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ASANO TAIKO U.S.,Inc. のプロ和太鼓チームコンサート
ASANO TAIKO U.S.,Inc. のプロ和太鼓チームコンサート UnitOneのソロコンサート 「四季」。
UnitOne, a professional taiko group based under the umbrella of Asano Taiko U.S., presents their long awaited full length concert.
SHIKI (“four seasons” in Japanese) draws from intimate memories of the four seasons in Japan. From the fiery heat of summer to the frigid depths of winter, Shiki is a look inside UnitOne's memory of a distant place. Artistic Director Young Kang intertwines some of UnitOne’s popular pieces and brings a unique vision that will touch the soul.
Come witness the world premiere of this exciting new work from UnitOne!
Local | James R Armstrong Theater |
Dirección | 3330 Civic Center Dr,, Torrance, CA, 90503 US |
Fecha | 2022/9/24 - 2022/9/24 |
Tiempo | 8momento00minutos - 10momento00minutos |
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