Keeping up with Kathryn
- [注册人]LA County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Los Angeles
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/20
- 发布日 : 2024/12/20
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/20
- 总浏览次数 : 31 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- \ 招聘 ・ 临时员工 ・ 外包人力资源 / 我们提供全面的支持,并给予慷慨的回...
+1 (310) 993-7325Humina Resource
- 让孩子在国内外任何地方都能展示自己能力的在线补习班 "我担心回国后能否跟上在日本...
・ 我担心孩子的日语能力,因为我没有机会说日语。 ・ 我担心回国后能否跟上日语学习进度。 ・ 我想兼顾英语和日语。 ・ 文部科学省分发了教科书,但我的孩子没有积极性。 ・ 我送孩子去补习学校,但每周只有一次课,我担心班级水平。 ・ 上补习班要花很长时间,我应付不来 ! ? ・ 如果他们能和其他日本人交朋友就好了。 为了解决这些问题,原小学教师 ( 到 2024 年 3 月 ) 将在...
+81-80-5324-2967OPEN DOOR e-education
- 全橙县 & 南湾支持 空调维修 ・ 从安装、暖气、电气到管道,我们都能为您的家庭...
日语服务,值得信赖,已有 15 年历史!如果您买了新房或需要安装空调、修理水电、装修房屋或修理餐馆等。请联系我们 ! ! 准时、准点、礼貌、迅速 ! ! 安全的售后服务!我们拥有比其他公司更好的售后服务,即使在安装之后,如果您有任何问题,我们也会免费致电给您。如果出现破损或焦虑 ! 我们提供全覆盖保证 ! ! ! 我们将跟踪服务,直到您满意和信服为止。
+1 (714) 474-5818Victory Home Service
- 洛杉矶 ・ 我们用日语为橙县居民提供精神・心身医学治疗、药物处方、心理治疗(、心...
尽管每年都有许多日本人来到加州,但在一个陌生的外国生活绝非易事。许多居住在加州的日本人面临着各种压力,包括文化和语言障碍、生活方式的差异、与日本家人和朋友的分离,以及对当地学校和工作场所的不适应。高度的压力会在不知不觉中引发各种身心疾病。据说压力是所有疾病的根源。 你是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、疲倦、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 山寿司市场圣盖博分店庆祝开业 40 周年 ! 在洛杉矶,山寿司市场一直是深受欢迎...
圣盖博市的 Yama Seafood 是一家非常受欢迎的鲜鱼餐厅,今年已更名为 Yama Sushi Marketplace,并迎来了 40 周年庆。它每天供应新鲜的生鱼片和寿司。还可以订购派对托盘 ! 除寿司外,餐厅还供应裙带菜沙拉、墨鱼沙拉、泡菜等各种预制食品,以及冰淇淋和卷饼、点心、饼干等甜点和果汁、茶、咖啡等饮用水 ( 罐装
瓶装 ) 和稀有啤酒和酒类 ! 可爱... +1 (310) 954-0805Yama Sushi Marketplace
- 让我们帮助您出售或购买房屋。洛杉矶房产经纪,橙县房产,奇诺山 ・ 科罗纳 ・ 兰...
我们可以用日语仔细解释复杂的房产交易。我们是内陆帝国为数不多的会说日语的中介之一。我们位于南加州的中心位置,因此可以覆盖广泛的地区。Keller Williams 还是世界排名第一的房地产特许经营公司,采用先进技术处理各种房产。Keller Williams 在尔湾、约巴林达、科罗纳、钻石吧、特姆库拉、兰乔库卡蒙加和奇诺山等社区尤为活跃,但也乐于协助其他房产的买卖。加州房地产经纪人 ・ 如果您正在...
+1 (323) 687-2415KW / まつもと きみ ロサンゼルス不動産エージェント
- 捐卵者 ( 捐卵 ) 通缉。酬金$ 8,000 - $ 15,000.为患有不孕...
我们正在寻找年龄在 18 岁到 29 岁之间、身心健康、不吸烟的女性。 酬金 $ 8,000 $ 15,000 起。 我们的总部位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳 ( ) 洛杉矶附近,但 即使您住得很远,我们也会支付所有交通、酒店和餐饮费用。 对于来自日本或美国以外的捐赠者,我们也将支付交通费和餐费。 我们将为您保密,您的信息不会透露给本公司或诊所以外的任何第三方。 创世纪・集团是一家为全球...
+1 (310) 550-6889Genesis Egg Donor & Surrogacy Group, Inc.
