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Public Works Announcement
Culver City Seal
Intersections Across City
Culver City Public Works Department has begun painting red curbs at most intersections in residential neighborhoods to clearly identify the "daylighting" zone. Work will continue into 2025.
This effort will improve visibility and safety for all Culver City road users and bring the City into compliance with state law. Culver City will prioritize new red curb at crosswalks in high pedestrian traffic areas, such as schools.
"Daylighting" and CA AB 413
Since January 1, 2024, it is illegal in California to park within 20 feet of the approach of any marked or unmarked crosswalk, even if the approach does not have any painted red curbs. California State Assembly Bill 413 was signed into law in October 2023 and specifies that enforcement shall begin on January 1, 2025.
Learn about California State Assembly Bill 413 [ https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB413 ].
According to the Federal Highway Administration, nearly half of all traffic-related injuries occur at intersections and crosswalks, largely due to insufficient visibility for crossing pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. The most frequent culprits for these visibility issues are vehicles parked right at the intersection corner, blocking views for oncoming traffic. The removal of obstructions to improve visibility at intersection corners is called "daylighting".
"Intersection where visibility of crossing pedestrians is blocked by parked cars. (Source SFMTA)"
Image of intersection demonstrating when visibility of crossing pedestrians is blocked by parked cars.
"Intersection where visibility of crossing pedestrians is NOT blocked by parked cars. "(Source SFMTA)""
Image of intersection demonstrating when visibility of crossing pedestrians is NOT blocked by parked cars.
City staff will make every effort to preserve parking spaces, however, in some locations there could be a small loss of parking area.
Direct all questions and concerns regarding red curbs and California State Assembly Bill (AB) 413 implementation to traffic.engineering@culvercity.org.
To find out what is happening in Culver City - Check Culver City's Community Calendar [ https://www.culvercity.org/Events-directory ]
Culver City Public Works Department and Logo [ https://www.culvercity.org/City-Hall/Departments/Public-Works ]
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