000 Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5L 4K Digital Camera Body&Leica 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 Lens
Panasonic, Lumix GH5L.
Shutter count is low
I have...

- O'NEILL Snow Jacket Size S
Price $ 80 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only It has only been worn a few times and is in very good condition.
If you are willing to pick up the pants and the set, the set is $ 150....

- VOLCOM Snow Pants Size S
Price $ 80 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only It has only been worn a few times and is in very good condition.
If you can pick up the jacket and the set, the set is $ 150.

- Citrus Juicer Juicer
Price $ 8 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only Selling due to moving. It can be used without any problem.

- Zojirushi Home Bakery Mini Bread Maker
Price $ 60 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only Selling due to moving. Can be used without any problem. List price $ 254

- Tri-Blad Spiral Vegetable slicer
Price $ 5 Location Los Angeles (Playa Vista), California Delivery Option Pick-up only Selling due to moving. It can be used without any problem.

- E-bike 3-wheeled vehicle
Price $1400 Location Huntington Beach, California Delivery Option Pick-up only It is too big for me and I am giving it away. I have only ridden it 4 or 5 times.
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Yama Seafood in San Gabriel is a very popular fresh fish restaurant that changed its name to Yama Sushi Marketplace and celebrated its 41st anniversary this year. They serve fresh sashimi and sushi da...
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Medicare ・ Supplement ? or Medicare ・ Advantage ? Medicare ・ Choosing the wrong plan can be very uneconomic. You may be losing money ? We will carefully explain to you in Japanese and guide you to t...
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Easy-to-understand private lessons in Japanese. You will be able to feel your progress immediately. We also provide comprehensive support for other golf courses from Japan, language study abroad, si...
+1 (626) 696-7403Yobiko Los Angeles Golf Academy
- ★ Piano Classes in Torrance ★ Teacher wh...
Piano lessons to bring out your child's talent ♪ Don't you think it's boring to just read music and play the piano ? We look forward to hearing from you first. 2 minutes from Rolling Hills Plaza ! ...
+1 (310) 702-4355Kayo Piano Lesson
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For those of you who have suffered from yellowing teeth for years that have not improved no matter what you did … Don't worry about the color of your teeth anymore. Now is the time to whiten your te...
+1 (949) 386-4113歯のホワイトニングサロン HAKU Lab OC
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+1 (310) 326-8661Dr. Jun Oda
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We have a wide variety of a la carte wines and cocktails to go with our food and of course our drinks. ( We are open until 1am ) and 2am on Fridays so you can relax and enjoy your meal. We have a ...
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