- 我们可以帮助您办理永久居留权、签证、离婚和成立公司。以良好的服务和合理的收费而享...
我们提供GREE卡、签证、离婚和公司成立等服务。 我们协助客户遍及美国、日本、亚洲、欧洲和许多其他地区 ! 我们,慧科法律解决方案,是加州注册移民顾问,洛杉矶县注册法律文件助理,这意味着我们是准备法律文件的专业人士。 我们提供法律文件准备・和申请・GREE卡(永久居留权),各种签证,公民身份,离婚申请,公司成立等。
考虑到客户的立场,我们为客户提供友好的支持。 请随时用日语... +1 (310) 400-2493WITH Legal Solutions
- ✅ 高薪酬 ・ 许多高职高专工作 ✅ 为美国公司自动撰写英文简历 ✅ 在美国就业...
值得信赖和证明] 高收入 ・ 丰富的高职业机会 为每个人提供专门的招聘人员支持 职业发展的代理合同 !
+1 (619) 794-0122HRAIT
- 托兰斯牙科诊所。拥有日本和美国执照、20 多年丰富治疗经验的日本女医生将为您进行...
为新患者提供口腔和身体健康方面的咨询。 预防保健 预防性牙科 微创牙科 微创治疗 睡眠呼吸暂停 美容保健 美容牙科 植牙种植体 自然牙科护理 自然牙科护理
+1 (310) 618-0808Torrance Dental Care
- ≪用日语进行细心治疗 ≫ 艾尔文的阿尔伯特-西所医生 Telehealth ( ...
内科服务、体检、健康检查、疫苗接种等。办理各种保险。东京海上日动火灾无现金 ・ 医疗服务提供商诊所。
+1 (949) 262-0080Albert E. Saisho, M.D. (最所内科医院)
- JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 1 月 ! ] JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 ...
JVTA 洛杉磯分校現正招收2025年7月1日開課的學生 ! 我們提供免費個人輔導,以滿足您的需求。 🌸 请随时与我们联系 ! 🌸 试听课程 $ 656 ~ 可用 ✨.
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 您的牙齿变黄已经很多年了,无论您做什么都没有改善…。
再也不用担心牙齿的颜色了。 是时候美白你的牙齿了。 您为什么不去除深层污渍呢 ? ? 您将拥有想要炫耀的笑容。 一次就够了,但三次后会感觉更有效 ! 60 分钟治疗 第一次 $ 130 润色 $ 100 请随时与我们联系。 店铺信息 牙齿美白沙龙专家 HAKU,Lab
+1 (949) 386-4113歯のホワイトニングサロン HAKU Lab OC
- 安全和保障 ! 驾驶课程可用日语授课 ! 交通学校容易获得 ! 用日语进行咨询 ...
日语驾驶课程让您安心 ! 访问我们的网站 关注我们的 Instagram 在 Yelp 上评论我们 在 Google 上评论我们 我们用日语课程从零开始教您如何在加州驾驶。
我们可以从头开... +1 (213) 200-6363Oxford Driving/Traffic School
- 交给 Yuka 医生用日语进行咨询 在 VCA 太平洋兽医中心,我们作为宠物的家...
体检、各种检查、住院治疗、手术、宠物宾馆以及回国手续支持。体检用日语进行,请放心。请随时与我们联系。 检疫 ◆ 健康检查 ◆ 疫苗接种 ◆ 血液检查 ◆ X 光检查 ◆ 腹部声波检查 ◆ 洗牙 ◆ 手术 ◆ 住院治疗 ◆ 只预防 ( 可开药方。 )
+1 (310) 791-5123VCA Pacific Veterinary Center
Dear Friends,
Every year at my Foster Youth Holiday Party, it seems like the presents and kids’ smiles get bigger and bigger! Last Saturday was a day of merriment and memories at Six Flags Magic Mountain ( in partnership with our Department of Children and Family Services ( and Fire Department ( . This party is the perfect way for these families to celebrate the holidays—with toys from the Spark of Love toy drive ( , delicious treats, pictures with Santa Claus, and thrilling roller coasters. For the adults, our favorite part is experiencing the magic of Christmas through the eyes of all the amazing kids. If you'd like to see the fun for yourself, check out this sweet video of the event ( . I'm wishing you and yours all the joy and thrills this holiday season has to offer!
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Chair of the Board
Supervisor, Fifth District
Meet Peanut, a charming and social four-year-old bulldog mix, and Alfie, an energetic and smart seven-year-old pug. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
25 Strays of Christmas Promotion
Celebrate the 25 Strays of Christmas with discounted adoption fees of $25 now through Dec. 25! Since the holidays are the season of giving, it's the perfect time to give a new pet a loving home.
