City of Manhattan Beach: Cultural Arts Commission Meeting
- [登録者]City of Manhattan Beach
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/17
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/17
- 変更日 : 2024/10/17
- 総閲覧数 : 45 人
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- 感受日本居酒屋的氛围,品尝美味饮品和日本料理。无论您是怀念日本,还是想与大伙儿一...
①谢谢您的耐心等待! 最后,从下周一开始,午餐菜单上将增加烤鸡肉串。 请在午餐时品尝我们用滨草炭烤制的正宗烤鸡肉串! 我们期待您的光临。 ② 5 月 12 日(周日)是母亲节,因此我们为看到本帖的朋友带来了好消息! 居酒屋 Bizan 将推出母亲节特别促销活动。 如果您在母亲节当天与母亲一同前来用餐,您的账单将享受九折优惠! 这个母亲节,请来比赞,与母亲共度美好时光,并表达您的感激之...
+1 (213) 625-1184Peace Dining (Izakaya Bizan)
- 位于洛杉矶 Miyako 酒店二楼的正宗日本餐厅。 寿司和菜肴均采用精心挑选的食...
寿司厨师制作的寿司也是五彩缤纷,令人赏心悦目,回味无穷。餐厅的另一个亮点是多种座位选择。除了休闲的柜台座位和餐桌座位外,还有各种包间。餐厅可方便地用于各种场合。 塔门千层寿司 塔门特制汉堡 塔门饭团套餐
+1 (213) 617-7839Tamon Restaurant
- 周一至周六营业至晚上 8 点 ! 周日营业至晚上 7 点。经验丰富的日本发型师将...
这家美发沙龙位于三和圣莫尼卡店附近。 交通便利,有免费停车场。 我们融合了日本最新的技术和潮流 ! 我们与位于中目黑的美发沙龙"SHOUT"一起提供服务。 我们发廊使用的所有化学品均为日本制造 ♪ 我们不仅注重美观,还注重保持头发健康。
+1 (310) 391-1568Hair Epoch
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Cultural Arts Commission Meeting
* Date: 10/21/2024 4:00 PM
* Location: City Council Chambers/Zoom Hybrid Meeting
1400 Highland Ave
Manhattan Beach, California 90266 [ ]
The Cultural Arts Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and is responsible for developing a master plan for cultural arts in the City, encouraging and supporting art education programs in the community and schools, participating in the Arts in Public Places selection process, and assisting in the Art in Civic Spaces Program. The Commission consists of six (6) members: one (1) artist representative, one (1) from the business and development community, three (3) at-large members and one (1) student representative. The Commission meets on the third Monday of every month at 4:00 PM. Meetings are subject to change. Check the City Calendar [ ] to note any changes in the Commission meeting schedule.
If you are unable to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom and wish to comment on agenda items or other subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Cultural Arts Commission, please do the following: Submit comments via email to both and, no later than 3:00 PM, the day of the meeting.
*Zoom Meeting Instructions*: There are multiple ways to join the meeting. Please Note - the Cultural Arts Commissioners will be visible via video, members of the public may choose to turn on their video during public comment during their turn.
If you plan to speak during the meeting, join via Zoom at 3:45 PM in order to request to be on the speakers list.
* Join Zoom Meeting via the internet (download app if needed - Download Mobile App [ ]), Meeting ID: 923 3075 7540 Please name yourself to include the item(s) you wish to speak on, and your First and Last name. Example: G.1 – Jane Smith.
* Join Zoom Meeting via Phone Application (download app if needed - Download Mobile App [ ]), Enter Meeting ID: 923 3075 7540 Please name yourself to include the item(s) you wish to speak on, and your First and Last name. Example: G.1 – Jane Smith.
* Join Zoom Meeting via Phone Conference (Voice Only): Phone Numbers: 1 (669) 900-6833 or 1 (346) 248-7799. Meeting ID: 923 3075 7540. Find your local number [ ]. Upon calling in, you will be “muted” until you are prompted by the Host to state which item you wish to comment on. Your mic will be unmuted when it’s your turn to provide Public Comment.
Please Note - All microphones for non-Commissioners or Staff will be muted during the meeting, except during Public Comment periods for which you have requested to speak.
The City strongly advises you of the following:
* Download the Zoom app [ ] to your respective device well ahead of the meeting time. Please make sure you have downloaded the most recent version available.
* Familiarize yourself with the Zoom application prior to the meeting.
* Check the condition of all personal electronic equipment, internet and phone connections, and microphone/speaker functionality. The City is unable to support this equipment.
* Join the meeting prior to the start time. Due to security or technical limitations, admittance to the meeting may not be possible after the meeting begins.
* Every effort will be made to “rename” participants on Zoom as quickly as possible, so that phone numbers are hidden, however, phone numbers may be partially visible for a brief time.
For more information on the Cultural Arts Commission, check out the Cultural Arts Commission [ ] page.
* Agenda: Cultural Arts Commission Agenda October 21, 2024 [ ]
Click here for more information [ ]
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