⏳ Two Weeks Left! Oversized Vehicle Parking Permit Program Starts October 1st
- [등록자]City of Manhattan Beach
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/09/17
- 게재일 : 2024/09/17
- 변경일 : 2024/09/17
- 총열람수 : 66 명
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City of Manhattan Beach, California
Submit Your Application for the New Oversized Vehicle Parking Permit Program Beginning October 1.
*Dear Manhattan Beach Residents, *
To address safety concerns and attain regulatory consistency with nearby cities, the City of Manhattan Beach has developed an oversized vehicle parking permit program.
Oversized vehicles can pose significant safety risks by reducing visibility for both pedestrians and other drivers and by narrowing travel lanes, especially on our City's already narrow and steep streets. Additionally, these vehicles can exacerbate parking challenges, as they typically occupy more curb space than standard vehicles.
Following discussions of these impacts, the City Council adopted an ordinance that requires residents and their guests to obtain a permit to temporarily park their oversized vehicles on City streets. The permit program will become effective on October 1, 2024.
*Key Details of the Oversized Vehicle Permit Program include:*
* *Permit Requirement:* Beginning October 1, 2024, residents or their guests who wish to temporarily park an oversized vehicle on any street in the City of Manhattan Beach (with few exceptions) will be required to obtain a permit. Permit holders will be allowed to park their oversized vehicle on a City street for up to 72 hours. If the oversized vehicle is parked on the resident’s property, a permit is not required.
* *What is an oversized vehicle?* An oversized vehicle is any vehicle on its own or combined with an attachment that exceeds 22 feet in length, seven feet in width, or eight feet in height.
* *Permit Types and Fees*: Two oversized vehicle permit types will be available. 1) An annual permit for a resident owned oversized vehicle ($65.00 per permit) and 2) A temporary permit for a resident’s guest or a rented oversized vehicle ($45.00 per permit). Limits per household apply.
* *Application Process:* Applications for permits will go live on September 1, 2024, giving residents time to comply with the new regulations. Please visit www.manhattanbeach.gov/OversizedVehicles [ http://www.manhattanbeach.gov/OversizedVehicles?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] on or after September 1 to apply!
* *Requirements and Exceptions:* There are a few exceptions and general requirements that must be followed regarding the permit program. Detailed information can be found by visiting: www.manhattanbeach.gov/OversizedVehicles [ http://www.manhattanbeach.gov/OversizedVehicles?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
The primary goal of this program is to ensure the safety of our residents and visitors by reducing the potential hazards caused by oversized vehicles on our streets. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement these changes.
If you have any questions or need further information, please visit www.manhattanbeach.gov/OversizedVehicles [ http://www.manhattanbeach.gov/OversizedVehicles?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or contact the Traffic Engineering Department by email at traffic@manhattanbeach.gov or by phone at (310) 802-5521.
Thank you for your continued commitment to making Manhattan Beach a safer place for everyone.
The City of Manhattan Beach
www.manhattanbeach.gov [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
*Oversized Vehicle Parking Permit Program* [ https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/police-department/programs-and-services/parking-enforcement/detached-trailer-and-oversized-vehicle-regulations?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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