Pick your perfect pet. (
This week, I met with the exceptional young ladies of the 2025 Rose Court ( , who are spending the time leading up to New Year's Day getting our communities excited for the Rose Parade ( . Each one of them is engaged in a host of academic, extracurricular, and volunteer activities that serve and strengthen our communities. Meet the Rose Court members in a short video below!
Watch the video. (
Over the last 100 years, the Los Angeles County Fire Department has grown into one of the most advanced and well-respected fire departments in the world. There are 4,000 courageous and committed men and women in our department who serve our communities every day. As we celebrate L.A. County Fire’s centennial, may we honor the dedication, determination, and innovation that has always defined our firefighters and look ahead with hope for what lies ahead.
Connect with County Fire. (
Altadena Town Council members are deeply engaged in their community and are tireless advocates for their fellow residents. It was a privilege to administer members’ oath of office on Tuesday and to celebrate all the incredible work the council has underway.
The festivities were hosted at the Rose Bowl in partnership with the Rose Bowl Legacy Foundation. While I was onsite, I learned about the Rose Bowl Lasting Legacy campaign. The initiative will include eight new projects that will revitalize the stadium for the evolving world of college football, live events, and the incoming 2028 Olympic Games where the stadium will host soccer.
Collaborate with the council. (
Read about the Rose Bowl's campaign. (
It was a festive and fun afternoon with Treasure Little Children for their party last weekend! Their annual toy giveaway always brings out the holiday spirit. It was especially fun to join the Rose Court to pass out raffle prizes.
Support their work. (
This week, through a motion I authored with Chair Pro Tem Solis, our Board declared a state of emergency ( for Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall. Staffing continues to be the biggest challenge for our Probation Department. The emergency proclamation will help us bring more trained and qualified staff to Los Padrinos and discipline those who are absconding their work responsibilities. We must address these systemic issues head on and deliver the resources and reforms necessary to achieve meaningful change.
See my statement. (
Read the motion. (
At this week's Board meeting, we voted to move forward with a significant transportation infrastructure improvement project for The Old Road in Santa Clarita. The project, valued at as much as $250 million, will enhance the safety, accessibility, and efficiency of this key transportation corridor, benefiting local communities, commuters, and emergency response services.
Get the details. (
Los Angeles County is slated to draw down $599 million from the state for homeless housing. Through the Homekey ( program, we'll be able to expand access to sustainable housing for those who need it most, including veterans and individuals with mental health challenges. This funding will help us serve the most vulnerable—those who have nowhere else to go and need support to stay housed.
Learn more. (
‘Tis the season for Enchanted at Descanso Gardens! You can enjoy and explore the magical forest of light now through Jan. 5. Plus, there are special days where tickets are reduced to as low as $10, so make sure to take advantage of those discounts.
Get tickets. (
Looking for a festive and fun way to spend Christmas Eve? Bring the whole family to see 28 amazing local artists perform live at the free 65th Annual L.A. County Holiday Celebration ( ! Watch the show in person at the iconic Music Center ( or tune in from home on PBS SoCal ( from 3 to 6 p.m. on Dec. 24!
Enjoy the festivities. (
Readers of all ages are invited to participate in L.A. County Library ( 's Winter Reading Club! Register and log your reading hours for the chance to win great prizes. The Library has a goal for participants to read a collective 1 million minutes. Take part to help them meet this ambitious goal!
Join the club. (
There are fantastic activities at your local park during the holiday season! Head to a Winter Wonderland ( or Holidays in the Park ( event to enjoy toy giveaways, hot cocoa and treats, crafts, music, games, photo ops, and snow (at select locations). Click the links below to find out when your local park will be hosting their festivities.
Explore a Winter Wonderland. (
Head to Holidays in the Park. (
Economic Opportunity Holiday Grants are available to assist businesses and nonprofits that are still struggling to recover from the financial impacts of the pandemic. The program is designed to support small businesses, microentrepreneurs, food industry businesses, and nonprofits with grants of either $3,000 or $5,000. Applications are open now through Tuesday, Dec. 31.
Apply here. (
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500 W. Temple St., Suite 869
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-5555
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(661) 726-3600
East San Gabriel Valley:
380 S. San Dimas Ave., Suite 202
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 394-2264
Santa Clarita Valley:
27441 Tourney Rd., Suite 120
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 287-3657
San Gabriel Valley:
215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
San Fernando Valley:
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Suite 108
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
(818) 993-5170
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA